Obama warns of “strings attached” in China relations

Obama was addressing a youth forum in Jamaica
Obama was addressing a youth forum in Jamaica. Photo credit: Jamaica Observer

US President Barack Obama has warned of China’s influence in Jamaica and the Caribbean expressing concern when the Asian country is the only benefactor in partnerships.

He was responding to a question posed by Newton Harris from the University of Technology at a Youth Forum at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica last week.

Obama said although he welcomed investment by China to improve infrastructure, he warned of “strings that are really attached.”

“If China is making investments that are building up infrastructure, improving education or [are] helping the people, then we want that, that’s great,” he stated. “The only thing is you got to make sure you look at the strings that are really attached.”

He expressed concern about China being the only beneficiary in partnerships.

“If the investments are made and it’s solely to build a road, to extract raw materials that are going to immediately be imported to China, and if China’s workers are shipped in to do the work, and if you don’t know exactly what the deal was with the government – it may not be serving the long-term interest of the country,” Obama remarked.

Obama said a careful approach must be taken when inviting investments from other countries, even the US.

“I would say the same thing for the United States, if we come in and we are giving a $100 million for such and such but if you evaluate the actual benefits and you find that they are disproportionate … and it won’t provide ways that the country will develop, you’ve got to get a better deal,” he said.

Dominica and China established diplomatic relations in March 2004.

Since then China has constructed Windsor Park Stadium, the Roseau to Portsmouth Road Rehabilitation Project – that road’s completion ceremony is scheduled for April 20, the Newtown Town Primary School, and a Housing Project in the Kalinago Territory.

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  1. forreal
    April 15, 2015

    you guys should ask obama,if he is speaking from experience,because the US is biggest debtor to china to date,is their strings attached to they being in debt to china,this man is just playing politics with you all,and it’s all about the venezuela fallout,and how is that agreement going to work,when cuba and venezuela are allies.

  2. April 15, 2015

    At least the US president was honest in his deliberations i wish the same could be said about my PM. And by the way before China became that Great Savior; did any other country or countries including the USA;EU, provide financial or technical Aid to Dominica with little or no strings attached? The MOU mr. PM will you once and for all let us know what is in it?. Dominicans your families still live and work in the US to provide the financial support for us back home for the past 100 years (with no strings attached) you ungrateful bunch of Hypocrites; yet you still begging the US for HAND-OUT.

  3. Picodeau
    April 15, 2015

    “If the investments are made and it’s solely to build a road, to extract raw materials that are going to immediately be imported to China, and if China’s workers are shipped in to do the work, and if you don’t know exactly what the deal was with the government – it may not be serving the long-term interest of the country,” Obama remarked.


  4. lmckoy
    April 15, 2015

    The Chinese came in because they were allowed to do so by someone. They were granted permission by someone, to engage in the projects they undertake. Question is, who is the someone and in whose interest is that person acting?

  5. Francisco Telemaque
    April 14, 2015

    I am going to get local with you Elizabeth, and ask you what development is taking place in Dominica for, “you people insist on slowing down?” Elizabeth, an International Airport is development in any country, we had one practically under construction, in the first phase. When the labor party lied and fool the people, gain their votes, the first thing they did was shut down the project.

    They reject the new airport based on Ralph Gonzalez directive, in favor of installing landing lights at Melville Hall Airport. No need to inform you after Skerrit, your love boy Skerrit took Gonzalez advise, and refuse to build our International Airport, Gonzalez went home to St. Vincent and build Argyle International Airport, where commercial Jet aircrafts are landing or has landed already.

    To you and many Dominicans view the red clinic, the resurfacing of roads, and the talk about feeder roads, and handouts as progress; progress comes in the form of jobs, employment, and a pay cheque!

  6. Gabby
    April 14, 2015

    President Obama speaks the truth here, but also note the strings attached to this critique–the U. S. A.’s fear of China encroaching on North America, firstly, and its fear of losing American influence in the region so as to keep China at bay. China has plucked our islands like pearls for a necklace, and it is not untoward speculation to imagine that necklace could be a choker for the United States and Venezuela.

