The opposition parties and several civil society organizations in the Commonwealth of Dominica are condemning the decision by Prime Minister and leader of the Dominica Labour Party, Roosevelt Skerrit, to dissolve Parliament and call a snap general election on December 6th, 2022, as an insult to the Dominican people, gross disrespect to the international community, an abuse of his power and trampling of Dominica’s democratic system.
“The citizens of Commonwealth of Dominica have been engaged over the past eight years or more, in intense discussion of their concerns over the electoral process in Dominica,” the groups state in a joint release. “These concerns were highlighted by the Organization of American States (OAS), the Commonwealth Secretariat, Caricom and most recently were supported by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).”
According to the release, these concerns are in relation to the inefficiency and lack of transparency in the electoral process and machinery in Dominica “which gives the ruling Dominica Labour Party an unfair advantage and allows them to manipulate general elections, thereby making the results illegitimate.”
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and his Dominica Labour Party with an 18 to 3 parliamentary majority are constitutionally authorized to govern the country until June 2025. On the night of the elections of December 6th 2019, Prime Minister Skerrit announced to the Nation and to the world of the appointment of Sir Dennis Byron, former President of the Caribbean Court of Justice, to lead the process for electoral reform in Dominica.
“After having paid Sir Dennis Byron well over half a million dollars for his services,” the group goes on to state in the joint release, “the Prime Minister does not have the basic courtesy to inform the Dominican citizens of the findings of Sir Byron and chooses to insult the Electorate with another general election without electoral reform.”
The group notes in the release, that a letter from Sir Dennis Byron to the Leader of the Opposition indicated that the electoral reform process is at an advanced stage with additional consultations, and legislative reform proposed to be completed by March / April 2023.
“We, the opposition political parties and civil society organizations in Dominica, which consists of the United Workers Party (UWP), the Dominica Freedom Party (DFP), the National Joint Action Movement (NJAM), and others who met at a meeting held on Monday, November 7, 2022 call on Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit to stop the abuse of DOMINICA and to immediately reverse his decision to dissolve parliament and to take immediate action to facilitate the electoral reform process proposed by Sir Dennis Byron,” the release adds.
It goes on to state that the opposition parties and civil society groups in Dominica “will pursue all avenues including legal, international and other appropriate means, to allow commonsense to prevail in light of Prime Minister Skerrit’s announcement in his address to the Nation on November 6, 2022.”
The opposition parties and civil society groups are also calling on the Dominica Labour Party parliamentarians of good conscience to defy the dictatorial aspirations of Prime Minister Skerrit and “for once, come to the rescue of Dominica from what appears to be the actions of a dictator.”
“We appeal to Dominicans at home and abroad to join in the call to condemn Prime Minister Skerrit tyrannical actions which will undermine our democracy, cause chaos and the further deterioration of the peace and tranquility of our nation,” the statement from the group concludes. “We also call on CARICOM, the international community; the OAS and Commonwealth Secretariat in particular to take note of this untenable situation taking place in Dominica.”
Well look KANKAN in de country, four parties against DLP. You all spend three years in beff show hear say and they say and now you all crying. Dont cry poor pity
We Dominicans going all about and playing bad… Antigua, st. Lucia, st. Thomas, Guada… and we cannot play bad in our own country…we putting a stop to that nonsense one and for all…
An insult to the Dominican people.Who are the referring to as the Dominican people?It cannot be the handful of people making fools of themselves every Wednesday.It cannot be the handful of blind people calling q95 everyday.The people are the ones going to vote Labour on December 6 2022.
He not referring to you. You not people. You only clown! Know your place.
why Dominica is in serious crisis today and why the crisis cannot go away unless we are willing to pay the ultimate sacrificial price:
1. The president: Charles Savarin is the president of Dominica. and it is the responsibility of the president to guide, protect and safeguard our democracy. Charles Savarin was a government minister when PM Rosie Douglas and PM Pierre Charles died within the first term of the coalition and subsequently Skerrit and Savarin buried them and know a lot about the burial cost. After these two funerals Skerrit became president and Savarin became national security minister and a day later was made president. Right there we all knew democracy was in trouble.
2. The police commissioner: Daniel Carbon also from Vieille case like Skerrit, was made commission unqualified and after a number of unsolved crimes including the firebombing of the house of GON Immanuel on Christmas Day.
