Playwrights Alwin Bully and Steve Hyacinth awarded

Alwin Bully (r) receives plaque from Chief Cultural Officer Raymond Lawrence

Two of Dominica’s most prolific writers, Dr. Alwin Bully and Steve Hyacinth, have been awarded for their contribution to the nation’s arts and culture.

They were accorded at the first ever Writers Festival which formed part of DOMFESTA 2021 celebration, staged in their honour.

“The first awardee, Dr Alwin Anthony Bully of Roseau, is a name which sounds a mighty fanfare locally, regionally and internationally,” the citation which was read for Bully stated.

The citation goes on to state that throughout his career as a teacher, playwright, artist and cultural administrator Dr. Bully has had a resounding impact.

It continues, “His contribution in the area of cultural development at the administrative level began in 1978 when the Government of the day, recognizing his commitment to the pursuit of artistic excellence, selected him to create and head the Division of Culture.

It was with pride and explosive joy that on the 3rd of November of that very year at the stroke of midnight the country witnessed the beginning of the majestic ascent of the Dominican flag, the precious symbol of the country’s nationhood, designed by Dr Bully.

The formation of the Division of Culture was a pioneering project which he had to give form and direction.

Under his watch, artistic Organisations and Associations like the National Cultural Council, the Dominica Artists’ Guild, the Writers’ Guild, the Dominica National Pan Association, the Carnival Organising Committee and the Komité Pou Etid Kwéyòl were established, all with the objective of providing support for the development of the Arts and Culture on the island.

During the course of that period he was affiliated to many other artistic boards and organisations.

In 1987, Dr Bully left Dominica to take up the post of UNESCO Cultural Advisor to the Region in Jamaica where he devoted his Creative energy and Artistic expertise to the development of Culture and the Arts throughout the Caricom region for the next 20 years.

Leadership in the theatre followed him across the waters and for specific periods from the early 1990s and beyond Dr Bully served as Artistic Director to the Company Limited, Father Ho Lung and Friends and the Caribbean Theatre Network.  He was elected first Vice President of the Jamaica Association of Dramatic Artistes from 2002 to 2006.

In 1970, he wrote his first play – “Good Morning Miss Millie” which he staged with a cast of DGS Students. It has since been published in a book entitled “Caribbean Plays for Playing” edited by Keith Noel.

As artistic Director of the Peoples’ Action Theatre- (1972 – 1987) he penned and directed theatrical masterpieces like Streak, The Ruler, and Nite Box.

Dr. Bully composed well over 50 songs which come alive in his musicals – Folk Nativity, and Pio-Pio and punctuate, as incidental music, the many plays he directed in a style he refers to as calypso theatre.

In August of 2008 he initiated the stimulating Nature Island Literary Festival and Book Fair and kept it active, attracting highly accomplished writers and poets from far and wide until 2017.

There is no Dominican more decorated and honoured in the field of the Arts and Culture than Dr. Alwin Bully.  Among many other awards and accolades, he was hailed Man of the year by the Chronicle Newspaper in 1978, in 1985, he was presented with the Sisserou Award of Honour by the Government of Dominica and the Golden Drum Award by the National Cultural Council in 1997.

While in Jamaica Bully captured the Best Director Award on four occasions at the annual International Theatre Institute Awards Ceremony.  His presentation of Nite Box won Best Drama in 1991. He won Best Set Design in 2000 for the staging of Fr. Holung’s “Jesus” and Best Effects Award in his presentation of Holung’s Moses in 2004. In 2007 he received the CACIQUE Award for Regional Theatre from the Trinidad and Tobago Drama Association, LIME Creole Lifetime Award for his contribution to Dominica and the region in the field of Arts and Culture and the UWI Alumni Award of Excellence   for outstanding contribution to Culture in Dominica and the Caribbean. In 2011, the University of the West Indies conferred on him the ultimate, prestigious title of Doctor f oLetters for his monumental contribution to the Caribbean in the area of Arts and Culture.

Steve Hyacinth receives his plaque

The second awardee, Stephenson Peter George Hyacinth, born in the village of Wesley studied Drama in Education and Theatre Arts at the Edna Manley College of Visual and Performing Arts in Jamaica, graduating with distinction.

He holds a Bachelor of Education degree in Education Administration and Masters in Education Management and Administration from the University of the West Indies.

Over the course of his tenure with the Government of Dominica, Hyacinth served as a school teacher, a Chief Education Officer in the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security as well as the Ministry of Tourism and Urban Development.

According to the citation, Hyacinth has put his vast experience as a visionary, educator and manager at the service of many boards and committees including the Dominica State College Board of Governors, and the Accreditation board. His contribution to the festival of Carnival and the World Creole Music Festival has been monumental as for many years he chaired the Queen Show and Road Parade committees and served as a judge on many local and regional pageants.