  7. April 14, 2015

    look out for the strings, just look out for the strings

  8. ROZAY
    April 14, 2015

    Hope the Pensioners are the in the next 40 years to pay our debt when they have a majority of votes to put labour back in office. My mom always told me nothing in life is free. It didn’t had to take Obama to tell us that.

  9. April 14, 2015

    “If China is making investments that are building up infrastructure, improving education or [are] helping the people, then we want that, that’s great,” he stated. “The only thing is you got to make sure you look at the strings that are really attached.”

    He expressed concern about China being the only beneficiary in partnerships.

    “If the investments are made and it’s solely to build a road, to extract raw materials that are going to immediately be imported to China, and if China’s workers are shipped in to do the work, and if you don’t know exactly what the deal was with the government – it may not be serving the long-term interest of the country,” Obama remarked.

    Obama said a careful approach must be taken when inviting investments from other countries, even the US.


  10. April 14, 2015

    How can anybody who knows the history of China and its record of human rights violations trust that country?

    Anything borrowed from China places the receiver at a disadvantage. “The borrower is servant to the lender” wrote King Solomon two thousand years ago. Even a gift received from China is motivated and not to be trusted. The dragon is drooling as it looks over the Caribbean. It is thinking, “I want a piece of that.”

    America may not need the Caribbean. But what it needs and what it would like are two different things. With all Obama has on his plate, and with all his responsibilities, why can he not leave small sovereign self governing island nations in the Caribbean alone? There are reasons for his inordinate interests in this beautiful part of the world.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • April 14, 2015

      “…wrote King Solomon two thousand years ago.”

      This should have been “…wrote King Solomon three thousand years ago.”

      Sorry. :oops:

      Sincerely, Rev. Don Hill.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      April 14, 2015

      Mr. Hill, I gave you a thumbs up specifically due to the first paragraph you wrote. However, I must inform you, if the late Ronald Regan, had taken an interest in the Caribbean in the 1970’s and early 1980’s there would never be a war in Grenada!

      Had the United States, not intervene at the request of the then Prime Minister of Dominica, the late Eugenia Charles; the then Soviet Union would have taken over Grenada, and communism would have overwhelmed the entire Caribbean; some people are now saying I know Francisco was always mad. But remember this; I was married to the cousin of the leader of the African Liberation Party of Antigua Tim Hector.

      My former wife Violet nee Matthew, late mother was Tim Hectors aunt. In reality we were members of the communist party without knowing it, until we were introduced to Leninism. When we found out what it was all about we withdrew. Had Communism succeed in Grenada, Cuba, and the Soviet Union planed to take all of the Caribbean. Take it…

      • April 15, 2015


        You were closer to the situation than I was. Thank you for filling me in on the history.

        I think circumstances are different now with Mr. Obama. I am trying to understand his interest in
        he Caribbean. I wish he would stop trying to influence the islands with his amoral American liberalism. He has shown himself unpredictable.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  11. referee
    April 14, 2015

    I believe balance should be imputed in this conversation. If the deals we have made with China which seem to be honey today will turn out to be a gravel in our children mouth in the future then it was a bad deal to begin with. And shame on you China.
    But let us not forget that it was very same America who punched us the hardest in the guts with our banana
    industry. Yet we still have to embrace the cruise ships today. So the end of the matter is we appreciate both America and China but still we can’t afford to let down our guard either.

  12. Man kind
    April 14, 2015

    People I hope u see what went down MR Obama was in dialog with our future the next generation that is diplomacy when will MR Skerrit indulge himself in debates and have a proper forum with our next generation take and answer all this tough questions even MR Obama was entertaining tough questions and did answer them to the best of his ability .

  13. hmmm
    April 14, 2015

    I myself give up on that argument to really know what we gave up to the Chinese for all that development. I have agreed and made peace with the fact that the Government has sold us down the river. Thank God my child is a US Citizen, so when push come to shove she has somewhere to go. Me I will stay and take my stick in the country.

