Local fisheries industry attracts younger demographic

Jullan Defoe and Lakeyia Joseph addressing launching ceremony

Latest censuses conducted in the fisheries industry in Dominica have shown an increase in the number of young people engaged in fishing.

This was disclosed by Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy, Jullan Defoe while delivering remarks at the official launch of the National Youth in Agriculture (NAYA) Programme, recently held at the State House Conference Room.

“In fisheries, our first census we conducted in 2008 the average age of the fisher was 53-years-old and we conducted our second census in 2011 and it had dropped to around 47-years-old,” he said. “Since then, we had a third census that was on its way in 2017. We were in the middle of the census, but due to the Hurricane the entire files and everything were lost, so we were not allowed to analyze as yet, but we have the new census coming on and I am very sure that we will drop the age margin by at least five years.”

Defoe continued, “I am confident, just on our observation on the number of new fishers we are registering and field registration.”

According to the Minister, data is important, “but nothing is more important than what you can see with your own eyes.”

He stated that, apparently, through the training and engagement on the ground, the cadre of fishers is very young.

“They would be the most critical people we are looking for to meet our huge target of $700 million,” he said. “The $700 million contribution to [Gross Domestic Product] GDP by 2030 is not solely on the back of the people in the crop sector, we intend to make a meaningful dent… the calculations have been made, we are looking at at least $47 million increase every year…”

Defoe pointed out that overall the government continues to provide training to young people in all sectors of fisheries.

“Agriculture and the fisheries sector are there, take advantage of it and we will create additional opportunities,” he encouraged.

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  1. Tarnisha
    April 13, 2023

    Show us the ‘census’ instead of making these bold claims which, let’s face it, are nothing but pie in the sky and shameless propaganda. Get out f here, Defoe and Joseph. Have you got no shame?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  2. Joseph charles
    April 5, 2023
  3. Zandoli
    April 4, 2023

    While you are at it, the government should look at size limits for fish that can be kept. A lot of these fisher people keep juvenile fish which are the backbone of the future resource. People don’t think in those terms but when you kill juvenile fish you are reducing the number of fish that are available to breed later.
    The ocean is not an inexhaustible reserve.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  4. Clement
    April 4, 2023

    If only the Dominican people could trust these censuses conducted by the government. I would argue, they are not censuses or evidence backed statements, but rather rhetoric and cheap propaganda.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 0
  5. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    April 4, 2023

    I suspect the only reason some young people would choose to get involved into fishing is because that might be their only alternative; seeing that jobs are not a common thing in Dominica.
    However, that is a profession the same as farming which causes one to age overnight!
    Nevertheless, if the emphasis is to become involved in deep sea fishing that would mean getting involved with the type of fishing vessels (troolours) and nets for fishing in order to make the catching of fish easier.
    If the idea is to set fishing pots made out of chicken wire, that can be a very costly and none profitable venture.
    If one is successful, with the high price of fish in Dominica, one could indeed earn a good living from that. At least that would be honest money!

  6. Bankhours
    April 3, 2023

    DNO I realize you are looking for news but there’s nothing interesting to report because Dr Skerrit place the country in ICU. So DNO please investigate to tell us if these banks are operating in Dominica but not to locals:


    Entity Name Business Address Registration
    ReisBank Ltd 7 Cross Street P.O. Box 1954, Roseau, DM 2022-12-13
    Open FX Investments LLC 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley, Roseau, DM-04, 00152, DM 2022-10-27
    GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CORPORATION 2nd Floor 36 Great George Street, George, Roseau, 1098000, DM 2022-06-29
    1Click 2Go Bank and Trust Ltd 27 great marlborough street, Roseau, DM 2021-11-29
    LOMREX LTD Cnr Old and Church street, P.O. Box 2290, Roseau, DM 2021-11-23
    Finext Eastern Bank Corporation

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
    • Pluto
      April 7, 2023

      They are no retail banks but rather ‘laundromats’ of el Supremo. All you guys in Dominica know not even half of what your CM is up to!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
  7. Lie that
    April 3, 2023

    Stupes tan. Skerrit destroyed the country and you all know damn well that young people have no damn interest in a Dominica that’s been taken away from them.
    DNO news is like cooked provisions with no meat. I’m surprised they carrying fisheries none sense when we all know that top officials are giving boats to young people to carry their crooked back door deals in the name of young people interested in fishing. Lie that!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1

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