Dominica did not sign ALBA communique on USAID – Astaphan

Dominica has denied that it has signed an ALBA communique calling for the immediate withdrawal of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from member countries of the alliance.

“I spoke to the Prime Minister this morning and he said this is total nonsense,” Senior Counsel Tony Astaphan told Dominica News Online on Saturday.

According to the ALBA communique, which was published in the Cuban newspaper Granma , the foreign ministers of ALBA met in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on June 21 and resolved to “immediately expel USAID and its delegates or representatives from their countries, due to the fact that we consider their presence and actions to constitute an interference which threatens the sovereignty and stability of our nations.”

The communique alleges that  “USAID, through its different organisations and disguises, acts in an illegal manner with impunity, without possessing a legal framework to support this action, and illegally financing the media, political leaders and non-governmental organisations, amongst others.”

The communique as published in Granma carries the signatures of the governments of Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Dominica.

But Astaphan said that as far as he is aware Dominica did not sign the document.

He said he spoke to the Prime Minister and the Ambassador to ALBA, Dr Philbert  Aaron on Saturday morning, and both said Dominica had not signed up.

“Dominica has refused to support it,” Astaphan said firmly.

He said as far as he is aware, the governments of Antigua and St. Vincent, also members of ALBA, have also refused to sign the communique.

DNO will be following this story to provide additional information as it comes to hand.

See English translation of the communique below.

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  1. Peter
    September 22, 2012


  2. Jahyout
    June 30, 2012

    Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) Political Council Resolution for the immediate withdrawal of USAID from member countries
    • FOREIGN ministers of member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, meeting in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Federal Republic of Brazil, June 21, 2012

    GIVEN the open intervention in the internal politics of ALBA countries by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under the pretext of “planning and administering economic and humanitarian assistance outside of the United States throughout the world” this agency finances non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), actions and projects meant to destabilize legitimate governments which do not serve their interests;

    AWARE of evidence from declassified U.S. State Department documents, which reveal the financing of organizations and political parties opposing the governments of ALBA countries, demonstrating a clear and brazen intervention into the internal political processes of our nations;

    GIVEN that intervention by foreign governments in internal national politics violates the internal laws of our countries;

    UNDERSTANDING moreover that, in the majority of ALBA countries, the USAID, through its different organizations and fronts, acts in an illegal manner with impunity, without the legal authority to do so, illegally financing communications media, political leaders, non-governmental organizations, among others;

    AWARE that these funding programs support a group of NGO’s which promote all types of actions to conspire against and limit the authority of our states and in many cases plunder our natural resources in vast areas which they presume to dominate as they see fit;

    CONSCIOUS that our countries do not require any outside financing to sustain our democracies, which are being consolidated by the efforts of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples, nor do we need organizations tutored by foreign powers which in practice usurp and weaken the work of state bodies, preventing them from playing their respective roles in the economic and social development of our populations;


    Request of the heads of state and governments of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America member countries the immediate expulsion from their nations of the USAID, its delegates and representatives, considering that their presence and behavior constitute a disturbing element which is undermining the sovereignty and stability of our nations.

    In the city of Rio de Janeiro, Federal Republic of Brazil, June 21, 2012.

    The Plurinational State of Bolivia Government.

    The Republic of Cuba Government.

    The Republic of Ecuador Government.

    The Commonwealth of Dominica Government.

    The Republic of Nicaragua Government.

    The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Government. •
    that translation came strait from

  3. beholder
    June 26, 2012

    It appears from the material in both Cuban and Venezuelan publications referenced here that not all the members of the ALBA alliance signed on. Therefore, one must ask why Dominica’s name appears as a signer, if its representative declined to sign, and St. Vincent and other members names do not appear.

    USAID may not be very generous in its largess to Dominica and i but I suggest it could be costly in other more important ways to agree to such a overt act. Many Dominicans earn their livelihood in the US Virgins and the US mainland. The Dominican economy receives a boost from remittences which are ,so far as I know, untaxed here. Dominica’s medical schools draw most of their paying student body from the US. The US has the capacity to cease issuing visas in a timely fashion or require a very high fee. The SWIFT system, which appears to be heavily influenced by the US, could, as they have recently threatened other countries, shut down the swift system, freezing interbank wire transfers. That would completely shut down all Dominican banking. I suggest Dominica fly under the radar of all super powers. I understand Venezuela’s generosity must have bought our signing onto the ALBA alliance. But sometimes a loan isn’t worth the cost of carrying it.

  4. June 26, 2012

    hurricane season is upon us,lets see where the AID is going to come from when we get it.

  5. June 26, 2012

    did someone forged skeritts signature??? is so why are they not suing ABLBA for misrepresentation? or is this another falklands thing where (we signed it but we did not intend to).