    • MY 2cents
      April 14, 2015

      US Citizen? The same USA that the same Chinese helping just like us. Duminicans, think before you’ll talk. Obama a self is a hypocrite for that same reason. The great America depending on the Chinese for help but don’t want the Caribbean islands to accept help from them also. It’s about time Americans with their cocky attitude realize they are no longer the power house of the world and live with it

  14. Observer
    April 14, 2015

    What Obama did not say is what is the US’s response to demonstrating what good foreign aid assistance should be. The US, our friend has long turned its back on Dominica and want to tell us, more dictate to us who our friends should be and how we should accept aid assistance. President Obama knows that his country has absolutely no need for the Caribbean. China has shown some interest and has made an amount of 1 Billion US Dollars available for foreign investments in the region. The US has reciprocated with a “caution of sorts”. One would have thought that President Obama was coming to announce real support to us in the Caribbean. A las! The US has failed us again.

    • Nac Vibes
      April 14, 2015

      What absolute garbage. You heard the man, what he said was be careful what you sign on for even from the US, but just because he didn’t come with a wallet full of free bees it upsets you.

      We all know that there is no free lunch and china is not doing what they do out of the goodness of their heart, especoally when they hold the belief that they are superior to us Black people, but I guess peoples like you always with your begging bowl proves them right.

      • April 14, 2015

        Nac Vibes what are you saying; damned if we do and damned if we don’t? That we should be careful of anyone who gives us aid? Or we should refuse aid from anyone. And stay without while others are receiving.

        Do not accept scholarships and blame all those who are academically successful because you did not want charity? PM please keep on working to get my children and grandchildren my nieces and nephews scholarships with any credible country in your opinion that will benefit the children of our country and make them have an open playing field with the rest of the world.

        We elected you to look after our best interest and most of us have complete confidence in you. We love and admire President Obama but he is an American first. And you PM are Dominican first. We thank President Obama for his caution and we will take it under consideration but when push come to shove, PM Skeritt and his government are the ones we will call upon and lash out at when too many pot holes.]

  15. Malpardee
    April 13, 2015

    It is sad for a president right in america to come and tell dominicans be on their ps and qs when comes to the lues and chens.. Awah nah…this is common sense. U all should not have to get a lesson from someone else. Always have an attachment beware..

  16. Immigrant
    April 13, 2015

    If we put ALL politics aside and we look at Honorable Skerrit’s behavior and decision making we will observe that he has been quite reckless. He says what he wants when he wants and makes decisions that will impact the poor people of Dominica. Those citizens who have no relatives abroad and no other place to seek refuge. He places himself in the middle of battles of big guns. While he is busy siding with Venezuela and talking down the U.S. He should remember his TWO children who are U.S. Citizens. The UNited States is not without its faults but many of us depend on the opportunities we get in the U.S. So we can care for our families back home. Over the years my opinion of the P.M. Has deteriorated significantly because he cares only for himself. He is not at all concerned with the well being of the Dominican people. My heart aches for my homeland and my people.

    • Ex Da Law ms
      April 14, 2015

      Couldn’t say it better.A real leader puts the best interest of his people first.

  17. Francisco Telemaque
    April 13, 2015

    ” expressing concern when the Asian country is the only benefactor in partnerships.”(Obama).

    I do not know how many times I echoed that very sentiment in reference to Skerrit, Dominica association with China. I believe last week I made the comments that the Chines when Skerrit borrow their money, for whatever purpose it is used the agents of the communist government of China comes along with the money, and get paid to spend it as they deem fit on the slated project.

    They even bring along their food, and laborers. So what are our people, and nation benefiting from this Skerrit China marriage. ( I is dumb, I doh know much; I doh is smart); but perhaps Obama’s word may open some eyes in Dominica!

    We are not benefiting anything from China for free, before it is all over China will own Skerrit, and his kid and country.

    • forreal
      April 14, 2015

      to be quite frank Francisco,i do not see that you have a vote in this argument for one reason,you do not live in dominica,you live under Obama’ jurisdiction,so naturally you point of view will be biased,as for the barrels handouts that you all guys send home,should our people live like this,while you guys enjoy the laps luxury,no I dont think so,our people deserve all the modern advancements to,we saw America’s presents in dominica after hurricane david,the grenada invasion,the IMF and WORLD bank lending schemes,what advancements have we made on borrowing these monies,ZILCH,but cuba is on record for our young doctors,venezuela has been with us since david,our people life at the gas pumps are easier to date,yes true we have a problem with the bird island issue,but that does give us the inclination to spit in their faces after all they have done,at some point in time,that can be fixed,obama is shaking hands with cuba,and calling Venezuela a security threat,that makes sense to you,

  18. Truth
    April 13, 2015

    Stay away Obama! I mean it! Ok, I’ll calm down……lost it for a moment………

    • May 19, 2015

      You are not alone. Many others share your feelings.