There is no doubt that the name Steve Hyacinth has become inextricably entwined with Theatre. His love affair with theatre began in 1977 in his Methodist church Youth Group, where he served as President which allowed him to  discover his latent talent in the area of Drama. It provided him with a nurturing ground wherein he would sprout shoots as an actor, Director and playwright.

In 1983 he established the New Dimension Theatre, a group which has been a beacon in the theatre arena providing entertainment for its eager audiences. Hyacinth has written and directed over 35 full length plays which this group has presented with admirable consistency.

The New Dimension Theatre represented Dominica at a number of Festivals including the Nevis Culturama, Carifesta 10 in Guyana, and  the Trinidad and Tobago Theatre Festival whilst cultural exchanges with many other caribbean countries allowed the group invaluable opportunities to display their talents while forging bonds of friendship based on mutual respect and collaboration with peoples of the region.

In an effort to further assist with the development of theatre, Hyacinth facilitated many workshops in Theatre Arts and Stage Management locally and regionally.

His literary contribution did not stop with plays, he also penned poetry and songs.  He has written calypsos for some of the stalwarts in the arena  like The Wizard, Checker, Young Bull, Tasha P and deceased Leandra Cuffy.

Hyacinth has been recognized for his sterling contribution to the development and promotion of literary and theatre arts.  While the list here is by no means exhaustive, some of the awards presented to him include the Meritorious Service Award in 2012 from the Government of Dominica, the Golden Drum and Special recognition Awards from the National Cultural Council in 2008 and 1998 respectively.  At the National Independence Competitions, he won First Place for Playwriting on 3 occasions and the Best Director Award three times in a row at the Independence Drama Competitions of 1982, 83 and 84.

He received regional recognition having been presented with the Award of Excellence for Education and Culture from the Dominica Association of St. Croix, USVI in 2010.

The New Dimension Theatre was presented with the LeBlanc Trophy in 1992 as well as the Golden Drum Award in 2010.  They captured the awards for Best director, actor, actress in the Fame Awards in 2002 and 2003 as well as the Best play, best director, actor, supporting actor and actress at the Flamboyant Award in 2005.

Steve currently performs the role of local assessor for students writing the Theatre Arts subject for CXC.  He also serves as chairman of the Integrity in Public Office Commission.

A staunch Methodist from an early age, Steve is an accredited local preacher in his church.

In response to the award, wife of Dr. Bully, Anita Bully, read a message from her husband in which he encouraged the younger generation to keep the artform alive.

“Here we are today, a long way from 1972, but we have only just begun. I have done my part, it is now left to the younger generation to continue. I say to them, be not afraid. If your heart is in place of this great opus which is before you, you will perform miracles. May God be with you as I’m sure he was with me,” Anita Bully stated on behalf of her husband.

Meanwhile, Hyacinth dubbed his award as significant.

“It’s always good when your work is rewarded and you’re recognized for what you’re doing but my feedback comes from the public. People have been calling to ask about the next play so that only means there is a demand for theatre on the market so as soon as possible we will present something to the public,” the playwright said.

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  1. Bwa-Banday
    May 24, 2021

    God bless you Mr. Bully and thanks for all your valued contribution to nation building. I am happy that the government saw it fit to honor you while still here with us breathing the fresh air blowing accross Waitukubuli the land you are so proud to call home. I pray that you will continue to persevere to be with us here on Waitukubuli as long as the almighty will permit. We collectively owe you a debt of gratitude sir and hence we say thank you!. Stay blessed and strong sir…we all love you!

  2. May 21, 2021

    If this is the Alwyn Bully that I know and who was once a headmaster of the Dominica Grammar School, well that poses the question, is Alwyn Bully sick? What has happened to him? He looks frail.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      June 5, 2021

       You are obsessed about the health of Alwin?

      If you knew, or knows him that well, and you are seeing he looks like a shadow of himself; if you had any intelligence you would have suspected, he is either in poor health, or it is simply a matter of age!

      Elderly people lose weight for many different reasons!

      Natural changes in the body cause reductions in bone and muscle mass.

      However, rapid weight loss often has a more dynamic underlying cause. People’s body structure changes for one reason or the other; rather than you keep on lamenting over the appearance of the man; simply wish him well, and if you think he is ill, pray sincerely for his recovery.

      I think it’s simply a matter of age; I know him from way way back; I know his wife too; when Fred White had his Website “Cakafet” I debated here a few times, I believe they were in Jamaica at that time.
      She still looks good: still attractive; more than Elizabeth!

    May 21, 2021

    CONGRATULATIONS to Dr Alwin Bully and Steve Hyacinth, two of Dominica’s cultural giants. You both have given to Dominica and the Caribbean, a treasure of cultural gifts in the form of your writing, plays and productions. Many generations yet unborn will know your names and your creativity. Well done !!!

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