3. The Election commissioner: a known CBI passport agent
4: The PM. Oh My…
Lets not forget to include the fools who know that Dominica is suffering and continues to suffer but still insist on voting these people back in power.
@Trouble I See, did you say: “After these two funerals Skerrit became president”? Are you speaking about Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, or was that a mistake on your part? Unfortunately, you have 9 positive thumbs rating at this time–too bad!
I know for a fact that Mr. Roosevelt Skerrit became the Prime Minister in January 2004, following the death of Mr. Pierre Charles that very same month, so what are you talking about him becoming President?
He won the General Election of 2009, 18-3 against Edison James and the United Workers Party.
Mr. Nicholas Liverpool was the President of Dominica from 2003 to 2012. So please stop writing things about Dominica, before you all do complete research. DNO is an online News Agency, the World is reading their news. Thank you!
Pure Rubbish @ TROUBLE I SEE what are you talking about. Pure Malachi….Pure junk. When was PM President? You will look for everything to be little PM. You are going to have him for another 5yrs!!!!!!! NO SUNAMI!!!!!!
Where is the other party to contest the December 6 election
I have asked over and over again,which Jacka is more of a Jacka.A Jacka in a Donkey derby at Windsor park,running away from the finish line,or a Jacka running towards the finish line? How can somebody not be looked at as a Jacka,when it is ok for him to be a loser over and over again.A handful of people think it is ok to insult Dominicans,and expect to be voted into government.The UWP was kicked out of office because of Corruption,Victimization and Greed,and Dominicans what that is.Byron report is a RECCOMMENDATION.After the 2019 election the report from the election observers said,the 2019 election in Dominica was free and fair and reflected the will of the people,conducted according to the law of Dominica.We will NEVER hear that report mentioned by the opposition or the so called civil society.Our constitution gives the Prime Minister the power to call election WHENEVER he or she want,and does NOT have to wait for any report.The Dominican people know Skerrit is not breaking the law.
I respect the position of the Opposition and civil groups but reform will not work in Dominica with the “Alibaba & his forty thieves” like administration we have in Dominica. Mr Alibaba has thieves in everything to steal for him. He has them in police department, in the court system, in the judiciary, in the churches and people when you have corrupt thieves in the church that are hiding behind the pulpit to protect all manner of evil and thievery, you know we have problems.
Two passages evangelists Peter Augustine helped me understand when he use to preach:
They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death. Rev 12:11
Especially the latter part. In other words they were ready and willing to die.
…the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force Matt 11:12.
Two words I need help clarification on: violence & force.
Also, in Rev 11:12 but Matt…
you all can be very religious but far from being SPIRTUAL there is a difference. Stop quoting these scriptures and call for a day of prayer. Pray for those who have the Lead over you and that’s PM…. Then ask the people to Humble themselves and pray only then God will heal the land. Stop throwing scriptures at people . The same mouth that you use to bless you Mr, Religious man or woman use it to curse. Shame on you. Do you see why people don’t go to church? God is not in all your junk.
Even if we have election reform I don’t see that changing anything in Dominica with the set of armed corrupt people in high positions.
Take for example the corrupt police force which is nothing but the political arm of Roosevelt Skerrit. Will the police do their job to ensure fairness and Justice during election in particular? I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that many Dominicans in the Diaspora voted in Dominica during the festival. The security of our ballots are in the hands of the police so it’s possible that the police have their ballots and on election night find a way to include them in the count.
The other problem we have is that of the electoral committee where we have corrupt lawyers on board and some are alleged to be selling CBI passports. Such people will never safeguard our election reform or not.
The only solution I see is to do like Jesus did in John 2:15 So he took some rope and made a whip. Then he chased everyone out of the temple. The whip was what was available…
That too shall be addressed as soon as Alibaba is out of office. There SHALL, and I repeat SHALL be a total cleansing of the police force. Too many politicians and square peg are currently serving in the once proud and mighty CDPF. The CDPF was once the crown jewels of police forces in the caribbean. Ensley Pierre (may god bless his soul) was the last serving diehard police commissioner (no he was not perfect). That too SHALL come back as part of the total overhaul of the justice system.

“When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and overturned the tables”.
