Police shoot down gay website allegations

gay 1The police in Dominica are shooting down statistics published in a gay website which claims that a number of persons were handed down long prison sentences on the island for alleged same-sex activities.

On Tuesday Gaystarnews.com published an article entitled “Dominica Catholic leader likens gay sex to adultery but calls for it to be legal” on the ongoing gay debate presently raging in Dominica.

According to the article between “1995 and 2000, 35 people were arrested by local authorities and charged with buggery.”

“The courts sentenced all the offenders to fines and prison sentences up to 10 years,” the website alleged.

But police PRO, Inspector John Carbon said this is not the case. He said between 1995 and 2000 there were 35 reported cases of buggery but police records show no one was actually sent to prison.

Gaystarnews.com also reported that in 2001, “15 females were arrested for engaging in same-sex sexual acts, charged with the crime of gross indecency, and sentenced to five years imprisonment” and that same year “10 males were sentenced to five years imprisonment for engaging in gross indecency with people of the same sex.”

Inspector Carbon said there are no records in the police files to support these claims and hence they too are not true.

Buggery is an offence in Dominica. Some people have called to have it thrown out since it is not being enforced.

On Monday Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, said the the law will remain on the books since his government has no intention of having them repealed.

The issue of equal rights for homosexuals in Dominica was thrust into the spotlight recently when local group MiriDom called on the Catholic Church to make its position clear on anti-buggery laws on the island’s books.

Since then it has mushroomed into a debate involving religious beliefs, law and personal preferences.

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  1. June 21, 2013

    When people cross the line into the dark world of same sex relationships a process of deteriation begins within that eventually distorts their whole view of reality.

    Before the laws began to change older homosexuals found it necessary to live a life of deception just to appear straight and keep their place in society. A homosexual male away at college would take a lesbian home for the weekend and introduce her as his girlfriend. More than one homosexual played the role of an anti-gay crusader by day while visiting the clubs and baths in the evenings.

    Decades of living lives of deception to survive have made it easy for homosexuals to scheme and twist the facts for political expediency. Distortion and exaggeration are by-products of this lifestyle.

    An example of this has been seen in some of the gay pride parades. There have been cases where the parade organizers have reported two or three times the attendance than what actually turned out. Police who use a scientific method for evaluating the attendance at public gatherings have said their figures were away out.

    The parades themselves have betrayed the gay misunderstanding of human sexuality. One would have thought the purpose of a gay “pride” parade would have been to show us that homsexuality was on par with hetrosexuality; a normal healthy alternative. But anybody who has gone expecting to see examples of homosexuals who have contributed in the arts and sciences, education, and politics was disappointed to say the least. What they saw was float after float of men and women near naked or cross dressed, men with men and women with women sinulating deviate sex acts, a leather and whip show, and a man in fish net stockings with a whip in his hand, leading another man down the street on a leash!

    It should not be surprising that a gay website would publish un-truths about homosexuals being arrested, charged, convicted, and jailed. If the reports were true then so be it! The police were doing their job! But for them to publish a false report of this magnitude shows how desperate they are to muster sympathy and gain support.

    I invite you to visit mt website http://www.livinghopeministries.ca and click onto my ARTICLE “Things that Cannot be Shaken”.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  2. Anonymous
    June 8, 2013

    nothing wrong with being gay as long they don’t try and rape anyone its fine. being gay isn’t a choice Dominicans so how can they be condemned by something they cyah help!
    a lot of ignorant STUPID people on here I’m now ashamed to say now I have Dominican blood in me thank god I wAS born In the UK!! A more open minded country.

  3. jerseynican
    May 29, 2013

    I don’t have a problem with anybody’s sexual preference, adultery is a bigger sin than homosexuality, and Dominica have alot of undercover male homosexuals, man even going behind anomals and 2 man alk u woried about, bah zour lheure.

    • Clueless
      May 30, 2013

      Sin is Sin, just like Adultery wrong so is Homosexuality. Your reason or reasoning on the matter is so wrong.

  4. American
    May 29, 2013

    “It’s almost as if the Bible we’re written by racist, homophobic violent, sexually frustrated men, instead of a loving god. Weird.” -Ricky Gervais

  5. May 29, 2013

    Hello. Mr Carbon acknowledged that there were thirty five(35)cases but he said that no one was sent to prison. Well the Police make arrests but they don’t prosecute case rather the prosecutors office does. The final disposition of th cases are with the courts therefore they should release the final court dispositions .

