New lots available at government-subsidized rates

Housing Minister Melissa Poponne-Skerrit has announced that Lots in Plat Ma Pierre, Colihaut, and Hillsborough Gardens in St Joseph are available for immediate purchase.

According to her, the government’s plans for necessary infrastructure development are well underway.

“I am pleased to confirm that lots in Plat Ma Pierre, Colihaut, and Hillsborough Gardens in St Joseph are readily available for immediate purchase, presenting an exciting opportunity for eager homeowners to commence construction almost immediately, while Jimmit and Cotton Hill in Portsmouth require some infrastructural enhancement,” she said.

Poponne-Skerrit assures prospective buyers that the ministry is fully committed to expediting these works to ensure that the lands are available to interested individuals at the earliest opportunity.

“Lands that we are making available are situated in desirable locations offering both esthetic and convenient access to essential amenities and services,” she stated.

Poponne-Skerrit continued, “Our aim is simple, to alleviate the housing challenges faced by citizens and to help them achieve their dreams of home ownership.”

She pointed out that prime residential lands at these new or extended sub-divisions are being offered at subsidized rates, ranging from EC$7 to EC$9, “an unprecedented opportunity for you to secure this island’s future.”

She further stated that 39 lots have been made available in Jimmit phase 7, 27 in Plat Ma Pierre Colihaut, 67 in Cotton Hill, Portsmouth, and 30 in Hillsborough Gardens, St Joseph.

Meanwhile, Poponne-Skerrit encourages all interested parties to visit the ministry or the housing division, “to engage with our dedicated staff. We will guide and support you through every step of the process.”

“Rest assured that we are committed to supporting every successful applicant, every step of the way as we embark on this exciting journey,” she stated.

To peruse the layout of the lots, Poponne-Skerrit encouraged interested applicants to visit the government website or her Facebook page ‘Melissa Poponne- Skerrit’.

“There you will see multiple flyers, the placement of lots. Don’t delay, the lots are limited. Apply today and seize this extraordinary opportunity to build a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones,” she encouraged.

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  1. Malick
    April 19, 2024


    I am going to post my comment again, because you all seem to pick and choose what gets published:

    My question is if this is a government venture/initiative…why should this be on the personal social media page of any politician. Why should the public have to visit any body’s personal social platform to access services given by Government. Government surely has it’s own social media platform. This should not be tolerated as this should be deemed as unethical.
    Matters related to services provided by government should only be accessible from Government’s web portals or social media platform.
    As an IT specialist, she is benefiting every time a user clicks the link to view the resource from her Facebook platform. This is Government’s resource and not her personal resource..thus why it is unethical to have this via her Face-book page.

  2. A real salesman
    April 18, 2024

    My entire family here in Dominica have been working from hand to mouth with no money in bank. Our friends and neighbors some of whom are worse than us. But the government say they helping us buy land. Helping us? You giving house so why not give land? I see.

  3. Bring back the kidnapped parrots.
    April 17, 2024

    The lots should only be available to Dominicans by birth. Only people born on the island should be allowed to own property.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  4. Lazy
    April 17, 2024

    what is really going on in Dominica…than politicians enriching themselves and giving little back…not creating employment apart than Chinese….bs….banks will continue to close down…when ppl are not employed…how are they going to pay loans…always come to pope skerrit

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  5. Labour power
    April 17, 2024

    I hope the Labourites who built Dominica after hurricane Maria with their blood,sweat and tears get first priority.Let those lazy blues continue to do nothing and say nothing is happening in Dominica.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 21
    • lin clown
      April 17, 2024

      and you yourself cannot afford to buy the land at 7 a square foot

    • Lin clown
      April 18, 2024

      You self can’t even afford to buy them at 7 so move there

  6. Tobias sebastien
    April 17, 2024

    Really….between $7 and $9
    and that’s the best you all can do. we pay rent for your house in morn Daniel at $60.000 a Month, as a public servant u can do much better for me, for us. so please oh please.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
  7. RastarMarn
    April 17, 2024

    LOL so allyou Doh want to pay people,,,

    Allyou doh want to give people raises!!!

    Who can afford dem lots dere when everybody on NEP???

    What is wrong wiff allyou nuh!!!

    More RastarMarn give allyou chance to redeem allyou self is more Mockery allyou coming dere to make of allyou self???

    Soh how all dat land dere became available for sale again???

    But what happen to allyou ambitions with allyou Housing projects nuh,,,

    Oh wait StarBoy mussa go to dem ChinaMan dem d-other day dere but dem ChinaMan dem self in Financial turmoil so now allyou making offer to people dat doh even have noffing to call deir Suppah!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1
  8. Goverment Laundromat inc
    April 16, 2024

    , “an unprecedented opportunity for you to secure this island’s future.”

    When you take your time to read and listen to everything Melissa Skerrit says, it is clear that she is NOT speaking to the local Dominicans and, they already have their potential owners in mind.

    What potential island’s future is she referring to? Is she referring to a future owned and dominated by foreigners ? I don’t know but her language is frightening because only a blind person would not realize that our future has been behind us as native Dominicans.

    “Rest assured that we are committed to supporting every successful applicant, every step of the way “.

    Ms Skerrit, what qualifies one to be a successful applicant and how will the government assist them? Can an applicant be successful without a job or money? Or do they need to their money to be successful? If they have their money then how will you assist them? Boy that sounds like a laundromat business and these people know who they want to own…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1
  9. Criminal Enterprise
    April 16, 2024

    look out for government operatives to purchase land for their international friends and partners in crime and for these same crooks to say locals didn’t want land. in fact don’t be surprised to hear some of these lots have already been sold in secret regardless of their cock-a-doodoodoo announcement

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  10. derp
    April 16, 2024

    no thanks those lots have people packed like sardines

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
  11. lin clown
    April 16, 2024

    they have there people in there gang that already lined up to buy 3/4/5/6 or even 7 lots
    and if u reasonable is 7 and 9 dollars a square foot you want to be selling in that extra dry hot and rocky area up plat ma piere . that place is a fire zone and there u want to put people to live?

    come on people. do a research find out who really own that land and where that money going when u buy land there .

    they trying to pocket money from that again . gov should not be selling land to ( help ) people for more that 4 dollars a square foot something fishie there

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  12. Putin
    April 16, 2024

    Now, this is awesome news!! Another opportunity for Dominicans to improve their lives.

    This is further evidence of a caring and hardworking government….for the people and by the people.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 21
    • lin clown
      April 17, 2024

      and you yourself cannot afford to buy the land at 7 a square foot

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0

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