@John 2:15, the scripture on which you based your name is quoted above. What is your mumble jumble here, to your readers, pertaining to that scripture? It is speaking about the people, not their leader, at the time. So what does it have to do with the work of PM Skerrit, whom you so disrespect?
I wish so much, that you people would pay more reverence to the Holy God in Christ Jesus, and leave Him out of you all’s foolishness.
You all are the ones calling for His wrath against the innocent people of Dominica. So stop blaming the Prime Minister for you all’s hardship.
Condemnation is futile. Whining is as well. When freedom and uwp were in power they should have spent time ensuring that the constitution and election reform were prioritized. But we are not known got foresight, we whine instead. Labor party gave us our first taste if their core values the first chance at leadership they got. Trying to be dictators. Yall were there, patttrick John and friends . Then you come back behind them allow this to be the party in power in this day and age. Dictators lead for themselves their well being, their dreams and aspirations. Nothing about the people. A few dollars here their but millions here here. I feel anger but it’s everyone’s fault. We are allowing this to happen
We are all responsible for this. Absolutely nothing good will come of this. We have leaders who can’t even talk properly in charge of education. A man who isn’t educated in this ministry and that. It’s insane. We going back another 40 years. Lost Ross, lost dcp, loss is our…
“The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed – the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people…don’t give yourselves to brutes – men who despise you – enslave you – who regiment your lives – tell you what to do – what to think and what to feel! Who drill you – diet you – treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder… You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate. You, the people have the power – the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then – in the name of democracy – let us use that power – let us all unite…” – The Great Dictator
Yours Truly wants to be a Dominican dictator for life and answer to no one. Dominica is going down the same road as Haiti. Time for the United Nations the US and Britain to step in and see what he is trying to do. He wants to make Dominica a Provence of China with him taking orders from them when they construct their Navy Base at Portsmouth. he will then flee the country with all the money in the treasury like most despots do.
But I am reminded that he is only buying time to get the job of Police Commissioner when the damn nuisance called Carbon is summarily sent on the remainder of his vacation leave with a no return kick. The current Deputy will go loco but at least he just heard about it right here… no surprises!
But, I hasten to remind them again, those plans will NEVER materialize. Grab the popcorn, take a seat and enjoy the movie that is about to begin.

As a Laborite I am so ashamed of the things Skerrit is doing to my country and I wish I could say on this blog what he deserves.
Skerrit feels he is in very deep trouble with international forces and he is trying to dig for covering. No doubt the presidency is his best hiding place at the moment and he will do whatever it takes to go hide behind the presidency But we should not let him hide. We need to chase him out and drag him out of all his hiding places.
Everything he does is aimed at getting the people agitated to see if he will not create a civil war in the country so he and his purchased police commissioner could draw blood. But the people should not be intimated but should also be ready to fight fire with fire if that’s what he wants
Right now we should take the advise of Matthew 11:12 and take it by force “and the violent take it by force.”
Calling the radio, writing angry articles and picketing the streets…aren’t forms of government. If you want to see a change…put your money where your mouth is …and contest the elections !
It makes no sense hiding behind a keyboard to criticize…and not putting forward any alternatives.
I totally agree that this is an insult to the people of Dominica and our beloved country. I strongly condemn the actions of this wannabe dictator and his spineless corrupt cabal. Who does this man think he is?? Words are failing me!
He would have paid them a lot of money to keep silent. But Austrie, Blackmoore, Douglas and Darroux have their price, so not all is lost.
I for sure condemn Skerrits tyrannical actions which will undermine our democracy, cause chaos and the further deterioration of the peace and tranquility of our nation. I also condemn the continued resistance to account for the proceeds of the CBI program. I shall assist the opposition group by any means necessary.
The Minister of national was losing support of key supporters of the DLP in the Mahaut constituency.Skerrit is always on the ball.Minister Cassani Laville is a sure winner,even if the UWP was contesting.Go do your homework,ask the people of Mahaut,that is what smart people do.Only tormented people flog a dead horse,and expect it to stand up and walk.UWP and the so called civil society must understand the PEOPLE is Labour,and Labour is the PEOPLE.
Ci say sort zor sort, go join a looser every Wednesday and walk around Roseau and ask Skerrit to CALL IT NUH, and when he call it YOU BLUE FLIES have a problem with that.
Let’s give serious thought to this sham snap election for this will have a profound impact on the already substandard living of most Dominicans.