  6. Frank Talker
    May 29, 2013

    I do not understand why the gays need the laws to change. They are already gays and very likely participating in buggery. What will a change of law do for them? Will the price of buggery go down? Will the gays perform their act in public? I don’t think so. Male-female sex is legal in Dominica and I do not see males and females having sex in public, so I am at a loss as to the benefits to be had if buggery laws are repealed. Carnal knowledge of women under 16 years is a criminal offence in Dominica but we all know that the act is taking place. I do not hear a mass public cry for repealing the law dealing with under-age sex! If someone is gay and having same-sex in the privacy of his house, why does he want the law changed? He is already breaking the law and enjoying himself. So if the law is repealed, he will have more sex with men?
    Like the Prime Minister, I fail to see any sense in the request of the gay rights advocates.

    • Be Fair!!!!!!!!
      May 29, 2013

      I should not be a “law” to be begin with dotish, that is the point in why THEY want it repealed!!!!!

  7. shy
    May 29, 2013

    Soon straight people will be looking behind them when walking

    • lol
      May 29, 2013

      lol :-D

  8. bias dcans
    May 29, 2013

    All the Dcan women commenting why all don t stand up to all y cheating husbands that out with young girls in all bar around town….Leave the gay folks alone……all you husbands “breeding” with other women…thats what all you should be condeming

    • May 29, 2013

      I don’t understand. What do you mean “leave the gay folks alone” when they are the ones who INITIATED this outcry? They are the ones who are ATTACKING. Why don’t you tell them to just live their lives as they CHOOSE and stop attacking the church for attention? What exactly are they seeking that cause them to form cells / groups and movements to stir up trouble? So if you open a can of worms don’t you expect the worms to wiggle their way out? You guys are something else! Tell them to do what they want but don’t try to have people accept and legalize their behavior.

  9. jerseydomincian
    May 29, 2013

    adultry is a big sin too but half has commited that sin more than ones in their live time having sex with a other man’s wife is a sin too. been gay is also a sin too

  10. God's Army
    May 29, 2013

    Joel Osteen Ministries “Dominica” Stand strong. You (we) can be the one to stand against the forces of darkness and break those strongholds in your family (our country)

  11. Freethinker
    May 29, 2013

    An anonymous poster below wrote this: “The gay agenda and propagandists are so powerful. The gay populace is dominated by the educated and wealthy, so they can prey on the lesser educated and poor. Dominicans beware, do not gain the whole world and lose your soul.”

    I find this very revealing. Dominicans, the poster suggests, are uneducated and dumb. Those who support gay rights are educated and smart. The poster, however, takes pride in being uneducated and dumb.

    I must be dumb, too, because it seems like this poster is REALLY admitting that all the anti-gay people in d/a are uneducated and that to support gay rights is a sign of higher learning. Or is learning things a bad thing now?

  12. Jimi Hendrix
    May 29, 2013

    So what is the point of having a law on the books that the government has no intention of enforcing?

    Are they keeping there so that they can use it to prosecute a gsy person they do not like?

    Laws are there to be respected, but it can only get respect if it is enforced. I really do not understand what they are trying to achieve with having that law on the books. If the government wants to keep the act illegal, then throw all the gay people in jail. But of course we all know they will never do that because of the backlash, but the government is pandering to people who have their anti-gay agenda. Pure hypocrisy disingenuity.

    If you want to keep the act on the books, enforce the damn law, otherwise repeal it.

  13. Big- bannan
    May 29, 2013

    Dno all I want to know is what type of weapon was used to shoot them down.

  14. Jus Saying
    May 29, 2013

    This is a planned attack on my society, religious beliefs, our country, our legal system and our people by the international gay community…We should try and tackle this head on…Father i pray and ask you to protect our country from this onslaught, because they will use all their money and tactics to try and bring us to our knees but let us look to the Lord for guidance and strength to protect our life.

    Let us stand on truth and holiness let us unite and fight this evil!

