Jazz ‘n Creole Fest coming up this weekend

Monelle Alexis

The stage is set and all systems are ready for the staging of the 13th Edition of the Jazz ‘n Creole Festival scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 5 at the Fort Shirley, Cabrits National Park in Portsmouth.

“I am happy to inform you that we are all set and excited to host the 13th edition of Dominica’s Jazz ‘n Creole,” Communications and Public Relations Specialist of the Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), Monelle Alexis said. “The grounds…they have been manicured, the stage is currently being erected, areas are marked for specific activities, artistes and vendors are finalizing their preparations…”

According to her, the main stage will dazzle with Dominica’s Li-Li Octave, the Legendary Swingin Stars Band, the versatile Michele Henderson, Reggae Dancehall Sensation Colton-T, alongside international talents Mapy out of the United States, and France, and reggae star Alaine from Jamaica.

“You will also witness other exceptional talents from Dominica at Jazz n ‘Creole.

Furthermore, Alexis said Jazz ‘n Creole remains a safe and family-oriented event, “with the rich flavours of reputable restaurants and bars.”

She highlighted the excitement on the main stage and multiple activities at the venue, its fashion-infused spectacle, and an overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness all against the backdrop of the breathtaking Fort Shirley at the Cabrits National Park.

The festival will be hosted under the theme: “Creole Fusion” blending Creole traditions with a festive flair in outfits that combine traditional Creole elements with a modern colourful twist.

The event is expected to begin at 2 pm and end at 9 pm.

Tickets for the event cost $200 at the gate and VIPs $325. Tickets can be purchased at Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) office in Roseau and online at https:/dominicafestivals.com;/jazz-home/

The Line-up:
Prepare for a musical escapade featuring:
 Michele Henderson (Dominica)
 Li-Li Octave (Dominica)
 Swingin’ Stars (Dominica)
 Colton T (Dominica)
 Mapy (USA & France)
 Alaine (Jamaica)
 Octeto (Venezuela)


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  1. dissident
    May 5, 2024

    we must be honest with ourselves
    When I compare this line-up with what went down in St. Lucia……how all you expect some people out there to feel.
    But where is de excitement nuh
    Impress me nuh please
    It’s either we don’t have de money (not enuff promotion) or de event not attracting de kinda artists that are attracted to St Lucia Jazz Festival.
    I have been visiting news websites around de caribbean and I am amazed to see de lack of promotion for de event on social media.
    this is basically a photo opportunity event for politicians and business people ………go search through your wardrobe/closet
    I didn’t notice de rush at de ferry terminal like during carnival either
    I’m not berating de artists but they couold have al least get de privilege of performing on de same stage with soem REAL JAZZ artists.

  2. Robert
    May 3, 2024

    But no jazz !!
    Seriously, how can you call this a jazz event?
    It’s absolutely ridiculous.
    Not a real country for sure.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 7
  3. Roger Burnett
    May 3, 2024

    In case there are Dominicans who are deceived into thinking that this event in anyway reflects the rich legacy of jazz and the artform art form it has bequeathed to the world, I offer this recording for their enlightenment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU9MngCuL5s

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 5
    • Jose
      May 7, 2024

      As much as I appreciate and agreed with your comments 100%, I’m afraid Dominicans are not yet ready for that level of sophistication….Not the organisers and certainly not the listeners…..

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