Help Dominican Jaida Joseph participate in the NY Fashion Week Festival!


On Friday, September 13th, immerse yourself in the world of fashion at the Armory Arena in New York City from 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM. This is your chance to be part of one of the season’s hottest events, a live mashup of Music and Fashion, powered by The Model Experience.

Watch TME Models, including Dominican fashion student and aspiring professional model, Jaida Joseph, SLAY the RUNWAY. Get a FIRST LOOK at some of the season’s hottest designs, and enjoy back-to-back Fashion Shows, Performances, Panels, and more. Discover emerging fashion trends in the fashion capital of the world.

Your ticket purchase will not only grant you access to this exclusive event but also support Jaida Joseph in her journey in the fashion industry.

Tickets are priced at USD 64.99 with a service fee of USD 4.99. Hurry, get yours now and help secure a spot for Jaida at the NY Fashion Week Festival!. Remember, Fashion Week tends to attract celebrities… just like you! So, don’t miss out on this opportunity. Buy your ticket now and JOIN US at the NY Fashion Week Festival!

Tickets will be sent via email after purchase. Both In-Person and Virtual tickets are available.

Click here to purchase your ticket

Jaida thanks you for your support and is looking forward to seeing you at the NY Fashion Week Festival!

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1 Comment

  1. if we knew better
    June 17, 2024

    And i quote “Watch TME Models, including Dominican fashion student and aspiring professional model, Jaida Joseph, SLAY the RUNWAY.”

    Seems like she already going so why we have to pay for her to be there again?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1

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