      I think its just that we have noticed how Obama likes to order smaller nations around.

      He would also like to get the upper hand with Israel.

      He is not so quick to flex his muscles when it comes to nations his own size.

      Those of us who know our Bibles and history know there is a God in heaven who rules in the affairs of men. He “will make all things beautiful in his time.”

      “Even so come Lord Jesus.”

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  19. All Fools Day Lies
    April 13, 2015

    @ Felix Aaron and Amical diaspora, Please read The Trinidad and Tobago news: http://www.newsday.co.tt/news/0,209488.html and tell us what DNO said that is misleading. Boy you all wish Dominica would go back to the 60’s so all you could continue to Fool people. Thank God for WWW

    “Turns out we are doing more than our fair share,” Obama said. “We do have some fiscal constraints.” He said the US welcomes China’s rise, saying its development has seen large numbers of people move out of poverty. But he warned that, as with any other country promising investment in another, the receiving country has to be cautious there are no strings attached.

    “If China is making investments that are building infrastructure or improving education or helping the people then we welcome it,” he said. “The only thing is you got to make sure you are looking at what strings are attached.” He said there was a need for transparency in deal-making and for local content in terms of labour.

  20. Yanis Varoufakis
    April 13, 2015

    U all Sot to vote back skerrit take all u blows.

  21. equal
    April 13, 2015

    You ppl turn every fing thing into politics. Give it a fing break man.Every lil thing is a uwp and a labour ppl get a life for f sake.

  22. Geeme, Geeme, Geeme
    April 13, 2015

    “If the investments are made and it’s solely to build a road, to extract raw materials that are going to immediately be imported to China, and if China’s workers are shipped in to do the work, and if you don’t know exactly what the deal was with the government – it may not be serving the long-term interest of the country,” Obama remarked.

    Boy, Obama hit the nail right on the head as if he has been living in Dominica and following what’s going on in Dominica. He should have just put all diplomacy aside and use Dominica as an example because all what he said are exactly what is happening in Dominica. No wonder Skerrit tried to get us distracted and chose to answer about his failed politicians getting top jobs. Why today Skerrit decided to deal with that after a trip from China, Malaysia and a meeting with Obama in Jamaica? He thinks all of us stupid though many of us are

  23. jury
    April 13, 2015

    They estimated ,gave the multi-million dollors LOAN and built the State House as well by themselves.Ask Lennox Honychurch what became of his HISTORICAL input into the project.

  24. goodie
    April 13, 2015

    Take china out of the islands and we in big trouble, Mr USA, cause you do jack sh sh sh .

    • Ex Da Law ms
      April 14, 2015

      Learn to do things for yourself instead of depending on other country and people to do for you.Get of the red clinic mentality.

  25. real possie
    April 13, 2015

    We are a stone throw away from the U.S instead of giving a helping hand you all sat with your big wigs and take away our banana from us by you all free trade, look what you promise to give 20 million to Caribbean countries on exploration of renewable energy that’s like giving one peanut to a herd of elephants, was it not all Chinese who worked on the Golden Gate bridge and their steel beams came from China? if you all open up path ways for islands to borrow money at your banks at 2 and 3% we use to take our country forward with not having to worry about strings, a hungry man wil deal with the devil himself to save his family if need be.

  26. Shaka zulu
    April 13, 2015

    Common sense should tell us if millions of dollars were invested in all those infrastructure we should see a trickle down effect on the population. Nothing is seen. By President Obama’s comment it is quite clear the US has been paying attention. No US president makes such statement without having concrete info to back up the comment. The State Department and the US Embassy is doing thier job.

  27. Peter Potter
    April 13, 2015

    There is nothing like a free lunch…Obama knows that, the other leaders know that, most Dominicans know that but Skerrit clearly does not know that! Or, does he know it and still sold Dominica to the highest bidder? I am afraid that is exactly what he did, otherwise if there was nothing to hide, he would have shown the MOU to the citizens of Dominica.