  15. May 29, 2013

    we are not talking about sin but distruction to our children and grand children. to all thos who want this wickednes on our country do u have children? what if ur son told u that mum da am gay how would u feel about that this people are forcing this wicked act on goverment . to accept but i know that if dominica refuse that ack this country will not be forgoten by god .man and woman eve and adam not adam and steve

    • Be Fair!!!!!!!!
      May 29, 2013

      God already watching us with a weary eye, stop acting like we so holy and pleasing to God. All the obeah and other sins taking place in large maounts have already made us a disgrace!!!! All sin is sin, and the bible calls many others sins abominations as well so don’t respond with your nonsense about being “unnatural” and an “abomination”, that has already been established, and I thank you!!!

  16. smite
    May 29, 2013

    so truth after all what u list out there u find we do not have enough of wrong doings in our country to try to conserve what little good we remain? u still want them to add buggery to the list. wicked u wicked

  17. WALKY
    May 29, 2013

    Weh all dem Gay ting in Dominica come from all of a sudden,MAN TO WOMAN, thats the only choice

  18. Eagle eye
    May 29, 2013

    If you not red best you are gay in Dominica .

  19. May 29, 2013

    Hey everyone deserves equal rights. Some people are born that way. Some tall some short some straight some gay. Some smart some not so smart.some are inclined top incests and bestiality some are not.

    Some get angry faster than others and end up killing, cutting stabbing others; not their fault. it is in there genetic make up. Some smoke weed some don’t, some are smooth talkers and thus become con-artist whilst others work hard.

    Some speak well so they can negotiate with a partner or partners for sex; others can’t so they rape.

    Why are we hating on all these people. It is not their fault, it is their genetic make-up and influenced by their environment. Throw all the laws away and lets do as we please as it is our human rights to drink, sex who or what we want, smoke what we want where we want to, kill, if where and whom we want etc.

    Please throw all the laws out and lets be freeeeeeeeee. LOL.

    • May 8, 2014

      Freeee like animals in the jungle :!:

      Free to get and spread AIDS.

      Free to be depressed and in therapy if you have the money.

      Free to have a higher alcoholism rating.

      Free to have more suicides.

      Free to have a shorter life span.

      Free at last to die a lonely death if you are fortunate enough to live that that long because older men look for younger partners and young men don’t want the old men. “Nobody loves you when you are old and gay.”

      Nobody is condemning them for this. But please don’t make it sound as if repealing the anti-gay laws would make homosexuality more acceptable by giving them a wonderful new freedom. We are hoping the laws will keep people out of the lifestyle, and encourage those in it to leave.

      The laws also give the police tools to work with in their effort to maintain order in society. Homosexuals are more inclined to manifest disorderly and exaggerated expressions of sexuality. Like the time a “gay cruise ship” came to shore in Dominica. Two men came on deck and gave a mixed audience of men, women, and children on the shore a free sex show by buggering each other openly in broad daylight. When they were arrested they screamed “homophobia” and “discrimination” all the way back to their star spangled homeland.

      The fact is two heterosexuals doing this would also have been arrested. But the chances of heterosexuals doing it is very slim. Homosexuals obviously are more inclined to flaunt their sexuality with no sense of shame. Even married heterosexual couples have enough sense to know that their sexual relationship is a private matter, not something to be put on display.

      In Toronto there is has been a problem with men appearing naked in the gay parade. They simply will not accept the fact that the laws against public nudity apply to them. The police and city council are trying to cope with this without “discriminating” since straight people aren’t allowed to do it, and without appearing “homophobic”. (God forbid!)

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill,. International Evangelist.

  20. Anonymous
    May 29, 2013

    You were going about your life, doing your business and nobody bothered you, we bought your flowers, contributed to you plays and we were nice to you. Now you starting an all out war on us for no reason, claiming descrimination but you are the one discriminating against us. I hope you can take what you will get because it will not pass like that. Be warned that some of us will not take this lying down.

    • jr
      May 29, 2013

      go to hell

  21. NRT
    May 29, 2013

    Sorry guys, we see right through this story 8)

    • Joe
      May 29, 2013

      I know,…smells like gay aganda. smh

  22. saddened
    May 29, 2013

    I’m really tired of people using the bible as fortification for their anti-gay proposals. If you want to use the bible to condemn homosexuality, why not condemn yourselves for the sins that you do commit. Being gay has no negative repercussions. Why don’t we instead go after the criminals, those who abuse women and children, those who steal, lie, smuggle illegal goods, and protect our national security by stop giving out our passports. its time to grow up. Like it or not, gay people will always be. And to those who stated that legalizing homosexuality will damn the country, it’s sad to say but the country is already damned because of the mentality of it’s people. You’ve restricted the gay cruise ships from coming to dominica, and lost a source of revenue.