    June 25, 2012

    here goes de tourist season, economic sabotage will be on us, weeping wailing and the grashing of teeth..
    i doh even waiting for bank to call me in october, i just bring them people bus and parking it by de bank..

  7. ya kill me, si!!!!!!
    June 25, 2012

    the more confused i am the more confused i become. will clarity on all matters which bug me be ever given to me?
    i doubt
    so i just dismiss the matter instead of working up myself. nowadays people dying just like that.
    so i will just stay on the sidelines and watch the nonsense that is going on since running my mouth cant help. smh

  8. Waka Waka
    June 25, 2012


    • Waka Waka
      June 25, 2012


    • Malgraysa
      June 26, 2012

      So every body else lying then, even our good Alba partner Cuba? All are lying except our man, who can never be wrong but is always “misunderstood”, Met Menti himself? You sounding too much like Tony. In this case the the cirumstantial evidence is overwhelming.

    • Met Yo
      June 26, 2012

      hahahahahahahahaha….the guts of these labourites….alas…more to come

    • watchdog
      June 26, 2012

      did the pm show his passport

  9. Cerberus
    June 25, 2012

    Surely, the P.M. does not want to stand accused of cowardice.

    – does or does he not endorse this Alba communique, apparently also issued in the name of the Commonwealth of Dominica?
    – did or did he not attach his signature to the same?

    If the answer is NO let him say so in no uncertain terms and ask the relevant press agencies to issue a correction.

    We can do without more allegations, innuendos, aspersions, rumours, hidden agendas and downright untruths, sapping any remaining confidence to invest in the country.

  10. Dorian matthew
    June 25, 2012

    Can someone tell me what’s mr Astaphan job title and is it the tax payers money that’s paying him?

    • Anonymous
      July 3, 2012

      senior counsel! he’s sort of like the district attorney.

  11. Met Yo
    June 25, 2012

    But Guys,

    Cat take Prof. Wikileaks and Peeping Tom tongue man?

    They must be real embarrassed right now. It is the same explanations of Tony that they are usually charged up with, coming on here talking smack.

    Garday Zor…Garday Vee-ji Zor

  12. watchdog
    June 25, 2012

    edie shoul ask the pm if he approved 7000 us for seccos trip in parliamehnt

  13. Curious
    June 25, 2012

    I don’t even see this as the USA policies vs Dominica, but one of a lack of diplomacy and accountablity. It may well be in the interest of Dominica to take a stand, what do I know? but I find it very strange that everytime something like this comes up the fiery tongue PM hides behind the warped tongue of a propagandist machine that sees this as a priviledge to spin albeit poorly for him. MR PM you are accountable to the people of the Commonwealth of Dominica!!! It’s uniquely that your name is continuously embroiled in one scandal after the next, even amongst your chosen allies but you are always MUTE on response.

    You may be playing a dangerous game of crossing swords becareful you don’t trip! It is even more disheartening that you have a clique of people so brainwashed that they defend you when you leave a nation with no information to be on the defensive. Everything you do is in secret and isolation and then we read, or hear about it in the foreign press. Can you open up mouth for once and address a situation?

  14. Reader
    June 25, 2012

    Okay, everyone is giving their opinion on how horrible it is that Dominica (may have) signed as part of this resolution. What exactly is at stake here? Folks are shouting from the roof that the sky is falling without saying what the impact of this is on the island? Are we just concerned that we won’t get US visas or are we worried that we stop getting assistance from the US (which the last I heard was not all that much). Talk quantifiable impact and stop all that mass hysteria based just on your dislike for Tony Astaphans and Hon PM Roosevelt Skerritt.

    • ??
      June 25, 2012

      whao, you can spin just as well as tony, peeping tom and prof. wikileaks..

    • June 26, 2012

      as a smll island nation with limited resorces,we cannot afford to alienate our donnors.we should be able to get help from all of them without taking sides that hurt us in the long run.

  15. Orisha
    June 25, 2012

    from the comments here I can see how brainwashed people are by the American media. America will do what ever it takes to ensure remains rich. Even if it means exploiting over people and over countries. Not because these people give a few handout(Recently 2 boats) we most not think that they have our best interest in mind. It is time for the Caribbean and south America to rise.

    who is front will always try to remain infront.

    • 1979
      June 25, 2012

      so is our fault there is no US English pronunciation for your name man????? how do you pronounce that??

