Grand Fond man fined $10,000.00 for possession of firearm and ammunition

A Grand Fond charged in connection with two firearm-related offenses has been slapped with a $10,000.00 fine by Magistrate Gloria Augustus. Sean Boston along with three Calibishie men namely Keyman Cochrane, Joseph Bethelmie, and Romelo Rodney appeared before the Court on charges of possession of a 9mm Taurus pistol and possession of five live rounds of 9mm ammunition. Boston pleaded guilty to the charge whilst his codefendants entered a not guilty plea.

According to the facts of the case presented to the Court by Police Prosecutor, Sergeant Perdrina Dupigny, on November 17, 2023, at about 2:30 p.m., Woman Police Constable (WPC) Joseph K along with other members of the Drug Squad Unit and the anti-task force were on mobile patrol duty in Woodford Hill when they spotted a grey and red Honda HRV driving in the opposite direction.

The investigator noticed that the said vehicle had no front registration plate and as a result, signaled the driver of the Honda HRV to bring the vehicle to stop which he complied. WPC Joseph approached the vehicle and when questioned about the lack of a front registration plate, Boston who was driving the vehicle replied, “a mechanic I be. I vehicle I working on I have there, I just take it for a test drive.”

A search of his person was conducted by another officer but nothing liable for seizure was found. However, during a search of the motor vehicle, WPC Joseph noticed one white and black bag underneath the front passenger seat. She opened the bag in Boston’s presence and one Taurus 9mm pistol was found which contained a magazine with five live rounds of ammunition.

When questioned about the discovery, Boston responded, “Officer I claim it, it is mine.” He further admitted to not being the holder of a valid firearm license. He was arrested on suspicion of possession of firearm and ammunition without being the holder of a valid firearm license and transported to the Police Headquarters along with the vehicle.

There, a thorough search was conducted of the vehicle but nothing further liable for seizure was found.

At the conclusion of the investigation, the two charges were preferred against Boston. Unrepresented at his hearing, the Grand Fond man pleaded with the Court to “have some leniency on my soul please.”

However, Magistrate Augustus reminded him of the gun amnesty which is currently ongoing in Dominica, of which Boston stated he was unaware.  Nevertheless, the presiding Magistrate expressed disbelief at his claim of unawareness, citing the widespread dissemination of this information.

“I don’t believe you,” Magistrate Augustus declared. “That information is everywhere, on the radio, social media so I am sure you heard something about it mentioned.”

Highlighting Boston’s previous legal entanglements, based on Court records she revealed a pending arrest warrant for his failure to complete payments of a $1,500.00 fine imposed by the Court in March 2021.

“Now is not the time to be lenient,” she voiced. “You could have surrendered this illegal firearm to your pastor, priest, lawyer instead of being in the situation you now find yourself in.”

On the charge of possession of a firearm, Boston was fined $5,000.00 to be paid forthwith, in default: one year imprisonment. On the second charge of possession of ammunition, he was further fined another $5,000.00 to be paid on or before March 29, 2024. Failure to make this payment will result in another one-year imprisonment term.

The gravity of the consequences was further emphasized as Magistrate Augustus further ordered that should the convicted man fail to make any of the payments, the two one-year sentences would run consecutively (one after the other). The prosecution offered no evidence in the case against Cochrane, Bethelmie, and Rodney hence the matter against them was dismissed for want of prosecution.

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  1. U follow
    November 21, 2023

    this fine should be $30,000…so Dominica will not come like JA…and our sister islands…we need someone like ….u follow…u follow….

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  2. Bwa-Banday
    November 21, 2023

    Love the fines but a fine and confine would send a more serious message. But good job Madam Magistrate, clean bowl all of them that are brought to you for guns and drugs. Enough is enough.

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    • AEB
      November 21, 2023

      Agree 💯%. There must be zero tolerance on illigial guns and ammunition.

      Way to go madam magistrate. Now I see the court starting to be serious about keeping illigial guns and ammunition out of the public domain.

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