The Dominica-China Friendship Hospital (DCFH) has commissioned its High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU).
The machine was donated by the Chinese government at an estimated cost of US$2.5M and will be used to treat tumors- both benign tumors and certain malignant tumors, especially prostate cancer.
“Today is another historic moment in the continued development of hospital services in Dominica,” Minister for Health, Wellness and New Health Investment, Dr. Irving McIntyre said while addressing the commissioning ceremony on Thursday.
According to him, the government has made tremendous investment in upgrading the healthcare infrastructure over the past 5 years.
“Most of these new investments have seen the construction of new health and wellness facilities to strengthen our resolve, to improve the delivery of primary care and in particular, the practical applications of the principles of health investment,” he stated.
Dr. McIntyre explained that the capacity of the machine will exceed that of the needs of the population, “but citizens must feel a measure of comfort that they can receive treatment right here at home for treatment that otherwise would have been obtained in the US and elsewhere.”
He said there are no other HIFU facilities in the OECS or even in the rest of CARICOM countries and added, “I am told that the closest such facility is in Mexico.”
The Health Minister also revealed that over the next 4 to 5 weeks there will be a number of related developments to improve the transformation and delivery of hospital services.
The then Minister for Health, Dr. Kenneth Darroux first announced in May 2019 that a HIFU machine had been sourced for the DCFH while he was visiting the hospital to have a first-hand view of the machine,
Meanwhile, Dr. McIntyre revealed that the government will be officially commissioning the new home for eye care to be named the Brenda Strafford Foundation Eye Centre at the DCFH on May 12th to 13th.
He said the sum of $450,000 was provided by the foundation to purchase major pieces of eye equipment to modernize the eye department at the country’s main hospital.
Dr. McIntyre said surgeries will commence on May 1st, 2022.
He said he will also be making a pronouncement shortly on the regulations governing admitting privileges at the DCFH.
“These regulations will permit surgeons in the private sector and beyond, to have access to the use of the operating theaters at the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital,” he stated. “This is an approach to expand operating theater time to the private sector.”
It is anticipated that this development will keep healthcare costs at affordable levels and bring to full capacity, the latent capacity within the public sector hospital, according to Dr. McIntyre.
“We commissioned our MRI service late last year; patients are currently receiving scans free of cost for now, but will be required to pay a reporting fee of EC$100,” he disclosed.
The Minister said work on the completion of the in-patient buildings is at an advanced stage and commissioning is expected to take place on or before the end of June 2022.
You know the clown, the deceitful corrupted ignorant person talking about HIFU machine will reduce the need for overseas treatment; I wish I could call that f… the name he/she deserves. I wrote on that when Roosevelt said it cures every disease know to man; that is a lie!
The function of the Machine is:
It destroys some prostate cancer through the delivery of precise and focused sound waves to a targeted spot of diseased prostate tissue. This technology uses ultrasound energy, not radiation, to destroy the targeted tissue. The Ultrasound energy, or sound waves, is transmitted through the rectal wall and focused at desired locations within the prostate identified by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and confirmed by ultrasound. This targeted and minimally invasive approach to treating prostate cancer leaves the healthy tissue untouched and unharmed and minimizes the chance of side effects.
Note: without an MRI machine the HIFU machine is useless, fortunately the small…
One concept of how HIFU targets, burns and destroys specific prostate tissue is similar to how a magnifying glass can use the sun’s rays of light to burn a precise hole in a leaf at the point of intersection.
A similar principles which apply to HIFU; instead of using light as the source of energy, HIFU uses sound, and instead of a magnifying glass, the HIFU uses a transducer!
And the sound waves that are aimed at the prostate tissue, rapidly increase tissue temperature, destroying only the cancerous lesions and protecting the healthy surrounding tissue.
That is absolutely no mystery, and this fart they keep talking about they pay millions of dollars for this thing, I am categorizing that as a damn lie; the best of those cost less than five thousand dollars, so if Roosevelt claim of million buy is true somebody rob him or in fact the treasury as usual!
They are talking HIFU to distract from support of Russia in Ukraine!
Thanks for explaining. You know what, we can look up these things on GOOGLE ourselves. I thought you would be too busy with you ‘property and car empire’ then to spend all your time on GOOGLE. Once again you have been found out, you old show off. Get out of here!
If you are Wesley Queen; perhaps, you looking for man!
But one thing I need to tell you; (I is a ole king dat doh looking for woman oui!)
Some dope head in the village might want eh; but I doh want you eh!
Take that let me see how you going to deal with that one!
You little nasty nobody; do you realize I have a medical background, attended medical school and dropped out?
Do you know that I am an electronic engineer by profession, among other things?
What’s you profession; how many degrees do you have under your belt?
I have four scientific degrees under my belt; and hip pocket too!
IF I was looking for a man, I most certainly would look past you. You are just an old, lonely fart that loves to show of about this and that. You for sure did your country a huge favour when you left. Scientific degree, hip pocket, medical background, electronic engineer… You are a SHYSTER! Now go back to Google and do some more ‘studies’.
As for you I have no need for you, I doubt you are any woman; well perhaps some aunty-man, but I am straight as they come, and I am filled up already, even if you were a woman, and not a aunty-man I would still have no need for you okay!
I doh play with aunty-man oui!
If you come and bother me after this, I am going to report to the crazy house, and tell them you are the one who committed me; and they can send you that five pounds of white flour.
They still do that here when you take a lunatic to the asylum here!
But be careful you don’t end up in the crazy house while bothering me!
