PM outlines great ‘potential’ of Portsmouth marina

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit

During his address at the Cabrits Marina groundbreaking ceremony on the weekend, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit asserted that the development of this marina in Portsmouth marks a turning point for that area and will further transform the town into a hub for recreation, commerce, and a center for economic activity. The event was held on the grounds of the Intercontinental Hotel and Spa in Portsmouth.

The marina will cost in the region of  EC$201 million (US$75 million), to be financed by the Citizenship By Investment (CBI) Program.

“The development of a Marina in this area marks a turning point for the town of Portsmouth,” he said. “Portsmouth has always been a community brimming with potential.”

He continued, “We will once again harness the extraordinary capacity of the Portsmouth people and bring unprecedented growth to this area.”

According to Skerrit, the marina will accommodate a diverse area to dock vessels up to 50 feet, and berths for super yachts up to 150 feet.

“The administration building and customs house will provide top-notch services, enhancing the overall experience for visitors and businesses alike,” he said.

Furthermore, Skerrit stated that the Marine Village with its over 15 food and beverage outlets, retail shops, supermarket for stock-up, and a craft market promises to create a lively atmosphere where locals and tourists can shop, mingle, dine, and enjoy the waterfront views.

Groundbreaking for Portsmouth Marina

“With a new organized port of entry into Portsmouth, we anticipate an unprecedented number of visitors building on the consistent path of growth we have witnessed in the yachting industry over the past years,” he indicated.

Moreover, he revealed that Dominica currently records approximately 2000 yacht arrivals per year, carrying 7000 to 9000 passengers.

“Just imagine the level of growth for the sector with the construction of this new facility, the Marina in Portsmouth,” he said.

He pointed out that Range Development, which will head the project, has precedence in showing unwavering commitment to Dominica’s development with the successful construction of the world-class hotel (Intercontinental Hotel and Spa) where they were gathered. Skerrit further expressed confidence that the team will now deliver to the people of Portsmouth and the surrounding communities a marina of the highest standards which will be a shining example of sustainable development in Dominica and the region.

Confirming the possession of a feasibility assessment that considers the preservation of the wetlands in this area, he assured the public, “Based on this study the marina project is designed with sustainability in mind, ensuring that we protect and embrace our natural surroundings for generations to come, and underscoring our commitment to environmental stewardship.”

“We are always seeking to strike the right balance between development and conservation,” he continued, citing this as proof that environmental awareness is important to his administration.

Skerrit mentioned that the next two projects for the government are the new modern cargo port which will be constructed in Canefield, and the new cruise village at the Woodbridge Bay.

Mohammed Asaria

Meanwhile, Director of Range Developments, Mohammed Asaria has identified the marina as being bound to have an even greater economic and transformational impact on Portsmouth and Dominica than the Intercontinental Hotel and Spa.

“We all know what this hotel has done for Portsmouth and Dominica [and] the marina will do more,” he said.

Asaria went on to state that some of the largest yachts in the world will be able to dock in Dominica.

“If we have the right facilities, the right entertainment options, this marina will be a must-stop for all vessels in the Caribbean Sea,” he stated.

Mohammed believes that for this journey to be a success the project has to be a true partnership with Dominican businessmen and women, “and I would like you to consider the marina as your platform, your interface to attract a new bracket of clientele and for you to capitalize on this opportunity.”

“Let’s all hold hands from this stage and collectively work out how to maximize the opportunity the marina has to offer,” he advised.

The opening and commissioning of the marina is expected to take place in the next 18 months.


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  1. Taken by surprise
    June 6, 2024

    Though the above article does not specify the exact location I believe it to be near to the Intercontinental Hotel on the north side of the Cabrits peninsular. Isn’t this a marine national park? Is the Planning Dep’t in hibernation? Has an environmental impact assessment been carried out? Transparency is important yet the first we hear of this project is the announcement of the ground breaking ceremony.

  2. Vwais den
    May 28, 2024

    the hospital doesn’t even have proper medicine, blood tests can barely be done. the results of x-rays/other scans are not given to the clients, however, you’re here talking about marina. what if one of them building falls desperately ill. where will they go?

  3. RastarMarn
    May 27, 2024

    DNO allyou couldn’t get the rendition of the plans for this marina den,,,

    Allyou worst dan mistadem allyou just talking with no action lets see what the fing going to look like nuh!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
    • dissident
      May 30, 2024

      Skerrit himself didn’t provide de information to fight off all de talk

  4. Roger Burnett
    May 27, 2024

    But where exactly will the marina be located?

    At the very least I would have expected the usual Dubai inspired “artist’s rendition”.

    The mound of earth in the ground breaking photograph appears to be located on a hilltop.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
    • May 28, 2024

      Roger, get a real life. You too critical, boy.

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