    • Be Fair!!!!!!!!
      May 29, 2013

      THANK YOU!! a bunch of damn hypocrites, quoting Bible like is scholar that dere when it comes to that topic especially CHOOPS!!!!!!!

  23. Anonymous
    May 29, 2013

    First of all is buggery even a word? Secondly why are you people so concerned about other peoples lifestyle? As long as the lifestyle does not reflect on you I say let people leave their life the way that they choose..Everyone of us have to one day stand before God and give an account for everything that we do therefore before we go casting stone at people for living the path chosen we should rather remove the spec from our own eyes ,Im reminded of the story of a woman caught in an act of adultery and her accusers brought her before Jesus, and the moment that he Jesus began writing in the sand they her accusers began dispersing .Im of the belief that what Jesus was writing in the sand was the sins of each and every accuser.Sin is sin no matter who commits it ,where it was done or what act was committed. I believe that the nation has been too focused on homosexuals and have forgotten more important issues.Reality is we are living in an ever changing world so no matter how much we kick against the rock, same sex marriage and commitments are on the rise.Lets stop trying to rid the nation of the homos and if we think its wrong, first clean up our acts and become more Christ like.Christianity is not based upon how well we quote the bible ,how often we attend church services, how loud or the length of our prayers.Im also reminded of one of the most powerful quotes..THE HANDS THAT SERVE ARE HOLIER THAN THE LIPS THAT PRAY……..if we desire for people to change we must first desire to change.

    • Be Fair!!!!!!!!
      May 29, 2013


    • June 20, 2013

      It is the gays that open their lifestyle to the public. They have been living their lives comfortabbly for a very long time and no one bothered them. All sinners are committing their sin in secret and silence without boasting about it. Why would some of us sinners want the world to know everything we are doing and to whom and with whom we are doing it? Our world has really changed a lot. There might come a time when we will protest to do everything in public. Already, we have started to walk on the streets half-naked. What next?

  24. Justice and Truth
    May 29, 2013

    Dominica is a predominantly Christian country. Let it remain as that. Please do not bring down the wrath of God and anymore on Dominica. There are enough crimes/murders in DA which displease our God.
    These people are fighting a losing battle in Dominica. The majority of Dominicans are opposed to their practice and recognition. Woe to any government that legislates and condones this abomination.
    They are fully aware as adults they can do what they feel like in the confines of their home. No one will interfere with them in that area. However, bringing their buggery acts into the public, practicing it in public for all to see is a downright national crime.
    Homosexuals, do you not have common sense? It does appear that you have no morals. How would you like to see heterosexuals couples conducting themselves in an improper manner in public, having sex in public for all to see? Do you not know that they will be arrested, charged, fined or imprisoned? Likewise yourselves if you conduct yourselves in an indecent manner.

    • Be Fair!!!!!!!!
      May 29, 2013

      Who say they going to do it in public?? some people really don’t have brain it seems So they going to do it public for them to get a beating or get cursed out, i mean use your SKIN brain nuh please!!!!! u_u SMDH

  25. Disturbed
    May 28, 2013

    Dominicans need to stop supporting gay men businesses if that’s the way they want to do business. Stop buying their plants because they use our money to part fund their campaigns.

  26. Rama
    May 28, 2013

    See what FET has to say. He has an “opinion” on everything, be it science, philosophy, religion, medicine, law, international relations, etc. The only subject he is clueless about is his own grossly inflated EGO.

    • May 29, 2013

      Well that means I am a bad man eh!


      If you look carefully you will see what I said, by the way it is not my fault that I am better informed academically, and scientifically than some people.

      The institutions are all there, ready and willing to educate all those who crave an academic education; I paid for mine, I worked more than sixty hours per week, and still had time to go to school and educate myself.

      I started in England, and finished in the United States. Unlike some Dominicans I saw the opportunity and embraced it, I did not indulged in drugs, and other waste of time events, which land most of our people in jail in England, Canada, and the United.

