OECS marks 43rd anniversary with thanksgiving church service

The 43rd anniversary of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) was marked with a special Thanksgiving Service on Monday, June 10, 2024. The event took place at the Benedictine Nuns Mount of Prayer in Coubaril, Saint Lucia, and was live-streamed to unite member states in expressing gratitude for over four decades of regional integration.

In attendance were the staff and leadership of the OECS Commission, with Father Michel Francis delivering the homily. The service featured performances by the OECS Praise & Worship Team, Starlights, the AVAD Dance Ministry, and a steel pan rendition by staff member Gemmy Bailey.

Steel pan performance by Gemmy Bailey

The celebrations for the 43rd anniversary of the OECS will continue with upcoming events, including the OECS Fun Walk scheduled for Sunday, June 16, 2024, and the OECS Colours Day and Anniversary on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

Dr Jules giving remarks


OECS Director General, Dr. Didacus Jules shared the following words of encouragement in his opening remarks, setting the stage for continued expansion towards the organization’s  44th anniversary next year:

“Today as we reflect on our journey, we can take pride in the remarkable strides we have made together. But we must also use the opportunity to reflect on our shortcomings. The ultimate measure of our accomplishments is not simply the catalog of what we have accomplished but also, as the penitential prayer puts it, in what we have done and in what we have failed to do.

“Integration is about breaking down barriers, fostering collaboration, cooperation and building a shared vision for the future. It is about recognising that our strength lies in our unity and that together we can achieve far more than we ever could alone.

“Each of us is a steward of the values that the OECS embodies – integrity, accountability, inclusiveness, and excellence. We must adhere to these values in all our endeavours, ensuring that our actions and decisions reflect the highest standards of ethical conduct and professional integrity. It is through our collective commitment to these values that we can truly drive the innovative and sustainable growth that we envision.”

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