Venezuela – An example of diplomacy of peace and integration

Venezuelan President Maduro (left) visited Dominica last week. Photo: Office of the Prime Minister
Venezuelan President Maduro (left) visited Dominica last week. Photo: Office of the Prime Minister

Embassy of Venezuelan – As part of the Bolivarian diplomacy of peace undertaken by the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela, the Bolivarian government has envisaged cooperation and solidarity actions in the Caribbean region by means of integration mechanisms, such as Petrocaribe, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (Alba) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), for the purposes of regional development and the well-being of the peoples.

In this regard, the Bolivarian Government seeks to implement cooperation policies in various fields, such as health, education, culture, economy, finance, trade, energy, among others, with a view to establish a globally significant economic zone in the Caribbean.

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, is strengthening relations with the insular states of the Caribbean through agreements defining the actions of Petrocaribe on housing construction projects, trade, and economic and energy development in Dominica and St. Kitts and Nevis, for instance.

Ever since its creation in 2005 by the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, Petrocaribe has become a key factor to reduce the inequality gap in the region, and promote the economic development of its member States. For these purposes, cooperation, mainly in the field of hydrocarbons, trade and interregional development has been essential to provide higher standards of living and promote social programs.

«Today, ten years later, we can say that Petrocaribe is the cornerstone of the economic, financial, and energy stability in our Caribbean region. Ten years ago, we were told this was not possible. Today, we not only say it is possible, but also that it is our path, the path of solidarity, of shared work, of complementarity (…) The governments of the region must keep on strengthening the economy, the trade within our region, so as to strengthen the production chains of the Caribbean, to strengthen the education of our peoples, to foster healthcare systems that truly care for the people, and develop a great cultural integration. »

Such statement was issued by the Venezuelan President during his visit to St. Kitts and Nevis where Petrocaribe is expected to implement the Miracle Mission, an eye care social program. Over five million people have benefited from this social Cuban-Venezuelan Mission since its inception with cost-free ophthalmologic surgeries in Venezuela, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Guyana, Grenada, Nicaragua, among others.

Verbena Jack, a patient from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, showed enthusiasm for the opportunity offered by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and saved no words to express her happiness for the experience and the chance to improve her sight.

Gratefully, Dwayne Samuel, from Antigua and Barbuda, was very pleased for everything the program has done for him. He also thanked the wonderful treatment and encouraged the Mission to continue with such a great work that will be remembered forever.

Brotherly support and solidarity

With 27 casualties, 30 people missing and burdensome material losses, hurricane Erika left a sad wake of devastation in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

President Nicolas Maduro, on behalf of the people and government of Venezuela has immediately showed his sympathy and support: “Brotherhood and friendship are tested especially in time of difficulties. I tell the Prime Minister of Dominica and the People of Dominica: Count on the support of the Venezuelan people, on the peoples of the Alba, and the governments of Petrocaribe member states.”

He further said that in Venezuela “we believe in another way of doing politics. We believe in a human way where solidarity stands in the core of diplomacy, because we believe in a diplomacy based on solidarity, integration and union of the peoples.”

The Bolivarian Government continues with its humanitarian work, its solidarity and unity in the Caribbean, as a part of the government’s agenda, inspired in the principles of Simón Bolívar, the Liberator, who laid the foundations for the construction of a new era of peace and integration in the region. Such work was upheld by Hugo Chavez as a political principle, and continues to be upheld by Nicolas Maduro.

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  1. Me
    September 29, 2015

    Excellency Sanchez, as a black brother you stoop to write this tripe about Caballero Maduro. Maybe you value your pension but shame on you all the same.

  2. 4-cars
    September 28, 2015

    “Well Mad, take a good look at Miami. They are all well trained men and women.” No need for you to fear.

  3. 4-cars
    September 28, 2015

    A country whose hands are forever outstretched to receive from “whoever,” will never, I say NEVER be able to stand on its own two feet. And that’s why dictators last a lifetime.

  4. 4-cars
    September 28, 2015

    Mad, I know how you hate America with a passion – Did you know that your Bro. Skeritt sent him wife to bear him baby in America? The United States of America? Breno senior :twisted:

  5. Thorbjørn Jagland
    September 28, 2015

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    His regional warmongering may be a ploy by a desperate politician, but the successor to Hugo Chavez has grown so erratic some are calling him “the South American Hitler.”

  6. Free Dominica
    September 28, 2015

    Hell we can get soon if we still have that kind friendship. Dominican open your eyes about who is Maduro!!!! He’s not our friend!!!! he’s a devil and all his team from the Venezuela’s government, specially Diosdado Cabello :twisted:

  7. Eon
    September 28, 2015

    Haha he’s really funny

  8. Dominique
    September 28, 2015

    Your headline is misleading!

