Improvements coming for Dominica’s garbage collection, says DSWC manager

The General Manager of the Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation, Florian Mitchell, has announced significant improvements in the island’s garbage collection services in the coming weeks. This information comes in response to growing concerns from the public regarding the current state of waste management.

Mitchell highlighted the critical need for more functional vehicles to meet the demand for daily garbage collection.

“From what we see, we need 10 functional trucks per zone to maintain our daily collection schedule,” he stated.

Currently, the corporation is operating with just two functional compactor trucks and three tipper trucks, which has led to inefficiencies in service.

Mitchell assured the public that progress is being made, with plans to repair two or three additional vehicles within the next three weeks, thanks to financial support from the Ministry of Finance.

“We have already started ordering the parts, so those things are in the pipeline,” he explained, emphasizing the commitment to enhancing the fleet.

Additionally, the General Manager mentioned the anticipated arrival of new trucks, funded through a promise made by the Prime Minister.

“We’re expecting between six and ten brand new trucks that will help us with all flip stock. I think it’s between six and ten trucks, brand new trucks that we’re receiving,” he said.

Mitchell also stressed the importance of community engagement in waste management, advocating for education on reducing and separating waste. “The whole issue of reducing, separating, and education is warranted,” he noted, pointing out that a collaborative effort is essential for sustainable waste management in Dominica.

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  1. Citizen A
    January 23, 2025

    If there was ever rubbish to be disposed off it’s that statement there and the management and government that makes it make sense!

  2. January 23, 2025

    them trucks filthy only see rain water ,wash them every day you lazy invest in your health what no water up there ?
    failed management that’s what it is.

  3. Odin
    January 22, 2025

    They planning to make a plan.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  4. Truth Be Told
    January 22, 2025

    Investment coming? This should be an everyday job for the government. This is the usual working day for any government, sanitation, waste, water, sewage, health, education, infrastructure, roads maintenance and development is what a government is paid to do everyday! Investment coming? Investment in these basic areas should be regular for government! What are you using our taxes and government revenues for? To pay for mansion and lifestyle? Prime Minister mansion. President mansion, but we still cannot repair schools, health centers, roads, garbage collection and other basic area after 25 years in government and last hurricanes! But Darroux, Reggie, Ian and al the other fired useless ministers still receive thousands of dollars a month salary! Investment coming? Labour need to be going!

  5. Ibo France
    January 21, 2025

    Everybody in Dominica except the ministers and their cronies are suffering because of bad and corrupt governance.

    This government’s solution to a problem is usually unfulfilled or as bad as the problem.

    Lastly, this government creates the problem then want to take credit for solving it.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  6. derp
    January 21, 2025

    Repair, parts?! Garcon buy new vehicles which you all said you need eh, waste of time doing patch work instead of addressing the problem head on with solutions that will last instead of a bandage. This is like putting a bandage on a broken arm instead of a cast.

  7. Mark
    January 21, 2025

    Florian Mitchell, no mention about garbage collection fees. We will continue with this mediocre” service no matter the number of trucks on island. What happens when the trucks break down? Will you have the necessary funds to fix and return them to service? The answer is no based on what you just said.
    The solution lies with charging a “reasonable” fee for services rendered to ensure timely repairs can be carried out when needed. Also, this will ensure payroll can be met in a timely manner.
    I close by saying, too much “freebies” on island. We will only see improvements in the various services on island when we begin to pay for such services. Until then, we will only continue to experience the mediocre services at every level of society. It takes money to run things.

    • We the People
      January 23, 2025

      Hey Mark

      Are you aware that there is a thing called an environmental levy? That this is charged and paid at Customs on goods cleared? And that, wait for it, the amount is supposed to be passed to the Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation?

      Are you aware that this levy is a cost of doing business that is passed on to consumers (in the case of goods for resale), and that poor us, we are paying the levy plus whatever markup that is applied. Ma Gway Sa!! How much more must poor people be fleeced?

  8. Shaka Zulu
    January 21, 2025

    Make sure to pick up those garbage in parliament and occupying high office. compact them into the garbage truck and throw them in the labass

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 2
  9. Ibo France
    January 21, 2025

    Cleanliness is godliness. This current government is notorious for its gross mismanagement of every aspect of governance.

    Lest we forget. The Marigot hospital and most of the health centers in recent years were allowed to become inoperable; the courthouse, some police stations, the courthouse; the banana industry; manufacturing; roads and bridges. So the non-collection of garbage by this kakistocracy should be of no surprise.

    The DLP administration is infamous for its ghost promises. The members are expert liars. The garbage collection or non collection should have never come to this. Heath is wealth. The rats, rodents and insect population are rapidly exploding. Shameful!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2

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