    • forreal
      April 13, 2015

      have you understood the caribbeans history,how the Caribbean was left dry and poor,till the Caribbean people had to apply for independence,if skerrit had not seeked for help,what would you be saying today,america had it’s own financial woes,they made no real impact since after hurricane david or the grenada’s invasion,what has America done for dominica all these years,more than forced the caibbean’s hands to borrow from the world bank and IMF,come on,this is real,not no fantasy story,strings attached or no strings attached,where are the other options,this a fast paced world economy,dominica is being left behind,what would you do? faced with two evils,as one is saying about the other,we can not buy that,obama calls Venezuela a threat,the same Venezuela who has our life at the gas pump more easy and has been a help since hurricane david,do we spit on them now,because rich powerfull,all of a sudden who think we are better of with them,for two little visas,

      • forreal
        April 13, 2015

        there are Dominicans struggling in the states that can not come home,not even if their parents die,and this is real life my brother.

      • forreal
        April 13, 2015

        let me also add,obama is a very charismatic,a very well versed speaker,he is natural,this what got to be very carefull of,take the good and live the bad of any human being,god rules,not no charmed man.

      • Titiwi
        April 14, 2015

        For real,It is a good thing then that not many Dominicans live in China because that would make it even more difficult to come home if their parents die, not so?
        And that is another thing, we praising totalitarian states like China, Venezueka and Cuba but our people are flocking to the U.S.A and Canada, given half a ,chance. Why is that so? Dies anyone force them to go there? Maybe the insufferable “brains” can explain that to us.

      • Ex Da Law ms
        April 14, 2015

        Did you understand what the president said.Its the truth.

      • Peter Potter
        April 14, 2015

        Have you seen the MOU with China? I suspect not. So, if I was you I would be careful because seeking help, as you say, at any cost is worse than having no help. Mark my words, the day Skerrit is not PM anymore and the new government finds this MOU with China there will be out cries and tears in Dominica.

  28. Fedup
    April 13, 2015

    Obama, until you can tell us what sort of direct assistance the US is going to provide in helping us advance as countries instead of just support in figting drugs then we will listen to you. Of course there is no free lunch (isn’t it the same and EVEN MORE SO with US assistance??). WE value the assistance and friendship of the PRC so either step up or shut up!!!

    • anonymous2
      April 13, 2015

      Advance yourself. Quit asking for and depending on handouts. They all have strings attached.

    • Malpardee
      April 13, 2015

      Zip up… It is sad when people like u can’t comprehend a statement. And don’t waste your time saying anything to me because whatever u say, will have absolutely no effect on me. Don’t waste your spit.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      April 14, 2015

      That is a very sick and stupid argument!

      If you believe that the Chines are friends with you, Skerrit, and Dominica, you are existing on Pluto, or on some other planet in out of space. Notice the Chines have not donated anything to Dominica which can provide sustainable employment to you nor any other Dominican.

      Anything Skerrit get from the Chines have to be paid for; and if the State is not generating any resources as in money to repay the debt, our country will forever be indebted to the China man. They build you a stadium, a State House, and resurface some roads, and placed a tiger head on some bridge; how many are permanently employed from that.

      Six months ago, Skerrit said he was going to China to get money to build an International Airport, since his return, have you heard blabbing from him about it. Not for all the tea in China, will they loan or give Skerrit one dime to waste since they had given the UWP money for that purpose: Ask Skerrit what has become of that…

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 14, 2015

        Furthermore, Obama, and the United Stats, are probably helping Dominica more than you can ever imagine. Think in terms of the ” Barrel Industry” which many of our people depend on for their survival. Clayton Shillingford is the first person I heard spoke about it.

        The barrels are not coming from China, Venezuela, England, France, nor any of the dirt poor ALBA nations; the Barrels derive from the United States, including the U. S. Virgin islands. I am sure that more than half of all the Dominicans living in the United States, and the U. S. Virgin islands are people who came on a visitor visa and over stayed their welcome.

