Mindy Leblanc tops CSEC in Dominica with 13 ones, 5 twos and 1 three


Mindy Leblanc, Dominica’s top CSEC performer for 2023

Mindy Leblanc, a fifteen-year-old from the community of Portsmouth, has emerged as Dominica’s top-performing student in the Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) exams. When the preliminary results were recently unveiled by the Ministry of Education, the former student of St. John’s Academy School of Excellence, stood out with the remarkable achievement of 13 grade ones, 5 grade twos, and 1 grade three.

While Mindy herself was not available for comment at the press conference, due to her being in the US pursuing higher education, her mother, Glenda Hyacinth-Leblanc, explained that the news of her success came as no surprise given how exceptionally disciplined, goal-oriented, and enthusiastic her daughter is towards learning.

“She has always been this focused ‘go getter’ child so many times I would get up in the middle of the night I would meet her studying, she would go to bed very early, make sure she gets enough sleep, and then she’d wake up around two in the morning, study, then go back to sleep about five o’clock and be refreshed for her to go to school,” she said.

She further revealed that Mindy, who aspires to become an environmental engineer, has been an overachiever since a very young age, and secured the sixth position on the island during the Grade 6 National Assessment in her year.
While giving “all the glory, all the honor to the almighty Lord”, she noted that her daughter is a person of faith who diligently serves the church as an altar server. Mindy’s accomplishments extend beyond academics; as she was also an active member of a national netball team.

In her message to parents, Hyacinth-Leblanc, who is herself a teacher, stressed the significance of laying a strong educational foundation from an early age. She emphasized the need for parental involvement, helping with homework, setting boundaries for play and study, and maintaining a structured routine for children.

Additionally, she paid homage to St. John’s Academy, which is no longer in existence. She praised the school as one of the best on the island, and she attributed Mindy’s success to the solid foundation provided by the school’s dedicated teachers and formidable principal.

“In spite of the fact that the school was marred with so many challenges which eventually caused its closure, she was able to perform that way,” she declared.

“So thank you SJA, it was hard to see you go as I know what you did for the North, but you ended well. And it’s unfortunate that between the church and the government, that no one saw the need to let such a school continue because at SJA no child was left behind,” she added.

The ceremony also recognized other students who achieved grade ones in the exams. Those who obtained 10 grade ones included, Nalini J Coipel, Convent High School (CHS); B’yaarn C Seaman, Portsmouth Secondary School (PSS); Sev S. Mckenzie and Adrian A. Piper of the St Mary’s Academy (SMA); Nichole N. C. Tyson, North East Comprehensive School (NECS) and Malaika E Jno. Charles, from the Isaiah Thomas Secondary School (ITSS).

Students who earned 9 grade ones include Kayla A. Hamilton, PSS; Cashelle M. R. Challenger, Brianne E. Cuffy and Kayleen P. Dupuis of the Arthur Waldron SDA Academy.

An additional 6 students obtained 8 grade ones during the examination. They are, Arienne E. Baron, Safiya C. Ettienne, Bernisha A. Moreau, and Helen R. B. Royer from the CHS, as well as Afiya S. George of the PSS, and Cadel J. Casimir, SMA.

A few of Dominica’s top CSEC performers for 2023 with Education Officials

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  1. September 17, 2023

    Hello and good morning my people. Well congratulations to this young lady on her achievements but as the article indicated that she all ready left to pursue higher education. Why didn’t the Government gave her a full scholarship and a contract to return to Dominica. We are loosing our young bright minds because we all know she isn’t coming back with some type of binding contract. Again congratulations on your accomplishments.

  2. Me again
    September 16, 2023

    Can you imagine if this school was in Town: Roseau, the Roseau bourgeois, who could not stomach such an excellent school in Possie doing such wonders for our children against the schools established during the colonialist period are not doing, would allow a school that was established during the enlightenment period to be closed. Nothing good in Dominica can be done out of Town where nothing good is being done for that town; and it is “country folks” doing their bidding for them. But because of the oppressive disposition that has been taken against Portsmouth and other faithful parts of the country who have been so dedicated, allowing such an excellent school to be closed is the gratitude that is being shown.

  3. Rasta Pasta
    September 15, 2023

    Congratulations Mindy!!

    You will go on to achieve many more great things that you never even dreamed of.

    One Love

  4. Galileo
    September 14, 2023

    Congratulations, Mindy and to your mom, one of my elementary school teachers. The message here is the significance of having strong, supportive parents and as a individual, being focused. Just sad, because of the multiple lacks back home, she has already left. God’s speed, young lady.

  5. Petro
    September 14, 2023

    Well done Mindy Leblanc. congrats to the staff of your former school SJA and ofcourse your parents.

    Congratulations to all the other students who were successful at the CXC exam. To those who may not be too happy with their grades don’t give up, just go ahead and give it your best.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  6. MEME
    September 14, 2023

    I am always delighted when young people WORLDWIDE achieve positive success. Congrats to all, including the top students. Special congrats to Mindy Leblanc. Unfortunately many may not even serve Dominica, because the country, (Dominica), is a “disaster”, and everyone is yearning to escape it; but education gives one the cutting edge, and ensures that he is equipped to survive in changing environments. So those who leave shall survive. Kudos to the teachers and the dedicated mothers and fathers.
    Job Well done! To those who did not do as expected, it’s not the end of the road for you. Put in more effort, change some habits, be more disciplined with your studies, etc…..And remember education is not just a piece of paper…..it runs deeper than that..You all are not failures!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 4
  7. September 14, 2023

    Congratulation young lady your parents must be proud of you. Keep your head up and continue doing well.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
  8. Skerro
    September 14, 2023


    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0

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