PM Roosevelt Skerrit’s 2024 independence address

PM Roosevelt Skerrit

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit’s address to the nation on November 3, 2024, the occasion of the 46th anniversary of independence may be read in its entirety below:

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  1. Labour power
    November 6, 2024

    I wonder who the lazy blue do nothing calling us?For 24 years those shameless blues talking the same BS and getting nowhere.Two years after election they cannot put a team of blue candidates together.Their tongue hanging out of their mouth like they eat pima bonda ma jack.Campaigning on DNO cannot put Skerrit out of office.Go on the ground meet the people,tell them why they should vote out DLP.

  2. OneLove
    November 4, 2024

    A 15 minute rum shop talk of a man that feels defeated, knows he is defeated and knows he is unfit for office. The speech of a man that knows he had the opportunity to develop the country but instead sold us to foreigners as slaves in our own country, just as the sons of Jacob sold their brother Joseph as a slave to Egypt, according to Genesis 37. Fortunately for Joseph God was able to use him to help his brothers that cruelty sold him as God promoted him to become Potiphars key official. But not so with us as Skerrit sold us to a people that don’t believe in our God and people that don’t even like us

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  3. Ibo France
    November 4, 2024

    Roosevelt is a pathological LIAR par excellence. Just like the budgets he presents, his national Independence addresses are a distortion of facts and false promises aplenty.

    Twenty (20) consecutive years of Roosevelt as the helmsman of government and the country languishes at the cellar position in terms of economic and infrastructural development in the Caribbean. Depressing!!

    At this most momentous occasion we should pause at this juncture to consider if the country is heading in the right direction under the present stewardship of Roosevelt.

    In this very challenging economic era, the country needs a leader who has the capability to the citizenry to give of their best efforts to lift the country out of its economic malaise. Roosevelt is definitely NOT that person.

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    • November 6, 2024

      @ibo France, please volunteer your services, from your talk you seem to have what it takes to lift Dominica from its economic malaise. But I guess you are just a useless talker and nothing else….

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