        They work illegally, if Obama, or the immigration and naturalization services want to be spiteful based on remarks such as yours, it would not be difficult to round up all the illegal Dominicans here and the USVI, and deport them. Where would they go to make a living; China?

    • 4 progress
      April 14, 2015

      I fail to see why so many dislike your comments. This about the small Vs the Big, the weak Vs the strong. D’a needs help and a great deal of it. Since independence from the UK “progress” has been minimal. We serious have to ask ourselves without China’s “help” would the stadium roads and so on be in place. There may be a great that the present gov’mt is not revealing about the signed agreement, but people are more beguile by tangible thing rather than words.

      If D’a is wrong in accepting assistance from China so are a great number of countries and islands.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 14, 2015

        “If D’a is wrong in accepting assistance from China so are a great number of countries and islands.”

        What you do not understand is that the government of China, is not doing anything for any nation out of love, and kindness. There are many strings attached; and in the process China gains, the Chines are benefiting more from their ploy than the recipients of the loans.

        Have you ever heard the term “the one China policy?” Do some research of that word, then determine if it is because of love they lent Skerrit their money.

        Note the definition of the “one China policy” and principal simply means complete and undeviating loyalty to China! As a result of this one China Policy, they the Chines demanded that Skerrit severed our nation relationship with the government and people of Taiwan, hence when China, invades, and annex Taiwan, Skerrit will support their actions in the UN.

      • LANGLU
        April 14, 2015

        there is a saying, one fool always admire another…

  29. Oh Yes
    April 13, 2015

    This is exactly what memorandum of understanding (mou), should disclose. When there is something to hide it begs for the culprits use of questionable ways of doing things. Soonerorlater doDominica will know it’s worth in the China/Dominica relationship.

  30. A Doubting Thomas
    April 13, 2015

    There we go again. Just like the UWP repeated phrase of no law and no constitution. Makes no sense if we are unaware of the question. Why give us the response and not the question that was asked? If it were an exam DNO failed.

    What was the exact question put to the US President that prompted his response? At least he said including the US.

    • looking
      April 13, 2015

      Only time will tell

  31. LANLU
    April 13, 2015


    Obama was speaking to skerrit 100 million for the west coast road, the chinese did the estimate, build the road import workers, import equipment and did a lousy job… but the government did not get an independent assessor to validate that the road actually cost a million…

    OTHER POINT is that we do not know what are the strings that are really attached, SKERRIT MAKE THE MOU PUBLIC so the Dominican people can see how much of Dominica you sold to those wood ants(Chinese). when you see woodants in your ceiling the damage is done longtime.

  32. natural dominican
    April 13, 2015

    finally…thanks mr president. i hope the people of Dominica get the message and government will stop making reckless statements aboad

  33. CC
    April 13, 2015

    I hope when the bill comes DA is ready to pay. Nobody is going to build stadium, roads, schools, etc for you and not expect anything in return.

    • Jay Jay
      April 13, 2015

      Very true….mental slavery amongst our people is alive and rithe

    • smh
      April 13, 2015

      Skerrit will pay it lol.

  34. Zandoli
    April 13, 2015

    While I agree with President Obama, when you are hungry, you don’t care too much where the food is coming from. When your belly is nice and full, then you have the time and energy to think clearly.

    It was the very US that pulled the rug our from under our feet when Bill Clinton petitioned the WTO on behalf of Chiquita. While that was happening, where was the aid and investment from the US to support those fragile economies?

    Hold the lecture Mr. President.

    • So we come
      April 14, 2015

      One would be foolish to think that ANY nation will be forever benevolent to another. Administrations change, leaders change, and their focus and obligation is to THEIR people, first and foremost. We need to get away from this dependency attitude as if any other nation is supposed to put OUR best interests first.

      We should always be seeking the best for ourselves, and when we get a good deal, take it and do as much as you can with it until you secure your own means of support. We are our own worst enemy, we sanction corruption and poor leadership, then expect other nations to remain loyal to us, and continually fund our ineffective/inefficient policies.

      We need more than a lecture…we need some tough love to pry open our eyes and minds!

