Monsterrat initiates National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

Montserrat NBSAP Launch

Montserrat is initiating a significant effort to create its inaugural National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) in partnership with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). This strategic document is essential for countries that are signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as it will serve as a guideline for Montserrat in fulfilling its biodiversity obligations. The primary goals of the NBSAP include enhancing ecosystem services, tackling the current decline in biodiversity, and promoting sustainable development while skillfully balancing environmental, social, and economic interests.

The launch of this ambitious project took place in December 2024 at the Montserrat Cultural Centre, featuring speakers from both the Montserrat government and the OECS Commission. PC Consultants Ltd., the consulting firm appointed to develop the NBSAP, outlined the project’s scope in a presentation that was followed by a dynamic workshop. This session encouraged active participation from key stakeholders, fostering discussion on the NBSAP’s goals and requirements.

Highlighting the significance of this initiative, Ms. Norma Cherry-Fevrier from the OECS Commission discussed the BioSPACE program, which is backed by a €10.7 million funding grant from the European Union. This program aims to enhance biodiversity management throughout the Caribbean, with Montserrat set to gain from three pivotal initiatives: the NBSAP’s development, the establishment of an artificial reef to replenish marine life affected by volcanic activity, and inclusion in the Regional Environmental Data Portal to improve environmental data management.

In his keynote address, Hon. John Osborne, the Minister of Agriculture, Lands, Housing, and the Environment, stressed the ecological value of Montserrat, noting that British Overseas Territories contain over 90% of the UK’s biodiversity. He emphasized the importance of preserving these natural assets for local communities and economic opportunities, particularly in areas like eco-tourism and sustainable agriculture. With ongoing engagement planned over the next five months, the Department of Environment and the project team will work closely with stakeholders to ensure the NBSAP reflects the island’s specific needs and aspirations.

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