Two new persons were sworn in by President Charles Savarin at 11:00 am on April 23rd 2015 at the State House to form part of the new Electoral Commission for Dominica.
They are Hillary Shillingford and former police officer Wayne James. They were sworn in on advice of the Leader of the Opposition, Lennox Linton.
Shillingford and James replace Mariette Warrington and attorney at law, Anthony Commodore, who sat as United Workers Party (UWP) nominated Commissioners.
Three other members, who sat on the Commission before, were also sworn in. They are Alick Lawrence SC, Kondwani Williams, and Gerald Burton nominated by Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit. Burton was selected chairman of the Commission by the President of Dominica.
Speaking to the press moments after being sworn in, Williams expressed confidence at continuing the work that the Commission had already started.
“It is a situation where we have always been working and we will continue to work and do what is necessary. There’s a lot of work to do and we look forward to doing what is necessary for the benefit of the country,” he said.
He said the implementation of the MPIC (Multi Purpose identification card), which is now in its final stages, will occupy lots of attention from the Commission and also the need for electoral reform for general and local council elections.

Chairman Burton said the responsibility is a serious one.
“This is a growing democracy and the electoral process is an important and major aspect of the electoral process,” he said. “There are challenges and issues that we will face but I have every confidence that given the significant progress that we have made over the years, and I have every confidence that we will continue to work on those objectives and the new commission will commit itself to the work that is to be done.”
Top on the agenda, he said, is the completion of the MPIC which was started a few years ago.
That process he said will “help the Commission to define the electoral list”.
He also welcome the new Commissioners and said he looks forward to working with them.
New Commissioner James said, “This is the people’s business and at the end of our term we want to ensure that the people are happy.”
Shillingford said his oath is “to uphold the Constitution of Dominica” and the “country’s business must be put forward.”
“We should have no agenda as I take up the mantle…I believe we should be first be dealing with the cleaning of the voters list,” he said. “No hiccups, since it does not cost the State, we are all happy and we don’t want the next election to come around and hear all sorts of things…we need to leave a legacy.
He and James warned that they will not be anyone’s “foot stool.”
Why not Bernard Wilshire and Dr. Clayton Shillingford?!
Mr Hilary Shillingford??The best choice there will ever be. I know and I trust that there will only be positive changes.
Only persons who would oppose to this statement are those who are in Skerrit’s pocket, those who are confused and last but not least the jealous ones.
Just keep your head up Mr Shillingford for there is a God above. I stand only for fairness.
The same three musketeers again Dominica is not ready for Democratic rule Skerrit is aligning with Meduro . He sees Cuba is trying to loosen up he is keeping it tight and Dominicans are the most ignorant people even Ha itians are smarter. When their Gov. do something wrong they stand No other island in theLeeward or Windward behaves like us, I strongly believe some one has put a Spell over Dominicans . I am afar and just praying for my country
I know these two guys will rock and overturn the table. It is time to start rocking that boat, and wherever it start’s, it does not matter. I wish I was in there too, because I know I would bore a hole in de bottom of dat boat.
Well, well. It is a sad day in DA when we kept doing the same thing again and again. We keep putting “the boys” in position even though there are serious questions about them including their competency. This is politics in DA. The mentality is if the Govt. can do it we can do it to yet we are crying for change and shouting corruption. Are we any way different? No wonder why politicians cannot be trusted and the UWP has suffered yet another lost. The people are given a choice between two evils and so they will choose less evil. The only way Dominicans will choose UWP is if they become the light in the dark but they aren’t at the moment. Their actions are clear.
You still have the main culprits who are serving their self interest and that of their master being re-elected to serve on the commission. They are there for one purpose and that is to obstruct the process of implementing election reform in Dominica. Why can’t this country seek to do what’s right? Mr Shillingford and James are already in the minority so as much as they would like to force change, their efforts will be in vain because the corrupted political machinary is well oiled and in action. Is time the Dominican people force the agenda and get these corrupt men out of the equation and allow the country the opportunity to breathe the democracy it truly deserves. With the other three men on the commission there will certainly be no change to the status quo. God forbid. What a damn disgrace.
Yes blogg that is true so they should make sufficient noise to be heard above the corruption.
According to the saying, Mr. Shillingford must now put his money where his mouth is. He has been very vocal on Q, as regards the operation of the Electoral Office. In fact, he has been seen at a demonstration for electoral reform. Dominicans will be watching him very closely. Great choice Hon Linton and UWP. The concentration must now move to the IPO, I wish to recommend Mr. Ossie Lewis.
Congratulations Guys. please work in the best interest of Dominica for Dominicans
Are these tow commissioners the most competent that could be put forward? Just asking..
yes, yeas they are.
These “two” not these “tow” were appointed by the UWP boss
Yes. Time to do the people’s work, Mr Shillingford and Mr James. I have great expectations. No nonsense!. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
they sing enough for their supper. my tongue is mine! v
Hope you have never & will never sing for your.
MPIC tour jour? magawsa how long the process will take nuh Burton? 2021 or 2022? when the next election would have come and gone and nothing would have changed!! I mean them guys not serious instead of given the electorate a definite date for electoral reform including MPIC you still there in hope.
A serious responsibility that Burton not taking seriously. Either way with the prime minister electing the majority of persons, nothing will get done unless he wants it done since we already know that thy bowing to his wishes….
Every one should be changed on the electoral commission board
The minute I read Alick Lawrence and Gerald Burton,I stopped reading……NOTHING will change!!
Gerald Burton …………( DNO – stop blocking my posts ) . He WAS an old friend and I know him personally and what a change – I will say this – ” What good does it do a man to gain the world and lose his soul?”
So he take out lawyers who knows the law and put in who? Let me do like he would do, we don’t want them they can’t be fair they are known to not be balanced in how they do and say things.
What progress made? People like you all that have the country going to hell in a hand basket, I am speaking about those idiots nominated by skerro. Time will tell trust me on that.
Really, and what about those nominated by Mr. Linton? We must take out our political caps and bias and call a spade a spade. Those nominated in this article as just or even worst.