LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The betrayal of Dominica’s ‘Independence Generation’


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 In the annals of Caribbean history, the 1970s generation of Dominica stands as a testament to the unyielding spirit of youth determined to chart a new course for their homeland. The young men and women who championed Dominica’s independence movement risked everything – their education, their employment prospects, and even their lives – in a courageous stand against colonial rule. Their leader, Rosie Douglas, a revered figure in Dominica’s struggle for self-determination, symbolized a beacon of hope and national pride. However, the subsequent years have cast a shadow over their sacrifices, replacing their dreams with a painful sense of betrayal.

 When Dominica finally broke free from British rule in 1978, it was expected to usher in an era of self-governance, prosperity, and respect for all who had fought tirelessly for the cause. Yet, many of these brave individuals found themselves ostracized and labeled as personae non gratae by those who had either stood on the sidelines or opposed the Popular Independence Committee. In a cruel twist of fate, the architects of Dominica’s freedom were sidelined by those who had failed to support, or actively resisted, their quest for independence.

 The current oligarchy in Dominica has compounded this sense of betrayal. By selling citizenship to a global network of money launderers and criminals from regions such as Afghanistan and Iraq, they have undermined the sanctity of Dominican identity and sovereignty. This unscrupulous commodification of Dominica’s citizenship not only tarnishes the nation’s reputation but also starkly contrasts with the ideals of integrity and self-respect championed by the independence leaders.

 The tragic deaths of Prime Ministers Rosie Douglas and Pierre Charles in office underscore the toxic political climate that emerged in the wake of independence. Both men, who had been staunch advocates for Dominica’s self-governance, faced relentless pressure and insidious disrespect from those who prioritized personal gain over national welfare. These indefatigable leaders, subjected to vicious assaults on their character and purpose, ultimately succumbed to the immense strain placed upon them.

 Now, those who orchestrated this betrayal stand in positions of immense power and wealth, reaping the benefits of their ill-gotten gains. They have cloaked themselves in the trappings of success, but at what cost? The biblical question “what would it profit a man to win the whole world and lose his soul,” rings poignantly true in this context. The wealth and influence they now wield cannot mask the moral and ethical decay at the heart of their actions.

 Dominica’s journey to independence was one of valor, sacrifice, and promise. For those youth and student leaders who braved the tumultuous path, the ultimate betrayal lies not just in being cast aside but in seeing their beloved homeland embroiled in corruption and dishonor. It serves as a stark reminder that the true measure of a nation’s independence lies not in the mere act of self-governance, but in the honoring of the principles, integrity, and dignity that underpinned the struggle for freedom.

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  1. Labour power
    July 30, 2024

    You really think Dominicans have no memory.Rosie Douglas,the same Rosie brought a member of the British Parliament to Dominica.He(Bernie Grant) told us we should diversify from bananas,because we would lose our preferential treatment on the British market.The same party you,Gabriel Christian is now supporting called Rosie a liar,a communist,a jailbird and an arsonist,I guess you are not aware.When Frankie Crazy T Bellot became a candidate for UWP in Grendbay the party you are now supporting,placed Pierre Charles head in the place of a jack… head.You deliberately forgot what Lennox Linton and UWP use to say about Pierre Charles,hypocrite.It was the poor man who brought Labour back to power,the rumshop man,the labourer,the fisherman,the man on the street.It was not the university graduates,it was not the man with the LLB,it was not the man with the PHD,who spent their fruitful years working in and for a foreign country,with nothing to show in the land of the birth.Crooked,traitors.

  2. Ibo France
    July 30, 2024

    This editorial is saturated with facts and the unvarnished truth. It gives a poignant reminder of the personal sacrifices and the arduous road to independence made by our original nation builders.

    Now one unscrupulous fellow and his parasitic adherents have completely destroyed the vision and hope that the pioneers envisioned for this country and its people.

    Roosevelt practises plantation politics. Dominicans where is the rebel in you? How can one dishonest man and his small clan manipulate and subjugate seventy thousand

    Dominicans – about this untenable current political and economic situation. Say nothing, do nothing, you will be nothing!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1

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