Two holders of Dominican passports have been deported to Cambodia by Singapore in a massive $3b money laundering case, which is being reported as the biggest of its kind in the history of Singapore.
Reports from Singapore indicate that Lin Baoying and Chen Qingyuan are Chinese nationals who at the time of their arrest were holders of Dominican passports. A third Chinese national, who was also deported, held a passport from St Kitts and Nevis.
In addition to her Dominican passport, Lin Baoying held Cambodian and Turkish passports, while Chen Qingyuan also held a Chinese passport.
The Business Times, a financial newspaper in Singapore reported that Lin Boaying paid agents US$290,000 to obtain her Cambodian and Dominican passports.
“She had managed to obtain the Dominica passport despite not having visited the country before,” the newspaper reported. “As she was able to obtain these passports despite not being in the country, there was a possibility that she could do so again.”
The three were sent to Cambodia on Friday, June 15, The Straits Times, a newspaper in Singapore, has reported. They were barred from returning to Singapore by the country’s Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
The three are among ten people who were convicted in the money laundering scheme. Chen was arrested on August 15, 2023, and was charged with offenses related to his possession of benefits from criminal conduct including cash, bank accounts, cars, and cryptocurrency worth more than $8 million.
Boaying, 44 and the only woman involved in the matter, was also arrested on August 15, 2023, and was convicted of two counts of fraudulently using a forged document and two counts of money laundering.
The court ordered the forfeiture of about S$154 million of her seized assets, which included 13 bank accounts, five properties, cryptocurrencies, two cars, and memberships at two country clubs in Singapore.
According to reports, the three were escorted directly from prison to the airport for deportation to Cambodia and were not permitted to return to their residences to collect their belongings.
The ICA said it is now impossible for the deportees to return to Singapore since its technology enables it to detect deported individuals even if they attempt to re-enter the country using another identity or passport.
Interestingly, although; they have Dominica Passports; indicating they are citizens of Dominica, the Singapore immigration authorities; however, did not deport them to Dominica!
What does say?
I would suggest that the authorities are aware that the crooks simply buys the passports from Dominica to accommodate their criminal activities, traveling from place to place; as such they rightfully deported them to perhaps the place of their birth!
There are murderers, thieves, prostitutes, and organized terrorist all over the world with Dominica passports traveling and committing crimes; and if there was any doubt in the mind of the one Roosevelt Skerrit that sale of the nation passports to criminals is damaging to Dominica; the evidence is in this latest saga!
“It’s nonsense like this, our Government allows. The fact that these people can purchase our passports travel overseas and sully the country’s name time and time again, prevents us citizens from traveling stress-free Internationally. A citizen like myself, based in China, can’t even renew my passport through our so-called embassy or even obtain a police record. And my Government is allowing foreigners to tarnish the country’s reputation overseas. The amount of mental hurdles I have to go through to get documents in and out is a hassle. I feel like I should sue the government for emotional distress.” Did they realize that there aren’t any International services providing such services for citizens in the Diaspora or did they forget us! PS. When I am renewing my passport I am in a foreign land with no proof of ID other than a copy of my passport. So, which country do I need a VISA for now and why aren’t those passport different in color? #International+services+needed
This demonstrates the risks inherent in the CBI program. I am certain that other countries have had the same experience. I just think that we should be more judicious. CBI is a life blood.
unless and utiliza we get rid of this cancer or demon, Dominica is los and we shall all likewise perish. if there is any hope left we need to get rid of this evil administración of Skerrit and make sure the death penalty is reinstated in our laws
It’s only when we get rid of this administración we will depth of darkness Skerrit has put our country in with that secret deal he has with China and to date no Dominican knows What’s in the MOU he keep hiding from us. Based on what we can see it seems Chinese run things here, our passports are in the hand of a los of international criminal, Chinese building government buildings all overol and our local engineers are kept out just as our builders, Skerrit got rid of our banana industry that sent most of us to school and, helped most of us to have a foundation in life, just as he got rid of Ross University after 40 year on Island
and was the source of income to overol 3000 Dominicans both directly and indirectly. They building hotels all over Dominica but they telling us they are owned by their forign investors that we don’t even know. So do we even own Dominica?
An old story.
Did they receive their Dominican passport after committing their crimes or before? No amount of due diligence can accurately predict the thoughts, motivations, and future actions of humans.
You always have some sort of bizarre defence of one of the most nefarious and underperforming political parties worldwide. This accurately reveals the putrid, rancid and pathetic state of your mind.
You see a man’s face but you don’t see his heart. All human beings are imperfect. How can to expect perfection from an imperfect being. You want to attribute infallibility to corrupt Roosevelt and his parasitic imbeciles.
Deja vu . That’s unbeleivable, Dominican’s seat on you all donkey’s and say ,is so it is, and do nothing about it.
Honey attracts ants. Money attracts thieves. The CBI programs in the Caribbean bring billions of dollars to the coffers of these countries. Consequently, they attract worldwide illicit actors, con artists and shadowy figures.
The CBI schemes are easy money. Anything easy is not usually good nor morally sound. It’s time we use our own gray matter, intellectuality, mental acuity, discernment and brain power to carve out a comfortable standard of living for ourselves.
Dominica’s once pristine name will continue to be sullied and indelibly stained as long as Roosevelt and his sycophants remain in high office. Get rid of them – the sooner the better!
and not just get r8d of them make sure they sit in jail for the rest of their lives!
Ibo, At the beginning of your statement you said money attract thieves, and honey attract ants that sounds pretty much so-called Workers clowns to me, and as for ugly lenny, Fontaine,and you Ibo, is a bag of dust contaminating the good air of Dominica 🇩🇲
You are entitled to your own opinion. Glad to know that you are still on the land of the living. Keep safe.
Two Chinese nationals with Dominican passport deported to Cambodia…huh!
Is that a type o ?
How can someone be deported to a country on non-nationality ? Is either they be deported to China or to Dominica.
Make this make sense to me please. i am not very bright.
Probably if you read the article and understand it, you would realize that they also had Cambodian passports. So deporting them to Cambodia was probably the easiest thing for the authorities in Singapore to do.
Only Lin had a Cambodian passport together with her Dominican and Turkish passport.
“In addition to her Dominican passport, Lin Baoying held Cambodian and Turkish passports, while Chen Qingyuan also held a Chinese passport.”
It was cheaper for Singapore to send them to Cambodia.
And that is your greatest concern taken from this very disturbing situation? The fact that the reputation of your country and visa free travel for your citizens has been compromised due to this criminal passport scandal…this does not concern you? The fact that politicians and other corrupt individuals are exploiting your citizenship to fill their pockets does not grab your attention?!
clear that you are not very bright.
So we don’t ever hear of a millionaire with a Dominican passport that’s goes around doing good
It’s always a criminal in a multi million dollar scheme or something so
Boy when we talk about our passport getting a bad name under one man alone that bad name come yuh
Plenty more to come,just a matter of time.
If DNO posted such a list, you would skip over it and run to the more sensational articles.