Dominican entrepreneur featured in PANACHE magazine for jewelry line

Yaena Eugene is from Giraudel

Twenty-year-old Yaena Eugene from the village of Giraudel, and currently studying in Jamaica, has been featured in the popular PANACHE Jamaican magazine where her creativity in handmade jewelry is described as “effortless artworks.”

A self-taught jewelry designer, Eugene said that her love for the arts began at the Dominica State College (DSC) in 2013.

Starting off as just a hobby, Eugene’s mother, Daria Eugene, would purchase large amounts of beads for her to use and hours would be spent creating new styles and designs as this was a form of meditation for her.

“I got more and more interested and I just started ordering my own beads and developing myself,” she told Dominica News Online.

She now has her very own small business, ‘Khreations Jewelry’ and is steadily bringing out new designs with the use of copper, beads and gemstones.

Eugene describes the support from family and friends as “excellent” especially from her mother and father (Michael Eugene).Her father is always in search of potential clients to keep Eugene’s business going.

“They really encouraged me. My dad is always trying to find clients for me and really trying to push me to make some really intricate stuff,” she said.

As in every other small business venture, Eugene faced a few challenges in getting the support that she would like from customers to buy or order her creations; however that has not discouraged her from continuing what she loves doing.

“One of the main challenges is really getting customers to order my stuff and to really stick with the orders because true it is handmade jewelry. It is not mass produced, it is not something that you can just sit down and string together easy-peasy. It takes time and it takes materials,” she stated.

Eugene is presently pursuing a degree in Visual Arts and Culture at the Edna Manley College for Visual and Performing Arts in Jamaica.

She sees this learning institute as a major helper in her small business operations.

“Before I came here, while I was filling out my application, I was advised to not pigeon-hole myself into just sit down and do jewelry all the time. I decided to major in Sculpture and my lecturers have really been encouraging me to use my jewelry to my advantage, to use my jewelry as more sculptural pieces. I understand now what they have been trying to encourage me and this is why I feel like I have been better at what I’ve done,” she remarked.

Eugene solicits young persons who are interested in the field of jewelry making to have no fears of the ‘what if’, as there are “no limits, no boundaries” in pursuing their dreams.

“At first I was like that, but you have to just suck it up and just start, that is all you have to do. You will find that once you have started. Things will just fall in line in a way that you would have never expected. I never expected to be in a magazine, I would have never expected to be at the Edna Manley College. Just start it, and if you love it, you will keep doing it, getting better, and doors will open,” she remarked.


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  1. Bush man
    April 27, 2017

    some CBI money would do you good!!! but them guys too busy to see the potential in you. besides they will not want you to become too independent, so they will close their eyes towards your effort.

  2. Cookies
    April 27, 2017

    Congratulations Yaena…. You’re doing something great… Mom and Dad well done…. Your love, support, encouragement and Christian foundation are all evident in Yaena’s exquisite talent. God bless you.

  3. family member
    April 27, 2017

    good job Yaena!

  4. nonamegal
    April 27, 2017

    Congrats young lady and all the best!

  5. anonymous
    April 27, 2017

    Congratulations to this young lady!! NOW WHERE IN DOMINICA CAN I PURCHASE THESE EXQUISITE PIECES??? ASAP!!!!

  6. Too Hard Too Long
    April 27, 2017

    Congratulations Ms Eugene. Wonderful to see our young people making a name for themselves. I wish you the very, very best.

  7. Keeping it real
    April 27, 2017

    Keep up the good work. Hope to purchase something from your line soon. I love everything.

  8. Christine
    April 27, 2017

    good story….good article

  9. Ronald C
    April 27, 2017

    Well done Yaenna! congratulations.

  10. April 27, 2017

    Good job young lady, photos of the jewelry would be nice……..ok I will go to PANACHE to see it.

  11. Fitzgerald Charles
    April 26, 2017

    Congratulation..i am a big fan of local talent and especially young entrepreneurship. I encourage you to continue working on your craft and strive for mastery. I also recommend getting a website set up so that you can reach a wider audience. Do advertising on social media and get persons aware. All the best

  12. Shazzzzzz
    April 26, 2017

    Wow! I am very happy for you.I believe you will succeed.Keep up the good work.We don’t know each other,but I am just very glad when a young person is taking the initiative do set a right path before them.I am also very proud of your Parents for helping you to achieve your goal.You go girl :)

  13. April 26, 2017

    Congratulations and I do wish you all the best and I hope I get to purchase some of your jewellery whenever I’m in Dominica. .

  14. Teacher
    April 26, 2017

    Very gud!

  15. anonymous
    April 26, 2017

    truly refreshing. kudos to you young lady.

  16. browneyesgirl
    April 26, 2017


  17. Uncle G
    April 26, 2017

    Congrats to you, girl, I wish you all the success in the world

    Uncle G

  18. Roger Burnett
    April 26, 2017

    Well done Yaena!

  19. me
    April 26, 2017

    vybes, vybes

  20. Non-Dotish Dominican
    April 26, 2017

    Go Girl!!!Comgratulations

  21. Thomian
    April 26, 2017

    congrats to you Yaena. Loving the art form…

  22. follow the crumbs
    April 26, 2017

    Congrats Yaens!.

  23. Fly on the wall
    April 26, 2017

    Don’t know you but congrats…. I’m impressed by your advice… Wish you well.

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