The third Caribbean Wellness Day with the theme “LOVE THAT BODY FEED IT RIGHT” will be celebrated in Dominica and the rest of the Caribbean on Friday, September 11, 2010. Activities will commence in Dominica from September 8 to 25, 2010.
Caribbean Wellness Day was initiated at the Caribbean Heads of Government Summit on Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases which was held in Trinidad in September 2007.
These chronic diseases which include Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or Hypertension, Cancers, Heart disease and Strokes have been identified as the leading causes of death, disability and loss of productive years of life throughout the Caribbean. The main contributing factors to these diseases include lack of or inadequate physical activity, unhealthy dietary habits and tobacco use.
This year the focus will be on physical activity and healthy diet.
The main activity will be a LOVE YOUR BODY EXTRAVAGANZA at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium on Friday September 10, 2010. This will include an exhibition from 10:00 am and an exercising and dancercise from 5: 00 pm. Fanatik Band will be the main band. Wear your running shoes. This event is being sponsored by LIME Dominica, under the patronage of the Hon. Prime Minister.
Other activities are being planned island wide by the seven Health Districts. Activities will include monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, and weights, organized health walks and mass aerobics, food fairs, health fairs and educational talks to schools andgroups on healthy lifestyle and non communicable diseases
On Friday September 10, 2010 will also be celebrated on Friday September as T. Shirt Day. Addresses promoting physical activity and healthy diet will be delivered by the Prime Minister, the Minister for Health and other health officials.
Everyone is encouraged to participate in activities planned within their health districts and communities.
Do not forget to make sure that most people’s hearts are in shape, before they start with any form of unusual exercise. And I hope that there is no giving away of prizes for exercise competitions
I believe it was some time in 2008, Toronto had a run to raise funds to support some disease of the body. The top winner would receive a large sum of money; I cannot remember the amount.. The man who won the prize, dropped dead just before he was at the finished line.
It is possible that his ability to breathe normally and the excitement of knowing that he was about to win the prize, was too much for his heart to uphold. Because he died of a heart attack.