No more electoral reform consultations says Skerrit, ‘the next consultation…is in Parliament’

The government does not intend to hold any more public consultations as far as electoral reform is concerned.

Prime Minister Skerrit made this announcement at a press conference on Friday.

And according to him, this long drawn-out consultation is over.

Caribbean Jurist Sir Dennis Byron was appointed by the Government of Dominica as the sole commissioner for electoral reform. After conducting a review of Dominica’s electoral system, he submitted his final report on June 12, 2023, and presented it to various groups and organizations including NGOs, media houses, churches, political parties, and trade unions, among others, during a function held at the State House Conference Centre on June 21.

Public consultations on Sir Dennis’ review started on August 14, 2023. The first two consultations were held at the State House Conference Center for legal professionals and political representatives on August 14 and 15, respectively. Further sessions were organized for various groups including public service members, trade unions, business associations, youth organizations, sports associations, media, medical professionals, engineers, contractors, and financial services managers. International organizations like the OAS, The Commonwealth, CARICOM, and the OECS participated at the invitation of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit. The consultations ran until August 28, 2023, with community-level sessions and sessions for the Diaspora. Public feedback on the report was collected via email at [email protected].

“We have to accept and I make it very clear to Dominica, that this long drawn-out consultation is over,” Skerrit stressed “I am not going back to any public consultation. The next consultation I am having is in Parliament.”

He argued that there are people in this country who called for electoral reform, “but they do not want it…and they want to drag it on and on and hoping that the next election will come by and there will be no electoral reform.”

 He said the government is mandated by the constitution to send the bill to the electoral commission.

Skerrit explained that what his government has done out of further courtesy is to send the draft bills to each member of Parliament in an informal manner, that is to say it is not coming from the Speaker or the clerk of the house, so they will have an opportunity to access and read.

“And what we will do, we will afford them the opportunity for us all to meet as members of Parliament, including the Speaker of the House to go through the bills and so they could share with us what concerns they have,” Skerrit explained.

Moreover, he said he expects each member of Parliament who is a constitutional figure would engage those who he or she is representing and share the views and aspirations of those whom he or she is representing and hope that it can be reflected in the bills, “and eventually enacted into law.”

“We have taken the liberty to post it on the government website and all entities, whether the church, trade unions, farmers groups or political parties can go read it,” he stated. “If they have comments they can send the comments to us.”

On May 15, 2024, the Government of Dominica announced that in accordance with section 51 of the Constitution of the it provided the Electoral Commission with copies of the electoral modernisation legislation proposed as part of the electoral reform process in Dominica.

The submission to the Electoral Commission follows extensive public debates, discussions, written recommendations from individuals and entities, and prolonged government-initiated electoral reform consultation.

Copies of the proposed legislation have also been provided to Her Excellency the President of Dominica and will be subsequently published on the government website and via other media for public review. Copies will also be forwarded to the Organization of American States (OAS), the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), the CARICOM and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

The proposed legislation provided is as follows:

  1. The Registration of Electors Act and Regulations 2024;
    2. The House of Assembly (Elections) Act and Regulations 2024 (which incorporates the House of Assembly (Election Petition) Rules 2024; and
    3. The Electoral Commission Act 2024.

Government intends to have this finalized in the month of June so that all the necessary budgetary allocations can be made in the upcoming financial estimates in an effort to give the electoral commission not only the legislative mandate but also the financial resources required to advance the implementation of the electoral reform process.

The Government is confident that the proposed drafts address the principal areas of immediate concern and will set Dominica on a firm path to comprehensive modernisation of the electoral process.

The Electoral Reform Legislation is available on the government’s website at

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  1. dissident
    June 4, 2024

    Parliament is your rubber stamp
    However your actions are not in line with de constitution.
    Therefore we have a right to go after you
    But it is now clear that we have to go outside de constitution to find you!!!!!!!!!!
    We already dash way de Sir infront Byron name.
    That is a sign of our respect…… case you blind.
    Whatever you and de force send in our face …………..we will return to sender

  2. Ibo France
    June 4, 2024

    Any Dominican who still holds out hope that the Master of Deception (Roosevelt) will effect fair electoral reforms that give each political party or independent candidate a level playing field at elections, would believe that elephants will fly one day in the not too distant future.

  3. if we knew better
    June 4, 2024

    Yes for you to just do what you want. Pass the reforms that ONLY suit you then announce another snap election with 2-3 months lead time. Meanwhile your t-shirts and umbrella probably all printing as we speak as you may intend to call another election 2-3 years after the last one. You think all Dominicans stupid? I see right through your little games. Its just a pity that the real opposition cannot get its bloody act together. boots on the ground and consultation doesnt win election them times. The people have to FEEL you. you have to get viable candidates, not just man that want to show their face and rub shoulder. You have to do for the people, even if is just to build a step or pave a sidewalk an old person. Too much talk means nothing. telling these fools over and over how you can change economy not going and win election. Is a different kind of Dominican that there in majority these days. You have to show them otherwise they taking you for joke.

  4. Lady
    June 4, 2024

    what is he doing in d electoral reform process? he not supposed to be in it. he just should have no part to play in it. wasting of time with this even reporting this.

  5. Bwa-Banday
    June 3, 2024

    Well, guess what? The fight has just began because the SOS is NOT going to ram a hard election bill down our throat like we are his subjects and he is king. Oh hell no! After the last public gathering I was ready to follow Hilary and stay on the streets until the cabal fell but noooooo the coward apologists we have running for elections are too concerned about their own rear ends being pick up so they quick to say go home peacefully instead of saying; ” As the conscience of this nation, you all must do whatever you believe is right and just until you get what you deserve”. Thats all they have to say! Police cannot arrest you for that..Period!

    Our politicians are a bunch of cowards, but doh threat ,we must get what we want because the SOS or his manicou gang cannot stop us. God is on our side…”come ye forward sons and daughters, do the right be firm, be fair! ELECTION REFORM NOW, NOT DEFORM!

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