Helmet on, ride on, safety is a must- First bike festival to influence tourism

Destination Marketing Manager for DDA-Andia Ravariere

It appears that motorcycling may soon be designated a tourism product in Dominica as Discover Dominica Authority presumes a significant influence on the sector for the country’s first-ever Annual Bike Festival, this year.

Bikers from across the region are expected to gather in the Nature Isle in a month, for this inaugural event themed, “Helmet on, Ride on, Safety is a Must!” organized by 767 Bike Life and Nature Island Riders (NIR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Discover Dominica Authority (DDA). At the festival’s official launch on Thursday, June 20, at the Canefield Airport, Destination Marketing Manager for Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), Andia Ravariere, commended 767 Bike Life for its contribution to the tourism sector over the years.

She spoke about the organization’s ability to successfully attract “about three hundred (300) visitors to Dominica. Bikers, bike enthusiasts, and biking fans from around the region have participated in Dominica Bike Day from 2016.” Ravariere deemed this year’s festival most attractive among the hundreds hosted worldwide due to the Nature Isle’s natural and mountainous terrain.

“Over 90.9% of bikers seek out scenic views to ride, with about 79% being desirers of nature, natural environments,” Ravariere stated and expressed confidence that Dominica will soon be named a nature haven for bikers.

The festival welcomes hundreds of motorcycle tourists which she says are tied to adventure tourism and sport tourism.

“The niche market actively searches out destinations with breathtaking and natural views and destinations which provide culture that is exciting. That is us, Dominica,” Ravariere asserted.

President of Nature Isle Riders-Timeus Valentine

Meanwhile, as safety is heavily promoted throughout the festival’s campaign, president of the NIR, Timeus Valentine, highlighted its importance to both organizations.

“Our top priority is safety for the bikers, safety for our patrons, safety for our people on the road, our other drivers. This is something we have been drilling in everyone’s head to ensure that helmets are worn, gloves are worn, shoes are on all the time, proper clothing for the entire weekend and, hopefully, it will stick for future references,” he stated.

Referring to the stigma often associated with bikers, Valentine sought to provide some clarification.

“A lot of times when we hear ‘bike’ people [we’ve] associated it with recklessness and carelessness, and I can proudly say that clubs NIR and 767 Bike Life have been promoting safe riding for the entire campaign,” he declared.

He admitted, with gratitude, that he has observed an increase in helmet use over the last five years since the introduction of NIR’s bike tours. Considering the high occurrence of motorcycle accidents recently, the organizers continue to strictly enforce the motto, “Helmets on, Ride on, Safety is a Must!”

Registration has already been met with at least three hundred (300) bikers, 120 of whom are from other parts of the Caribbean namely Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Marteen, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts, and others. Valentine told the media that the festival is well anticipated regionally, “Everybody is talking about it, all the different countries that we have travelled [to] every year to compete.”

Dominica’s annual Bike Festival is set to run from July 19, through July 21. According to its schedule, the first day should be met with a grand opening featuring – a stunt showcase with meet & greet, while day two anticipates ‘Wheelie Wilding’ at the airport. The festival will come to an end with a Bike Day Tour through the Eastern side of Dominica to the North at Bell Hall Beach in Portsmouth.

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  1. Ibo France
    June 22, 2024

    The Ministry of Tourism should make every effort to market Dominica as a bona fide Nature Isle. The island is abundantly endowed with the god-given natural resources – unique vegetation, indigenous animals, spectacular rivers,waterfalls, lakes, mountains, hills and valleys.

    Create birds and butterflies sanctuaries, botanical gardens, orchards, proper, well-kept nature trails, limited kayaking on the rivers, organised snorkeling expeditions, et cetera.

    Instead of this noise and land pollution, and the inordinate amount of carbon monoxide
    injection into the atmosphere, let’s find more innocuous ways to attract tourist to the country.

  2. zara
    June 21, 2024

    Well if this nonsense will influence tourism then what a degenerative state the tourism industry is in Dominica.
    Welcome to Dominica’s version of the “Indy 500” where tourist will come in droves to see some shirtless, helmetless and even shoeless young guy perform some foolish, reckless and deadly stunts.
    I hope that the “Blood Bank” at our friendship hospital is full.
    My advanced condolences to the parents of these misguided young men who are being deceived in thinking that this foolish and reckless stunts will promote tourism.
    Shame on you Miss Andia Ravariere.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3
    • Passinfroo
      June 21, 2024

      Some of allu still thinking like allu slave ancestors. Allu have Dominica DEAD and POOR because allu small minded, negative and REJECT everything that will help our country grow. You dont like bikes, THAT IS YOUR BUSINESS. STAY INSIDE. Dominica is not allu own allu getting old, let young people push Dominica forward!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 13
      • smh
        June 23, 2024

        push dominica forward with a whole set of noise all hours of the night and morning, endangering people on the road and fostering gang activity? If that is how Dominica going to go forward best we stay backward. We barely have supplies at the hospital to be wasting it on people recklessly endangering themselves and others

      • if we knew better
        June 24, 2024

        sustainable development is whats needed. This has no real value. Country cannot survive of goodtime and sewo.

  3. Lucas
    June 21, 2024

    Noise and air pollution – how very nature island … Seems the Ministry of Tourism can’t come up with its own ideas – its far easier to copy other islands. Perhaps, if they did have an iota of original thought between them, they might have realised that mountain biking would be far more appropriate to Dominica than motor biking.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 1
  4. Roger Burnett
    June 21, 2024

    Perhaps our responsible motorcyclists could assist the police in clamping down on the irresponsible show-offs that do their stunts on the public road.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 1
    • hmm
      June 23, 2024

      but that is what the whole “bike fest” is all about. You ever see the videos? A whole crowd of these hooligans taking over the public streets endangering ordinary motorists and pedestrians. Where else are they going to do their “stunts”? We don’t have space for this kind of thing in Dominica. Also this is crazy to see the same person that was talking about how the aerial tram currently under construction would be bad for the environment, is now in favor of “responsible motorcyclists”. But don’t motorcyles produce noise and air pollution which damages the environment?

  5. LifeandDeath
    June 21, 2024

    Bright Idea and a good read. I think Dominica offers a great landscape, motorway and views for this kind of activity. With safety at the top of the agenda, I’m sure it’ll grow from strength to strength.
    Let’s consider measuring the economic impact.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 8
  6. if we knew better
    June 21, 2024

    More majee. More tie up on the road on Sunday. And here i am praying for endless rain this weekend. Hope everyone safe either way. Good luck.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1

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