Marigot Hospital celebrates one year of operation

Throughout its first year of operation, Marigot Hospital has provided essential healthcare services to the Marigot district. These include urgent care, pharmacy services, x-rays, ECGs, and various diagnostic procedures, as well as a new dental service launched in July 2024.

The Hospital also conducted a total of seventy (70) specialist clinics and provided urgent care to more than three thousand five hundred (3,500) patients. A statement by the Dominica Hospitals Authority (DHA), lists plans to broaden its services “as the Government moves towards full utilization of the hospital”, increasing healthcare access for residents in nearby areas.

The DHA further stated that it “remains committed to delivering quality, people-centered care at both the Dominica China Friendship Hospital and the Marigot Hospital. Management extends sincere thanks to the DHA staff for their dedicated and professional service throughout the past year. Heartfelt gratitude is also extended to the residents of the Marigot district for welcoming us as part of the community.”


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  1. September 13, 2024

    When will we be able to say the same about the Portsmouth Hospital which seems to have been neglected for quite a while. This hospital is now a shadow of what it once was.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
  2. September 13, 2024

    When will we be able to say the same about the Portsmouth Hospital which to have been neglected for quite a while. This hospital is now a shadow of what it once was.

  3. Labour power
    September 12, 2024

    He we go again,another dunce.If,if,if another enemy of the state,who found nothing to criticize and talk neverative about.At first I thought the hospital was in Dubai.

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  4. Ibo France
    September 12, 2024

    If all the services mentioned are provided professionally, competently and in a timely manner by the hospital the relevant authorities should be highly commended.

    I to be upgraded where emergency surgery, dialysis, hospice care among other services can be rendered. COMPREHENSIVE CARE!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3
    • Eagle-Eyed
      September 13, 2024

      Ibo, I recall you were insistent that Marigot would never see the construction of this facility under a Skerrit administration. Are you eating your words now? Can’t wait to see your reaction at the commissioning of the new International Airport. Hope you get a front row seat to witness it all.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 9
      • Ibo France
        September 14, 2024

        I will be ecstatic if this ‘concept’ becomes reality. It’s a farce. For umpteen years this ‘on again’ – ‘off again’ project has been used as an election gimmick.
        Stop being loose with the truth about me.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        September 14, 2024

        In any event it was long overdue!
        The poor people of Mexico whose money the government of Mexico gave to the people of Dominica to build that hospital, may wondered if their money went into another deep pocket, perhaps that of the Mr. Corrupted crook, the Sir knight, the only triple doctor!
        Anyway, it is a much better more modern than what we had left over from the colonial days. My hope is that it is equipped with modern diagnostic instruments, along with properly trained technicians and other professionals to properly operate the same.
        In addition to that our hope the doctors attached are not all out of Cuba, and China!
        It doesn’t matter how beautiful the building, it’s the service, and treatment provided by the specialists treating the patients involved.
        We should thank the government and people of Mexico for the money: they could have used that in their country to provide housing for some people still living in dirt flooring in what they call their homes.

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