PM Skerrit commends police for conduct during truckers’ protest

Riot police near the scene of the protest

The Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force has been praised by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit for their conduct during a protest by truckers on Wednesday.

Speaking on state-owned DBS Radio on Wednesday evening he said they displayed “extraordinary restraint” during the event.

“I want to commend the police in the manner in which they conducted themselves and the extraordinary restraint which they demonstrated throughout the course of today,”  he said.

On Wednesday morning truckers for the Tipper Truckers Association blocked the main road in Canefield, demanding more work on government projects, and better wages. They allege that works are given to Chinese truckers while not enough is given to local ones.

The protest essentially cut off the capital from the west, north, and eastern parts of the island from the capital Roseau. The police were quick on the scene and the protest remained largely peaceful, although there were a few scuffles between them and the protesters. On at least one occasion, a policeman was filmed kicking a man while in conversation with a police inspector, much to the horror of journalists who were filming the event. The police, in full riot gear, eventually used tear gas to disperse protesters.

In his DBS interview, Skerrit said in the United States, France, or the United Kingdom, action would have been taken by the police in such situations “very, very early.”

“Once you get into a situation where you are impeding the movement of people and you are trampling on the rights of movement of people, then the police are obligated to intervene and to ensure that the rights of citizens are not trampled upon or not denied,” he remarked.

“People have to get to work, people have to get to school and people have to get to their businesses, people have to get from one health center to the hospital.”

He pointed out that once these things are prevented from happening, the police have “a duty and an obligation under law to maintain law and order and make sure the rights of citizens are protected.”

“So the police could have acted in the manner which is required of them by law and by training but as you saw throughout the day they exercised tremendous, tremendous restraint in the hope that the matter would have been resolved without them taking any action that they are trained to do,” he noted.

The protest ended at 6:45 pm after an agreement was reached between the truckers and the government.

According to a statement by the Office of the Prime Minister, following his meeting with the truckers yesterday, “Prime Minister Skerrit reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to addressing the truckers’ concerns, recognizing the essential role they play in the progress of this major national development initiative. A consensus was reached to revise the rates for trucking services on the international airport project.”

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  1. Iamanidiot
    October 17, 2024

    We keep talking about “oh be healthy”,”oh why so many people dying of cancer”. But we can use chemical warfare against our own people. Truckers making noise for a little change so we some chemicals we doe even know what in it, the powers that be give it to us. And we use it right in a day care with new borns.

  2. OneLove
    October 17, 2024

    I don’t blame the PM because that was not a protest but rather, another joke.
    How do you block the people from doing their errands in town but PM could leave his house and go to his office because those weaklings blocked the roads 100ft from Skerrit Mansion, where we pay $75k a month for rent. So that was a failed protest.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
  3. Labour power
    October 17, 2024

    Yes Skerro,and the police should put their M4 carbine up their A.We knew that was a protest by UWP and their handful of a holes.I support the police for smoking those blue idiots.When you talking you are not talking for the majority of Dominicans.This protest was a UWP political protest,it failed and it will continue to fail.In 36 years the majority of Dominicans has never voted UWP and they will never vote UWP.Now those blue recalcitrant UWP belching bubbles.POLICE WEAK.They remind me of the no nonsense squad in the 70s and 80s.Excellent job by the police,smoke the traitors out.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 15
  4. Lasafer
    October 17, 2024

    think u are Goliath….beating your chest….but Dominican desermuch better….u don’t listen….how can u bring in Chinese and don’t give Dominican work….don’t that send bad news to Dominican? while u are giving the none workers of your kabal a huge raise…..4 doing absolutely nothing.. worthless…Dominica deserve a change since years ago since u all got so lazy

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  5. Skerro
    October 17, 2024

    they should block it for creole festival weekend and demand what they want get old fridge stove containers trees and so forth

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 5
  6. Ibo France
    October 17, 2024

    The police in Dominica operate at the chest of Roosevelt. Instead of serving and protects the citizens, they harass, intimidate, brutalize and shoot them.

    A well trained police force would firstly engage in de-escalation of the potential volatile situation. To provoke confrontation with the very peaceful protesters the police deserve our collective scorn, disapproval and condemnation, certainly not any form of compliment. Crazy!

    What Roosevelt did in lauding the security forces for their ill-advised and brutish conduct is typical of dictators. The country needs a paradigm shift. Out with dictatorship in with servant leadership.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 5
  7. AA
    October 17, 2024

    Boycot the military parade on november 3rd. The use of teargas was uncalled for.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 31 Thumb down 5
    • Ibo France
      October 18, 2024

      All discerning citizens and residents will agree that the use of expired teargas and the brutality meted out to a nonviolent protester was uncalled for. What strong message can we send to this personalist dictatorship to show our utmost disdain and disapproval of the actions of the militia? Total boycott of ever event which is organised by this sinful, worthless regime.

  8. MEME
    October 17, 2024

    I am/was in total support with the protest, and the organisers. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘I am not privy to the agreement that was arrived at though. What i do know is that even if Skerrit arrived at an agreement with you all, Skerrit’s boss, Anthony Haiden, must see and approve the agreement.Has he done so? When? Last night?
    I would not be surprised that we have more protests by this very organisation soon, after Haiden shames the compulsive liar, Skerrit, and tells him no way!.Skerrit is not in control.
    I vehemently, categorically and strongly condemn the action of the semi illiterate, dunce and stupid members of the Manicou Gang, who were trying their damnest to escalate the situation. This is a pellucidly clear indication that this CDPF is a failed and politically infested and rotten police force, brainless idiots with zero training in conflict de escalation.
    We need more protests in Roseau asking for accountability from Skerrit for our missing billions.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 7

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