The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has held what is described as a “productive meeting” with the Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit.
In a statement, the IMF said its Deputy Managing Director Bo Li is visiting Dominica this week to discuss “the existential threat of climate change and its impact on the island, how the IMF can support the country with its Disaster Resilience strategy, and how to mobilize climate financing from various global players.”
The Washington DC-based organization reported that, during its meeting with Skerrit, Dominica’s vulnerability to natural disasters, how it has rebuilt since Hurricane Maria, policies for sustainable development, and how the IMF can support the country’s mobilize climate finance, were discussed.
LI stated that his visit to the island has two objectives.
“The first is to continue to build on the visit of the IMF Managing Director earlier this year to this region to continue to strengthen our collaboration with the Caribbean and also, particularly Dominica,” he said.
He pointed out that the second objective is to hear from Skerrit and his cabinet on the challenges of climate change in Dominica.
“As we know Dominica is susceptible to natural disasters and there have been several of them during the last ten years,” Li remarked. “We are here to hear the challenges to this country in dealing with natural disasters, in dealing with climate change and also the challenges of climate financing, how to finance the building of resilience, and also how the IMF can help.”
He added, “We had a very productive meeting.”
While on the island, Li and his team visited several areas including the Kalinago Territory, where he witnessed the damage caused to the road during recent heavy rains, a housing development project, and the geothermal plant now under construction in Laudat.
“These two projects showcase the country’s efforts to make Dominica resilient to the impact of climate change,” the IMF statement said.
Meanwhile, Skerrit said the IMF has been helpful in making Dominica the first climate-resilient country.
“The IMF is very familiar with the financing needs of our country, to fill the gaps to achieving our objective by 2030 of becoming the world’s first climate resilient country,” he said.

Why doesn’t the Stutterer release the minutes of the meeting? What is he hiding again from the citizens?
skerritt saying things that de IMF never said……..I know you like to see dat you still relevant in de big boy’s eyes
that statement is empty and lacks details that de ordinary citizen can comprehend without a political influence
@ds, it’s clear that you read what Bwa-Banday wrote so how can you in all seriousness say nobody cares about what he has to say after you read it. This clearly shows that you for one care about what he said or you wouldn’t have given that response. Two timing angry cabalist, ds.
Well it was a private meeting that was not carried live. So IMF doesn’t have to tell us where they flagged Skerrit and definitely Skerrit will not tell us what they told him. Who knows if they didn’t warn Skerrit about his future plans to sell CBI passports to criminals.
Look out for more loans to do sh.. and then blame UWP
The average leader gets 1 term to 2 terms to achieve their vision for their nations. This one had 2 decades, history will judge you. Imf here … more taxes coming
OH, OH it’s the IMF. I thought they were the first group of contractors who arrived to start the task of building the inairnational airport. I hope they are real IMF personals and not CIA, FBI personals.
Dr Dr please tell us did the IMF discuss the continued selling of our passports and the financing of the DLP “political war chest”; just asking since that’s all your “recalcitrant administration has concentrated on for the past 22 years and counting.
That is what beating them BLUE A…HOLES. Take a listen to them on Q trying to burst their blood vessel calling Matt…. FIVE MORE YEARS.
Not surprised that a brainless individual would call for five (5) more years of excruciating hunger pain, police brutality, starvation wages and salaries, decadence, and naked corruption.
If a neurosurgeon were to perform brain surgery on a guy of this intellect what would he find after making that first incision? Most likely concrete, steel or cast iron. This puny guy is beyond redemption.
LIKE IT OR NOT..5 MORE years for the Dr. Dr…. Put that in your pipe and SMOKE.. YOU gonna get a natural HIGH.
So, recently I was sick with a bad cold. I thought I had influenza. I went to see the doctor because I needed some medication. In the doctor ‘s office, I coughed out a lot of mucus and phlegm. The doctor said my cough was “productive”. Just saying! Productive means different things to different people.
Why don’t you just disappear into oblivion. Nobody cares about you and your feelings. Get a life, woman.
It’s YOU that has not got a life. You are one crazy SOB.
Any time Roosevelt utters these words ‘ to make Dominica the first climate resilient country’, I chuckle uncontrollably. This administration cannot even keep the malodorous drains in Roseau clean.
If the IMF were to give this kleptomaniacal regime any money to fund climate resilient projects, it will disappear like the $5M monthly fund for the new ghost international airport. It’s like dumping money into the ocean.
IMF giving Dominica to fund resilient projects, it’s all about the money for Roosevelt. Look at what happened to the US $10M from Venezuela for the Kalinago people, and the $270M from PetroCaribe. Both disappeared without a trace.
Jealousy and hate are just something else. Some men got so much hate and jealousy in them that they do not know what else to say or do. What a shame!
“Productive” meeting to give yours truly millions more to stash in his overseas bank accounts instead of the Dominican treasury. Yours truly cannot be trusted with large sums of money intended for Dominica he will put it in his personal bank account. What happened to all the other millions that was given to yours truly by the IMF in the past? Is it in the Dominican treasury?
What makes people jealous and hate one another?
“First Climate Resilient country in the world”….everytime I hear this phrase it make me want to poop through my mouth….DISGUSTING!!!!
Come on Skerro, you know all this is BS! But at least, it seems like you have learnt how to make people belive you are on your game 24/7 so I cant blame you. But, let me caution you that every game has an end which usually plays out expectedly
leaving unscrupulous players behind bars.

By the way did you care to tell them that you treated their former colleague (Dr. Thompson Fontain) like trash and even allowed the manicou gang to throw him in a dirty cell filled with rats and roaches?
. Tick toc, tick toc, tick toc. Pay back is always sweeter than when sheet hits the fan sir.
Nobody cares about you and what you think. Get a life, Bwa Banday and check your ED.
“Get a life, Bwa Banday and check your ED.”
Are you referring to my “erectile disfuction”?
. That sure was funny
Rest assured that I am very physically fit and well endowed in that region my friend
. You see, when I speak my points are valid and never hide my stupidity by trying to insult others. Nonetheless, I think its time for a physical check up so I will take your insult as a reminder to stay healthy and go see a real Doc (Not a Double Purchased Doc). I don’t intend being among the 6:30 Clubbers for as long as I live. And you, don’t forget to go check your prostate because cancer of that organ appears to be the leading cause of death among men in our land. And yes, you may squeal l when the doc probes that sensitive region (Hopefully it is used as an exit only hole for you) but you will thank him later. Happy Independence Day Sir!
@ds, it’s clear that you read what Bwa-Banday wrote so how can you in all seriousness say nobody cares about what he has to say after you read it. This clearly shows that you for one care about what he said or you wouldn’t have given that response. Two timing angry cabalist, ds.
Touché DS!! How does it feel to be snookered?