Coroner: Amy Winehouse died after drinking too much alcohol

LONDON (BNO NEWS) — The sudden death of singer Amy Winehouse in July was the result of her drinking too much alcohol, a London coroner revealed on Wednesday. No illegal substances were found in her body.

An inquest into Winehouse’s death found the 27-year-old singer had drank so much alcohol she was more than five times over the legal drink-drive limit, which is 80mg per 100ml of blood. Two large bottles of Vodka and one small bottle were found near her body at her flat in north London.

“She had consumed sufficient alcohol at 416mg per deciliter (of blood) and the unintended consequence of such potentially fatal levels was her sudden and unexpected death,” St Pancras coroner Suzanne Greenway said during the inquest, as quoted by the BBC.

However, despite the ‘Rehab’ singer having a long history of substance abuse, no illegal substances were found in her body. The court heard Winehouse had not consumed alcohol for about three weeks until she started drinking on July 22, a day before she died.

Winehouse was found deceased in her bed by live-in guard Andrew Morris who had been appointed to look after her. He first saw her in bed at around 10 a.m. local time and thought she was sleeping. When he checked again at 3 p.m. he noticed she had not moved and was not breathing.

Winehouse’s final show was in Belgrade in June where she was booed by fans after a disastrous performance, eventually prompting her to cancel all scheduled performances. The Grammy-winning singer also appeared briefly on stage with her goddaughter Dionne Bromfield at the iTunes festival days before her death.

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