  35. Amical diaspora
    April 13, 2015

    All the people clicking thumb down on basic common sense and points made BRICKBAT to you all……enjoy bring down your own country..shame shame shame yet you all are thirst to cry on

  36. Amical diaspora
    April 13, 2015

    DNO is real bias…..please share proper and beneficial reports made… do you know that the negative and malicious news u broadcast causes harm to our/your own country!!!! not only Dominicans read this news here ON DNO….come better than that!

    • All Fools Day Lies
      April 13, 2015

      Amical diaspora, stop being fooled by Skerrit . FYI DNO only reported this today at 12:40 pm but I heard this exact thing on WAVS 1170 on Friday April 10. WAVS 1170 is a Jamaican Radio Staion that broadcasts in South Florida. So I guess you need to call them and ask them to stop giving negative news because the world is listening. You all just want to keep FOOLING Dominicans by keeping them in the dark.

    • joe
      April 14, 2015

      My sentiments exactly, thank you!!!!!!!!

  37. Felix AAron
    April 13, 2015

    DNO you are deliberately stating ” he warned of “strings that are really attached.”” he was not saying that there were strings attached.

    Obama never said there were strings attached, he was only explaining what could and he even said it also applies to aid from the USA.

    DNO you are practicing malicious journalism.

    When will you be objective DNO. You are going out of your way to make the DLP look bad, you are writing as if you were a party organ of the opposition UWP.

    But the again maybe DNO is a party organ of the UWP.

    I am looking to see how long this comment will remain pending moderation.
    For the benefit of the reading public this comment was posted at 2:08 pm on Monday April 13, 2015. Let us wait and see.

    • Man kind
      April 13, 2015

      Correction to your comment Mr. Felix Aaron.
      mr.P.M went on his own to china without having a decent discussion with us the people.
      We still do not know the contents of the so called M.O.U .
      Hence why not disclose the M.O.U and clear all doubt .
      Or you do not mind go to he’ll and mind your damm buisness acording to Honourable R.Skerrit.
      God bless Dominica and every where else .

      • April 13, 2015

        @ Man kind April 13, 2015

        If Prime Minister Roosevelt Skirrit should wait for the response of the people, for every mission that he plans, on behalf of Dominica–don’t you think that it would be like another election campaign, all through his 5 years of reign over our Nation?

        Why do you people insist on slowing down development for your own country as you remain conformed in the “fallible” motivations of politics? For crying out loud!

    • Oh No
      April 13, 2015

      Be a little more open minded if you can. An objective person listens, thinks, carefully analyses before he or she exposes strength or weakness.

    • looking
      April 13, 2015

      Only time will tell

    • All Fools Day Lies
      April 13, 2015

      @felix Aaron, please go to this webpage and tell us exactly what Obama said. STOP BEING FOOLED! I hope you are a little brighter than …. http://nationwideradiojm.com/bruce-pushes-back-against-obama-on-chinese-investment/

  38. Go girl
    April 13, 2015

    Did you guys even hear his response to the question the young man asked regarding China’s involvement in and influence on Caribbean islands and even its recent deployment of troops to the South China Sea? His response was very diplomatic and not what you all are making it out to be. If you are going to provide information to the masses ensure that it is done properly or you post his full response .He said firstly, we should welcome China’s help and he is very happy for their strong involvement in the region. He also said,that no country in the world has developed at the rate that China has in such a short space of time .In closing he said,what we should be careful about is the problem of no transparency. Meaning we are given projects or deals for which we (the public) do not know what we are to give in return. My input: Dominica has a big problem with transparency. Therefore, I understand the negativity . So many positive things were said why misleadDominicans ?

    • LANLU
      April 13, 2015

      no one is misleading anybody because everybody should be able to read and to understand clearly… Obama said that in simple terms, china assistance should be welcome provided that it is transparent, and from what is happening in dominica, nothing about china is transparent. if it was transparent I would be able to download the MOU like how I could download one between America and some other country..


      • joe
        April 14, 2015

        LanLu which MOU between America and another country can you download?? lead me to that website because America has signed thousands of MOU and i don’t know one American that is aware of them!!!!!

      • LANGLU
        April 14, 2015

        @joe, just do some research use a computer… and do some research, allu like people to spoon fed allu too much…I not like the red clinc…do your damn research

  39. Country man
    April 13, 2015

    Point well made

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