I know plenty of us Dominicans crazy eh, but I doh is one of dem eh!
You so lie talking about Wesley girl, if you were from Wesley, I wrote things here pertaining to my family, nephews, and sisters, if you were from Wesley you would have commented on something I said pertaining to my family.
You would have know my father if no one else!
Thank you Dr. Dr. Telemacaque for your endless knowledge and wisdom. How is your Mercedes AMG toy car doing. By the way, what scale is it? Have great day.
You see; perhaps you need to first have a name, before you make a fool out of you!
Secondly, you need to learn to spell because you don’t even know how to spell Telemaque; third I am not Dr. since I do not have a medical degree though I attended medical School.
To challenge me academically, show me a bachelor in science in Electronic Engineering, one in Electrical Engineering, show me an Associate in science in Electronics, and an Associate in Arts in the Liberal Arts, when you can show me those or engage me in any of the discipline which I am schooled and educated, maybe, I’ll use you for my door mat!
As for my toy car, be informed I have more than two, and indeed value them as toys, but if you wish to know about my AMG, try buying one perhaps that will make you shut-up, because they are not a poor person Motor Vehicles.
Bite your tongue; the time clock on my dash of my AMG C63, cost more than ten thousand dollars, so, shut-up!
You still haven’t told us the scale of your MB AMG. It’s usually written on the side of the cardboard box. If you can’t find it, you can GOOGLE it.
Your residences in LA, what are they built with? Let me guess, LEGO…
BTW, how is your name spelled correctly? Telemakak, is that right or did I make another mistake?
A dog with a fresh bone will cease from barking. Every time things get dicey on Skeritt he makes an offer of some kind, or he “donates” some gadgets. I personally believe this guy has a storehouse or warehouse where he keeps stuff in order to “appease” the people when he’s in hot water. A real con man.
Excellent point!! Every time a bad wind blows in his direction, he comes up with a grand scheme to divert attention and change the narrative.
However, he cannot influence the country if news outlets like DNO don’t give him the time of day. They yield to his whims and fancy slavishly every time. Just count how many articles this ‘unbiased’ media house has published shedding favourable light on this undeserving infidel.
ADMIN: We will report the news regardless of the source. Consider that what you are proposing would actually be biased – to discriminate against or impose an arbitrary quota on government related news.
Objectively, the government and its supporting bureaucracy is the single largest organization in our country – they will generate the most news. We have published some of the numerous news items and Government releases over the past two weeks and all of the two releases from the opposition UWP.
This is indeed good news. Let us now ask our nurses to be kind and gentle to patients. Please the ward aides too. Please be kind to patients. Your kind service will indeed compliment the new technology and equipment which is being introduced. It can be full circle here.
Also, patients must respect the staff, because too many times you hear of men making pass at nurses and also touching them there must be more respect for them.
You are another simply talking rubbish; you don’t even understand what is going on!
Roosevelt is using that as a distraction; he done that in the past talking nonsense about Dominica is the only place in the Caribbean region with a HIFU machine which cures every disease without doctors cutting into people.
The silly thing is that when some of you listen to Roosevelt rubbish, you pick it up and run; without researching for yourself. Now Roosevelt is prime minister of Dominica, they said he was an English teacher prior:
I am here to tell you that Roosevelt is not an academically educated man; in Dominica anybody in the day when Roosevelt attended secondary school in Portsmouth could become a teacher; to be a politician don’t take much in Dominica, you only have to be capable of talking crap, okay!
Believing he is a medical doctor; he said said “90% of the time people say they are sick, its only in their mind!
Said that after he bought his Ph.D’s!
Thank you government of Dominica! Thank you!
Also, many thanks for free antigen testing; it has been vitally important in our Covid fight.
If this machine can be used to do all the surgical operations the government boasts about, that’s good. Let’s wait and see as the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
I predicted that we will receive many more grand announcements from this mendacious and deceitful dictatorship. It’s predictable. Anytime Skerrit and his cabal find themselves caught up in a mammoth scandal or controversy, they go to the media with some fanciful news item(s) strictly intended for distraction. DNO is invariably the first to dutifully offer their medium for this effort.
ADMIN: As far as we are aware this event was planned long in advance of the latest political developments – meaning it was not likely done in response to anything recent.
We were also not the first to publish this news.
Don’t you have anything good to say for once? Are you on drugs. Now is a good time to get yourself a physical at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.
Never! Advice from you is deleterious to one’s health. I am skeptical of all things that are done under the stewardship of an inveterate Liar, despotic plutocrat and blasphemous infidel.
We do not eat puddings, only patee banan.
“If this machine can be used to do all the surgical operations the government boasts about, that’s good. Let’s wait and see as the proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
lbo; Roosevelt is a damn liar who does not even know what the hell he is talking about!
The only sure thing about that Machine, it can be used to eliminate prostate cancer, and some small tumors in the way I described in one of my submissions.
And I’ll tell you what; it is a good thing they now have an MRI (magnetic resonance machine at he hospital now), because with that the HIFU is useless.
So they would do an MRI, to discover where the suspected tumor is, when that is found they then use the HIFU machine to do the treatment
Mind you if the tumor is too large, HIFU still cannot get rid of it! So, the the alternative would be radiation, rather using sound wave.
Since 2019 they are using HIFU for their unashamed continued propaganda campaign on Dominicans. Other countries have had machines like that for years and years but Johnny-come lately-Dominica sees fit to use it for Skerrit propaganda, of course aided by DNO. Closest facility like that believed to be in Mexico, my foot!
That’s great news indeed.