      I had better things to do with my time.

      You would be surprise if you only knew what an college, and university education can do to the mind of an individual.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Anonymous
        May 30, 2013

        :mrgreen: YEs FET you must not forget to say thank you to Wikipedia, google and cut and paste

  27. ben 10
    May 28, 2013

    although I believe in diversity… but I say no to this out raging gay nonsense.. imagine a man calling another man who is not gay pssssst on the road because he like to see him.. I can only say an increase in crime.. this guys do there thing in hiding and should continue do so… because I can say that a lot of straight people will take the law in there hands including me… if that is the stage it reaches it means we are a lawless state.. tell miridom and him/her/he/she or should I say shim to take there money and make a floating island where they could stay in international waters and do there enjoyment.lol.lol.lol.lol

    • Be Fair!!!!!!!!
      May 29, 2013

      premeditated ntent to commit bodily harm perhaps?? No gay man not going to all a straight man pssst on the road imbecile, is sot he sot? and even if he did you will kill somebody over that? But we will stay “christian nation” though… my FOOT!!!

  28. block 44
    May 28, 2013

    we as dominicans will stand together against what ever presure you all want to impose on us.i personaly say, to hell with the gay tourist dollar we will survive.please bugger in private.

  29. Cza
    May 28, 2013

    Legalize it and c how much of them tha gonna end up hospital from disease or violence towards them from people who don’t accept that

  30. Cza
    May 28, 2013

    But when them gays want “nasty” legalize they goin an do tha infront children making them think that’s ok to do? Stupes

  31. May 28, 2013

    As the head of the Land PM Skerrit stood for what is right concerning this case. Biblically, when a head of state, more appropriately the King does not destroy what is abominable in the land, God’s wrath comes upon the land, not just the King because as a representative of the land, his decisions are made on the behalf of all. For this, God will not allow the wicked to destroy Dominica. Dominica’s help does not come from rainbow dollars, her sustenance is of God.

    Every living soul and every nation depends on God for everything- including life. So why should Dominica look for favor from any other than God? You really think these people rule the world? Give me a break! THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST DOMINICA. He will send his arrows like lightening to scatter her enemies. Extraordinary favor shall be on Dominica. David was a little boy who destroyed a giant because God was with Him.Dominica may be small, but with God on her side she is bigger than the rest of the world.


    • /////////////////
      May 29, 2013

      I join you and say Amen!

  32. May 28, 2013

    Biblically, it all began in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned. There onwards, we were cursed and engaged into all kinds of sinful acts to include buggery and lesbianism. Nonetheless, there is hope, and there is a solution. What is solution? REPENT AND SEEK HELP AND RETURN TO NORMAL male / man and female/ woman, relationship, and enjoy sweet love and sex

    • Anonymous
      May 29, 2013

      sweet love and sex outside of marriage is one of those sins. that is pretty rampant in dominica but nobody complaining about that. This country is full of hypocrites. And no I’m not gay I just can’t stand hypocrites.

    • Freethinker
      May 29, 2013

      It’s embarrassing that you believe in a woman being deceived by a talking snake in the 21st century in a mythical garden where lions and dinosaurs eat grass.

  33. ReeAreLeeTea
    May 28, 2013

    Ok. Let me put it as simply as this. If that law is changed or removed from the system, then no one should be asked to swear upon the bible in court again. There should be no prayers in schools, at national public events or on the national radio station. For it says in the Bible that sin in not ordinary, but it is an abomination onto God.
    If we are to remove God from our laws then we may as well remove Him from our lives. Then we will see what ruin Dominica will be.

    • Bod
      May 28, 2013

      I agree. Let’s remove God from our lives completely.

    • Freethinker
      May 29, 2013

      Yes, if we are truly secular, we should indeed remove all prayers from schools.

      Dominica would be a much more advanced country then. No religion should have privilege in government or laws. Freedom of religion and freedom not to believe are key to modern democracies.

      • /////////////////
        May 29, 2013

        Freethinker you are really a free thinker and I mean too free a thinker.

        Did you create the Earth and the Universe? Don’t you think that there is someone bigger and better than you who created the Heavens and Earth.

        I pray for deliverance for you threethinker so you can think objectively.