PM says Wadix appointment long time coming

Leroy Wadix Charles

Prime Minister Skerrit expressed the view that the appointment of Leroy ‘Wadix’ Charles as Dominica’s new Cultural Ambassador has been “long in the making.”

A recent announcement from the Government of Dominica highlights the selection of Mr.  Charles as the Cultural Ambassador for Dominica. This designation acknowledges Mr. Charles’ significant role in advancing Dominica’s cultural arts and expressions and, according to an official statement, underscores the government’s dedication to safeguarding the nation’s cultural legacy.

“I think Wadix rightly deserves it,” The Prime Minister said. “This is something that is long in the making, but I guess everything happens in its own time.”

According to him, no one can challenge Wadix’s contribution and commitment to the Creole culture.

“And so, it felt that it was important for us to ensure that we have an ambassador who can carry the flag and to ensure that all of those who worked towards the preservation of the Creole language and who have gone to the great beyond that there is somebody left who can continue to champion that cause,” Mr. Skerrit stated.

The Prime Minister said he looks forward to working with Mr. Charles in his appointment as Cultural Ambassador and on several other issues using his talent, skills, and various connections that he has cultivated over the years.

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  1. Em
    May 30, 2024

    Agree. Never mind cultural arts, what about paying the builders who have built the Gov scheme housing. Those builders STILL waiting to be paid for the work they have done. The Prime Minister doesn’t seem to realise that until they get paid they cannot take on new jobs as they dont have money to buy materials and pay their workers. And you know the builders taking the money from, poor fools that have asked them to do a job for them give them the money and then have to wait for the work to be done, because they take the money to live on while they wait to be paid by the government…….

  2. Parrot
    May 29, 2024

    oh Dominica land of sewo….where skerrit is the only mouth piece….this man takes this country for a dam joke….this pm always want the praise like Jesus….what is Dominica heading to? …best skjust don’t talk…

  3. E
    May 29, 2024

    thanks one more time hold strong i know the haiters can’t stop you go wadix go

  4. May 29, 2024

    Well done pm?
    and Waitukubuli not well?
    How thé appointement of a cultural ambassador going to make our living conditions better?
    Wadix just going to feel himself liké a peacock while dominicans continue to sousay sel to make ends meet.
    But i’m glad pm knows that there’s an appointed time for everything.

  5. E
    May 28, 2024

    well done pm

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  6. if we knew better
    May 28, 2024

    why we still lamenting on Wadix and that appointment for how much weeks now. Ok so we have ANOTHER cultural ambassador. so what? ok Wadix get another pay check. so what? the country sinking, that is the the least of my worries. What all you not seeing is that is just another way for Skerrit to shut Wadix up. mouth well buttered.

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