  9. Francisco Telemaque
    September 28, 2015

    “Embassy of Venezuelan – As part of the Bolivarian diplomacy of peace undertaken by the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela,”

    I would only hope that the peace you all are professing, will urge you to tell Maduro that it is wrong to deploy Venezuelan tropes into Guyana’s territory , stealing Guyana’s, territory the same as they have annex Bird island which belongs to Dominica!

    This might be the final circus show played out in public by the crapo dictators prior to their ship sinking one behind the other; the bow of the Mountain Chicken Crapo Mentality Skerrit is already under the water, and since the gorilar Maduro is struggling to save his ship: (he doh can help de Dominica Crapo eh).


    It is a communist circus!

  10. dominica new york
    September 28, 2015

    one day some of u all will stop bitching all u mouth

    • Cpt Joe Sparrow
      September 28, 2015

      you better stop bitching yours from NY , hope your big apple a in’t got worms

  11. Passing cloud
    September 28, 2015

    Check this out on the NY post because they show the briefcase loaded with money here:

    Check this out: “According to ABC News, Agents from FBI surveilled Mr. Seng on several of his most recent trips and found that “at no point” was he seen “looking at paintings available for purchase, purchasing paintings, or gambling,” even if Mr.Seng claimed that he brought the money in the United States for “real estate, art or for gambling.”

    Another interesting quote: “The complaint states that Seng brought a suitcase full of $400,000 in cash to the United States on June 13 and later on the same day brought the suitcase to a meeting with “Business Associate-1″ in Queens, New York”

    I wonder if any Dominicans attended the above meeting? Just asking ok

    Special Good Morning to…

    • Francisco Telemaque
      September 28, 2015

      When someone enters the United States, they have to declare in writing to the immigration, and customs what the are bringing into the country, money and all else; if you have a portrait, one have to declare the value okay.

      If that man brought four hundred thousand dollars or five million dollars into the country without declaring it, that constitutes smuggling, and money laundering!

  12. Titiwi
    September 28, 2015

    Pass me the paper bag please, flight attendant. I’m going to vomit.

  13. Passing cloud
    September 28, 2015

    Billionaire Macau developer Ng Lap Seng denied U.S. bail-

    Stephanie Lai | 23/09/2015 | in Society

    DNO, can we talk about a good friend of Dominica, Mr. NG Lap Seng? We will talk about Venezuela later but now is time to “Weep our friends that are weeping.”

    “Prominent Macau real estate developer Ng Lap Seng was ordered to be held without bail by a federal judge in New York following his arrest in the U.S. on charges of bringing US$4.5 million into the country and lying about its purpose to authorities.”

    Very Troubling quote:
    “Prosecutors also have evidence that Ng wired at least US$19 million to U.S. bank accounts and individuals. Ng and Yin were en route to leave the U.S. from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey on a private plane when they were arrested”

    I wonder if PM Skerrit knows this gentleman? I am simply asking ok

  14. grell
    September 28, 2015

    Communism come with a great price,freedom is lost.

  15. Pharoah
    September 28, 2015

    By reading the headline of this article I had to comment. I only ready the headline which is totally, “WRONG”. How can Venezuela be an example of peace, diplomacy and integrity when currently as I am writing this comment the president of Venezuela has well-armed military troops on Guyana’s soil ready to put up a fight which can lead to war for Guyana’s oil. This oil rightfully belongs to the people of Guyana. Venezuela claim it is a military exercise but why chose to do such an exercise on another country’s territory, you call that peaceful? So you tell me where is the peace, diplomacy and integrity in all this? People should learn to choose their words carefully.

  16. Shaka zulu
    September 28, 2015

    please!!!!!!; ten years since it has been set up how many tonnes of food and produce have we shipped to Venezuela. Where is the trade. Socialism is a failure. Can’t you people see it. It is another form of control like the imperialism days. Instead of one family controlling the Masses it is the political elite’s doing it. What we need is sustainable jobs, markets for our produce, increase tourism to fill in our hotels. Where are the tourist from Venezuela and china? Social programs have to be funded. This Robin Hood philosophy does not work. When last did Venezuela had a trade expo and invited Dominican manufacturing and business sector? Cuba, China, Russia all moving in a market driven economy. People need work so they have money to spend. That’s the fuel that runs the economy and eliviate poverty. It’s called opportunity.
    Anyway thanks for your good deeds. But I refused to be labeled as a beggar nor a dependent.

    • Pharoah
      September 28, 2015

      Well written whom ever you are.

  17. negremaron
    September 28, 2015

    Great cooperation between our two countries since independence in 1978.

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