FIRST AID FOR ALL: Training and education essential to saving lives

In observance of World First Aid Day on September 11, 2010, the Dominica Red Cross (DRC) is offering a special of $50 on First Aid Lay Responder training for that day.

The training will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the DRC Headquarters on Federation Drive in Goodwill.

“The Dominica Red Cross believes that everyone has the potential to learn first aid and save lives.  It is an act of humanity showing willingness to save lives with full respect for diversity and without discrimination,” said Director General, Kathleen Pinard-Byrne.

“We believe that first aid education should be accessible to all and should be made available to all schools.  Furthermore, every holder of a drivers licence should be required to undertake a first aid course so that correct practices can be applied at the scene of road traffic accidents.   In order to encourage more persons to learn and apply first aid  without fear of being held responsible for a negative outcome in the challenging setting of an accident, legislation of laws such as the Good Samaritan Law would promote increased first aid  training,” she continued.

Whether faced with an earthquake, a road accident or a heart attack, the ability to act quickly and appropriately is crucial. This is why teaching basic first aid skills to individuals and communities is the right way to protect them.  In the case of heart attacks, Mrs. Pinard-Byrne said, access to AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillators) should be increased by making them more widely available in all public places.

First aid is by no means a replacement for emergency services.  It is a vital initial step for providing effective and rapid intervention that helps reduce serious injuries and improve the chances of survival.  Taking immediate action and applying the appropriate techniques can save a life.

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