Argentina to help Dominica with small business development

Ariel Fernandez
Ariel Fernandez

Argentina has indicated that it will be assisting Dominica in small business development.

President of Dominica His Excellency Eluid Williams, said Argentina has expressed willingness to assist in that area of Dominica’s development.

He made the remarks when Argentina’s Ambassador to Dominica, Ariel Fernandez, presented his credentials to government on Wednesday.

“Of tremendous importance will be that of helping to assist small entrepreneurs,” he said. “In Dominica, like the rest of the OECS, a lot of the jobs are associated with the establishment of small businesses.  Usually, if there isn’t the appropriate support in terms of policy and facilitating the right environment, many small businesses will not survive.”

Williams said further that Dominica could use Argentina’s help in agricultural development.

“I notice that in your country, agriculture is very dominant in the economy and you have made tremendous strides in the reduction of harvest losses and that is an area where we can benefit,” he said.

Ambassador Fernandez pledged to start working with Dominica immediately.

In addition to being Argentina’s Dominica, H.E. Ariel Fernández is also Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Jamaica. He was also appointed in February this year as Argentina’s Permanent Representative to the International Seabed Authority.

Ambassador Fernandez began his diplomatic career in 1994 at the Bilateral Economic Negotiations Directorate for Argentina in charge of the desk for Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Nordic countries. From 1995 to 2008  he was appointed to many leading positions where he participated in a wide range of  negotiations with the FAO, WFP and the IFAD.

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  1. memoire poul
    May 27, 2013

    Ross is a private university.however 90%of its students fees are paid by the U,S. Govt. therefore the U.S. is indirectly supporting the economy of Dominica in a big pay Dominica United States is not your enemy, Please educate yourselves.

  2. ya
    May 27, 2013

    i only hope the staff who directly assist the small businesses are the ones that will benefit from the technical training staff of the small business UNIT, NDFD, etc

    I hope it ain’t political trips to argentina for the boys and girls in red

  3. Anonymous
    May 26, 2013

    prais3e god finally agriculture is getting back recognized much better industry than tourism

  4. wayne.c
    May 24, 2013

    That is nice. Where is the U.S.A in the Caribbean?

    • Malatete
      May 24, 2013

      Never heard of Ross University for example?

      • Anonymous
        May 26, 2013

        That is a private company

    • John
      July 24, 2013

      Waiting for the Chinese to build the Navy Base at Portsmouth then they will take notice.

  5. Malatete
    May 24, 2013

    I smell a rat! Argentina is so short of foreign exchange they are exhorting their citizens to bring the U.S. Dollars, they have been hoarding to the bank, no questions asked. So why should they spend that precious commodity on us? What is the deal? Don’t be surprised if in exchange for assistance from Argentina we have pledged our vote at the U.N. in support of Argentina’s claim to the Falkland islands, denying the inhabitants of that territory their right to self-determination. I challenge the Govt. to deny it.

    • Joe
      May 24, 2013

      I am the government and wont deny it, just want to know from you…

      Is the UK willing to allow the Falklands to have self determination? And isn’t this the norm in international politics, one country helps the other for UN Support??

      • Malatete
        May 25, 2013

        Affirmative Joe. A referendum was held two months ago with a voter turnout of over 90% and 99.8% voting to stay British.
        Of course, countries support one another at the U.N. but there is always a quid pro quo. It is the lack of transparency I am concerned about. In this case we are very forthcoming about what Argentina is going to do for us without disclosing what we are doing for them in return. Why? is it because we are afraid it may put us in a bad light?

    • Tell it Like it is
      May 24, 2013

      Boy Dominicans are the best! We thrive on controversies and malice! I cant believe that a visit by an ambassador can prompt such a conclusion by a Dominica! So you mean to tell me countries cant offer friendly help anymore to each other? Well, my friend, the world finish… if that is your impression! Boy oh boy!

      • eyes to see
        May 25, 2013

        there is nothing such as a free lunch….. nothing

    • May 24, 2013

      Dear Mr. /Mrs. Malatete,

      It will be a great pleasure to talk with you in my next visit to your nice Nature Island if you allow me to do that. If you provide me with a useful mail address we could be in touch in advance.

      Best regards,

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