Martial artist publishes first student manual

Robin has been a martial artist for many years
Robin has been a martial artist for many years

A martial artist in Dominica, Sensei Shannah Robin, has published his first student manual which he said will encourage, motivate and renew the minds of young people.

The manual was published on August 8 and Robin, Creator and Founder of the Universal Martial Arts Academy Robin RYU, said it is the first of its kind.

“The Universal Martial Art Academy, a student manual, it is the first of its kind and I am the first martial artist that I know of in Dominica to have written a student manual that will be internationally recognized over time,” Robin stated. “And also I am the first martial artist to have created my own style in Dominica.”

He stated the manual is so simple that a five-year-old girl read it and understood it. He noted further that the manual has been welcomed by students of the academy and their parents.

“They are very happy, they are very encouraged by the information that is in there,” he said.

According to Robin the manual is based on the fundamental and philosophy of the martial arts and is also a karate guideline for the students to under his own style and martial art system, Robin RYU.

He describes the manual as spiritual and very empowering indicating that God is pushing him in the direction to expand his knowledge as a martial artist and to live a legacy behind.

“This is just the start of something big, this is just the start of the creativity, this is just the start of actually building a legacy or an empire that young people of Dominica can have hope,” Robin noted.

Robin said that the manual was edited in Canada and printed in Dominica.

“This is the first edition and there is going to be a second edition to come out sometime next year and also there are other books in the pipeline,” he noted.

The manual is available for other martial artists and can be purchased at the Academy located on Federation Drive, Goodwill at the cost of EC$35.

Originally from Marigot, Robin has been involved in martial arts for the past 23 years and he said it has always been his dream to write books, however he never received the opportunity to do so.

“Now that I am on my own, now that I am independent it has opened my mind to become creative in the art form and to be able to expand my knowledge as a martial artist,” he explained. “And while I am expanding my knowledge I have to also document the information based on research and philosophy.”

More books are on the way, Robin said. “From a Wannabe Assassin to a Successful Businessman” a story about his life and challenges and “In the Hands of the Master Great Things Happen” telling of his accomplishments, are in the pipeline.
Currently there are over 50 students enrolled in the Martial Arts Academy from 2 to 44 years old.

The cover of the manual
The cover of the manual

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  1. Honorann Princypal
    September 29, 2015

    Did you use to be with another karate school? For a number of years?

  2. udohreadyet
    September 28, 2015

    “Who’s the master Leroy?” Sur nuff!

  3. Music Producer
    September 28, 2015

    Great things Sensie, you are truly a teacher! keep up the fight, man!

  4. LuClu
    September 28, 2015

    I’m soooo proud of Shana….if you know his background, you would be proud too. He’s a prime example of where you start doesn’t determine where you end. Great job and keep striving and achieving!! #BACKSTREETMASSIVE

  5. The Real Facts
    September 27, 2015

    Congratulations and in all your future endeavors.
    Did anyone consider that those who have this experience could defend themselves, in the event they are attacked? I do think, if it is possible every able person should learn it. :) It is worthwhile, not only as exercise, muscle-building and recreation.

  6. Dominican Abroad
    September 27, 2015

    Excellent job Mr Robin God blessing and keep up the Good work

    Dominican abroad

  7. Heartfelt
    September 27, 2015

    Keep up the positivity. A brilliant mind at work.

  8. jane messaml
    September 27, 2015

    Congrats Robin and well done – keep up the great work.

  9. Cadz
    September 27, 2015

    Congratulations Sensie

  10. Sylvester Cadette
    September 27, 2015

    This is Great Sensei. CONGRATULATIONS on such an achievement. When I am in Dominica, I will be coming to train. You have always expressed your desire to build a powerful yet humble self with youth in mind. This is unfolding in a very beautiful way.

    I am most pleased with your success. I am also proud to be your student of the Martial arts. Success always!!! CONGRATS ON PUBLISHING THE NEW MANUAL. SAVE MY COPY, AS I KNOW YOU WILL :) :) :)

  11. Governance
    September 27, 2015

    Well done Sir. Great to note that you are passing on the knowledge. May you continue to be successful inthe future.

  12. proud Dominican
    September 26, 2015

    Shanna!!!! Omg i could only smile when i read this. Violet, and the rest of the family must be so proud. We were neighbors and we were in class together at SDA. Shanna was always a positive person!! I have hope high hopes that he will excell. I am not in martial arts.. but i definitely will like to purchase a copy of this book to support my past neighbor in portsmouth, and my past classmate..

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