Roosevelt admitted after the 2019 general election that the electoral system was seriously infirm. He immediately recruited Dennis Byron in the sum of $450K (with an additional $200K) to fix the numerous corrupt loopholes in the system.
Before the Byron’s report is submitted he shockingly announced a snap election. He is literally throwing $700K of the people’s money away. Unbelievable!All patriotic Dominicans should treat this election as a dirty bomb and stay away.
Even animals seem to be smarter than Dominicans. Social mammals like monkeys,elephants, lions, wolves and zebras always choose the cleverest among them to be the leader. Dominicans chose the dumbest from 70 000 to lead the country. How ridiculous!
Start ordering PACIFIERS IBO…. You can’t challenge PM… He has been planning this for a long time. Like MIA in Barbados so stop crying. It is not unethical to call a snap election.
@Go Figure
Stop it! I have followed Mia for a long time. I know of her eloquence, intelligence, a very erudite lady. Roosevelt is NO Mia Mottley.
Yes, he is. You scared of Skerrit. Go to Barbados and hear what Bajans who don’t like Mia have to say about her. Ibo France, go rest your bones. What is so eloquent and intelligence about Mia that Skerrit is not? Skerrit is everything, brother.
But she did call a Snap election though…. Right? and won by a landslide. You are correct she is as brilliant as you…..Thanks IBO. I am and will never compare them…Barbados is doing well.
All you have is just mouth with your big OXFORD DICTIONARY WORDS. You scared of Skerrit, en? We ready in December like Freddy. If you love Mia Mottley for calling a snap election, then love Skerrit for calling a snap election. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
That is the problem.The Dominican people know UWP,Freedom party and NJAM are one and the same.What is Civil society,who are they?Who gave those people the right to speak for the majority of the Dominican people?I wonder if it is the same Dominican people who voted Skerrit,giving him an 18-3 victory in 2019?Skerrit was able to get 10 new candidates to contest in 10 constituencies in a matter of 3 months,and UWP cannot get 1 candidate in 3 years and cevil society and opposition parties talk about people?The people they are talking about,are not Dominicans for sure.I hope they saw the people at the stadium last night.Civil society and the opposition are not talking for the PEOPLE,they are talking for a handful of failed political losers,The people do not need those people to act for,or on their behalf.
“Who gave those people the right to speak for the majority of the Dominican people?”
No Lin Clown your question is wrongly stated. Because those people are not speaking for the majority of Dominica’s people, you should know that right.
They are speaking to their meg minority, so I would rather say, politely, that they are speaking to a set of “deaf ears” and “blind eyes”
In other words, their minority groups are like the set of people with “deaf ears”, and “blind eyes”. The deaf is asking the blind: “Do you hear what I see”. They can and will never reach their destiny.
That is no way, that is what the majority of Dominicans are about; the reason they are smart to choose a Leader like Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit. And they will do it again come come December 06, 2022
My hope is always from Almighty God through my channel of Faith, and He has never failed me. He has told me that the PM Skerrit is working by His Will, as always!
The ‘majority of Dominicans’ you are referring to are all 6 ft. under. STOP your verbal diarrhoea. Hypocrite!
The ‘majority of Dominicans’ you are referring to are all 6 ft. under. STOP your verbal diarrhoea. Hypocrite!
In Psychology, the word is schadenfreude – pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune. Amidst the insult, the look last night on the faces of the discarded folks, particularly the outgoing National Security Minister, was priceless. It would greatly aid their therapy if they could tell the Dominican people how they were insulted as well. Poor little red dears!
I hate to break it to you , dear, .. But all of these folks are supposedly going on to higher paid less stressful jobs…ambassadorships, envoys, board chairpersons, Quangos etc. What they are leaving behind is unruly civil servants, local press abuse, demanding constituents with no concept of office hours or privacy and mandatory attendance at funerals and functions. I think you have misread the look ,,which is more likely to be mild puzzlement at their good fortune and wondering how much they can rent their current hose for.
Just imagine a UWP know nothing is posting on DNO today that Dominica has lost DCP.The DLP government gave a loan of $2,500,000 to reopen DCP.DCP has been long opened and producing.More fake news coming from UWP.
I hope they turn snitch
They are under Oath and can’t they will end up in prison