“I was just getting a few lemons when I found this special one,” says the photographer who captured this lemon with an uncanny, animal-like appearance.
Photo by I.T
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Sings of the end Lime
This is a strange one. Sometimes little animals which live among fruits could end up looking like one.
What did you do with it? If there is a researcher in Dominica, it could be researched.
It looks like some sort of animal. A lemon animal?
Ou anni tot sot!
Looks like Chinese tampering to me.
Wow, lime in things papa. I wonder if it has juice for some Limeade?
It is weird.
Turtle lemon, genetic mutation
Wow interesting, looks like a green turtle, LOL
A pokemon.
Did you hear that some people are suing the Pokemon originator? Some instructions make people go into the yards of others; also over train tracks. The latter is obviously dangerous. They even enter churches.

Pokemon, the second time around makes a sensation. Some people do not like it.
Actually the Pokemon Go app tells users do not trespass, so the user is at fault
They have no grounds to sue
Ha ha. A mutant lemon. There’s a new X- man in town.