UPDATE: Labour Party stalwart passes away (with photos)

Ducreay was a cabinet minister in the first DLP administration. Photo credit: The Sun

Nicholson A.N. (NAN) Ducreay, a former trade minister in the cabinet of Dominica’s first premier, E.O. Leblanc, has died.

Dominica News Online has learned that Ducreay passed away this morning at the age of 87.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit states in message on his Face Book Page, “A Titan of Labour has passed… NAN Ducreay… A friend and comrade…he was credited for many national endeavours…one being the Dominica Coconut Products Ltd. Sincere sympathy to his immediate family on the behalf of the Dominica Labour Party and on the behalf of my family and myself. Long may his memory live. May his soul Rest In Peace.”

Ducreay was a long standing member of the Labour Party in Dominica and during his latter years was a staunch supporter of, and advocate for, the policies of the Dominica Labour Party under the leadership of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.

Below is a presentation of photos of N.A.N Ducreay during his involvement in politics taken from the collection of Dr. Lennox Honychurch.



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  1. July 8, 2017

    May he rest in peace! I know his speaking ability and knowledge, not to mention his superb power of recall certainly rubbed off on me and I imagine my siblings. His memory will live on through us.

  2. July 8, 2017

    My Dad will surely be missed. He was a champion of our ideals and fought for Dominica . Perfect he was not, but the name citizen seems very appropriate and fitting to a champion of Dominica’s ideals. May he rest In Peace and his service to his country be remembered for what he accomplished and tried to accomplish for Dominica.

  3. Of the fast disappearing old breed, Mr. Ducreay was a Board member of Wisdom To Know. A gentleman and a scholar, he gave generously to the programme, and we will miss his sagacity and verve. The President, Board and members of Wisdom To Know wish God’s strength to his family at this time. Requiescat In Pace, Mr. Ducreay.

  4. Karfwane Wedgehart
    July 4, 2017

    For the sake of history and accountability, these pictures need to be enhanced in order to identify the rest of the members of the government at that time; particularly those who are shadowed by the one in the photo whose garment resembles that of the Piped-Piper- of- Hamelin.
    Let’s be a little more objective because in those days, there was a certain individual who has left an indelible mark of confidence and respect on the people of his time with his common sense and natural gift of leadership, without a penny and had trounced three of his political opponents in separate election contests.

  5. Let The Truth Be Known - Original
    July 3, 2017

    I remember him as NAN Ducreay. He was extremely active in his lifetime. It looks like he did not waste a minute. He kept busy and politically so. He was patriotic, strong-willed, determined and persevered in all he did. A life well lived for his country.
    My condolence to all members of his family and political associates.
    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace. Amen!

  6. July 3, 2017

    My condolences to the immediate family and the LP family on the passing of this man who was very dear to them. May he Rest in Eternal Peace.

  7. July 3, 2017

    N.A.N Ducreay, oh how I loved to hear him speak! He will be missed by many, for his powerful contributions on the radio. RIP Sir.

  8. July 3, 2017

    PM said it best, he was a real Titan. May God keep his family, give them strength.

  9. July 3, 2017

    Rest easy Mr. Ducreay. You fought for what you believed in and worked hard! Thank you for your many contributions to Dominica and the region.

  10. freedom fighter
    July 2, 2017

    So long Mr. Ducreay. A DLP stalwart to his grave; never gave any constructive criticism of this present administration, agreeing with everything they did and seemed to be living in the past regime of E.O Leblanc. Very eloquent rambler.

  11. cartigan
    July 1, 2017

    Rip,,sir,,just about 2weeke ago i ask about you,,and we hoped for d best,,i realy did miss him on d radio,,maximum respect to you sir,,,many thanks for wat u did for dominica,,

  12. Tanita Brown
    July 1, 2017

    May the Good Lord grant him eternal peace rest; forever in our thoughts you were a good friend of the family; Your love and kindness will always be remembered; Sleep well

  13. Unknown
    July 1, 2017

    Rest in peace

  14. Man bites Dogs
    July 1, 2017

    My condolence go out to the Nan Ducreay family, this man was a true great Dominican loyal to the Labour party from day one, my great disapointment is the Roseau bridge did not name after him before he passed away peacefully, am in London today but hopefully i will be back in time for the peoples funeral service.

    • Yes, you that old goat would have to politicized it!

      In the first place this is the way: ” disappointment” spelt; not like how you spelt the word “disapointment.”

      He was a labor party member in the days when the party was not corrupted: the members of their day put country first, and concentrated on the welfare of the country. They did not crave wealth, that they could not afford.

      They lived on their government honest paid salary, and did not steal! Neither Wills S. Stevens, Leblanc the Laville or any of them stole from the national treasury. They live among the people, and looked everyone in their face, for they had nothing to hide stealing was not on their agenda!

      Boy whereas he is (was) a Wesley man, I assure you he was impeccable, and I am sure would not wish his name to be associated with this rogue corrupted labor party.

      I will take on the responsibility of all Wesley people especially the Ducreay’s who came out a Telemaque mother, “we doh want no Man Eat…

    • I will take on the responsibility of all Wesley people especially the Ducreay’s who came out a Telemaque mother, “we doh want no Man Eat…

      We doh want no Man who eat raw dog meat, come to we Wesley man funeral anyway. Reserve your time to attend to your friend bourgeoisie Roosevelt Skerrit that crapo on the day he is going six feet under: Take that for all the nasty things you said about me; and when I respond to you DNO; (out-out my comments.

      If you want to know what is ( ‘out-out’), go in Wesley and ask anybody!

  15. July 1, 2017

    RIP SIR.

  16. Hannah Clarendon
    July 1, 2017

    Condolences to the family and friends of Hon. N. A. N Ducreay,
    He was a great “Gentleman Politician “

  17. Believer
    July 1, 2017

    I remember him years ago when he was Minister of Trade and Industry.
    Very personable individual.
    He was adamant that Dominica’s products get a good market overseas and fought hard for
    better deals for the export of our bananas to England.
    Condolences to the family.

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