To expedite the completion of construction works at the Dominica Grammar School (DGS) site, the Ministry of Education has announced that students of Goodwill Secondary School (GSS) will be relocated to Newtown Primary School for the new school term starting in January 2025. The DGS has been housing both sets of students since the GSS campus is under complete overhaul.
Acting Chief Education Officer Dr. Jeffrey Blaize explained that having the two groups of students—DGS in the morning and GSS in the afternoon—has impacted the construction timeline. “We recognize that having the two groups of students, both the DGS students in the morning and the Goodwill Secondary School students in the afternoon has impacted the completion of the works in terms of the timeline,” Dr. Blaize said.
He noted that the presence of students at the site throughout the day leaves contractors with limited time to work. “This message is very short-term warning because we have been assured that the works will be completed in a very short timeline and in order to ensure that the contractors have access to the site during the daytime for works we decided to relocate the [GSS] students,” Dr. Blaize stated.
Dr. Blaize added, “As we speak this is where we are with Newtown and Goodwill.” The Ministry of Education is continuing its sensitization process with stakeholders, addressing any questions and challenges to facilitate an easeful move. The project began early to allow more planning time during the holidays, ensuring that GSS students will smoothly transition to Newtown Primary in January.
Meetings have been held with the parents and staff of GSS to discuss the relocation plans. “We explained our plans to them, they asked questions, we gave feedback and they had some suggestions, both the staff and the parents for improvement of the plan which we took into consideration,” Dr. Blaize explained. “And we subsequently had a meeting with the Newtown Primary staff and the Newtown Primary parents on the move.”
The Ministry of Education emphasizes the importance of stakeholder collaboration. “We don’t take things for granted. We ensure that we meet our stakeholders and discuss with them whatever plans the ministry may have,” Dr. Blaize indicated. “That’s why I always say we have a responsibility to ensure we give parents options, but we also plan as part of the process. It is not in keeping with our mandate to not plan.”
Transportation for GSS students will be provided by the Ministry of Education to and from the site, ensuring that students do not have to worry about transportation. “They will be operating in the afternoon, so the intention is that Newtown [Primary] will operate from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM and then from 1:00 PM to 4:45 PM the Goodwill Secondary students will be using that facility.”
Additionally, arrangements have been made for some of the technical areas that students are going to embark upon as part of their school programs. The Ministry of Education is committed to ensuring a seamless transition of GSS students to their new home at Newtown Primary, while aiding completion of the ongoing works at the DGS site, emphasized Blaize.
The Government of Dominica, in partnership with the People’s Republic of China, broke ground on September 6, 2023, for the construction of the new Goodwill Secondary School.
a last. theses students are indeed resilient. I feel for them.
well well, we like it so. “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”
this has always been what this people is about.
any project they try to take up is a shamble.
its no point saying more because, we all know that there’s no checks and balances with those so called in charge.
I think that there was a serious lapse in project management at the Grammar School site. Look at how far de Chinese are on the Goodwill School project.
By de way is a foreigner that have de Grammar School job eh.
will there be any penalties on de contractor…….or will de smooth talker slide?
some people on de outside actually know more than regular people would think.
these foreign contractors get sweet deals from de government for materials and equipment and we in de public are convinced that something sinister goes on behind our back under de table.
now our children have to pay de price………..and they will remind us in due time.
I don’t think that you nor de PS himself have any influence over what is going on.
you have to clean up de mess
so wat about the dgs, my child is not going to any other destination , best all u leave the class online till it finish
That’s what you get when you embark on development without planning! All Labour party development projects twenty-five years late and in shambles, just like the whole of Dominica right now!