      Or-O-ShA? egwah??? help me…

      I sure am greatful!! for those two vessels…. because coke is to poisonous and it’s in the best interest for us to protect our nation from the proliferation of narcotics in our waters and society….. as the paros on our streets maybe they will have your same perspective. they’ll say boy obama stopping our dope eh boy weh weh weh

      • forkit
        June 25, 2012

        its hard to educate the ignorant, but praises, you always trying.. its hard but someone has to do it

    • June 25, 2012

      tell me which nation doesn’t want tyo get rich and remain rich

    • ??
      June 25, 2012

      did you read what you just wrote?… my god help us

  16. Wesleyman
    June 25, 2012

    The problem in Dominica is Accountability. Imagine something of this national importance and the way the news is reported is that a mouth piece for the labor party confirms that he spoke to the prime minister and the prime minister says this is nonesense. What is nonesense? The fact that Alba has indicated on a document that Dominica signed the resolution? No, what is nonesense is the fact that Dominicans are questioning the very fact that it is reported, otherwise the prime minister would be incensed that Alba would include Dominica’s signature on a resolution that Dominica obviously agreed with. If the situation was that, by being a member of Alber you had to go along with the resolution, Antigua and st vincent would also be implicated, but these leaders are accountable to their people,they dont have a pitbull and a rotwilder to speak for them. This is SHAMEFUL and it is about time that people see it for what it is.

  17. Is time
    June 25, 2012
  18. Morihei Ueshiba
    June 25, 2012

    Ross University should pull out of this Anti-American country!

    • Correction
      June 25, 2012

      Damn … that’s the best thing you can come up with? Who the HELL you believe will suffer, SKERRIT?? You ppl are too damn clouded by politics stupid!!!

      I wonedr if you ever took a risk in your life, maybe you over 40 and still living in the house built by your parents!!! Get a life !!!!!

      You have no idea what it is like to have loans so all you can do is seat and write on DNO and elsewhere in your this and that!!!

      Stop your !!!

      • ton
        June 25, 2012

        dont burst a blood vessel, its not a nice thing to wish for but it seems thats the problem that skerrit might put us in.

      • 1979
        July 9, 2012

        You have no idea what it is like to have loans so all you can do is seat and write on DNO and elsewhere in your this and that!!!


  19. Robert
    June 24, 2012

    USAID is a CIA front and should be expelled from Dominica. It goes around the world interfering in the politics of foreign nations. I hope Dominica has truly signed. The USA is a sheep in wolf’s clothing!

    • yep
      June 25, 2012

      …. and what is CHINA?

  20. yep
    June 24, 2012




    • nightanddayvision
      June 25, 2012



  21. dom
    June 24, 2012

    give the u.s back their coast guard vessels. Sans hont!!

    • watchdog
      June 25, 2012

      give it back to them but let your women go to the alba countries to have their babies

  22. dom
    June 24, 2012

    Wow, Astaphans and Skerrit have Dominicans under a spell. Like that show “Once Upon A Time”. Trick them tricksters. Blind leading blind.

  23. dom
    June 24, 2012

    Geez, it is so damn simple, just get the a copy of the document. Further more this alba organisation is basically stating its intent. Get rid of the u.s cause they’ll encourage the opposition and other people to have a voice. So in order for their to be stability (one leader, no opposition, which yall already have in DOminica since hector john isnt qualified or any politician in DOminica for that matter) Yes I said it, it is a damn shame and moderator u can block my comment and people can give me bad feedback. Newest communist state. But it won’t last, we live in a technologically advanced world, freedom of press, freedom of information. If those radical states in the middle east and asia can’t stop the information no one can..

  24. Assholstaphans
    June 24, 2012

    why is the government paying people like nanntan, skerrit advisor..

  25. Assholstaphans
    June 24, 2012

    is astaphans the prime minister or his echo..??

  26. Newbie
    June 24, 2012

    Has DNO even attempted to contact the PM on this matter. I’m skeptic of Tony contacting DNO !!!!!! What if DNO was the one who contacted Tony?

  27. Free Thinker
    June 24, 2012

    A retraction of statement and an apology from Thompson Fontain’s for allegations on passport sale to criminals was demanded by Govt of Dominica. I am now waiting to find out whether the same will be demanded from Cuban newspaper Granma. For PM Tony Skerrit to say that Dominica did not sign on to the document is unacceptable in light of the seriousness of the ALBA communique. I am listening.

  28. maindesk
    June 24, 2012

    Are we in ALBA or not? Come on PM stop this childish nonsense. Either we in or we out.

  29. concerned
    June 24, 2012

    GOVERNMENT fooling the people again,what is new,DOMINICANS wake up before its too late when all your freedom will be taken away,look at egypt today freedom is important not dictatorship do we want to get like comrade chavez and company, it is time to pray

  30. concerned
    June 24, 2012

    so who signed for Dominica, Mr PRIME MINISTER, stop fooling us, people open your eyes he is sinking this lovely island ,my people are lost he can do no wrong, wake up people smell the roses,when the ship begins to sink he will leave us and run , wake up and listen

  31. June 24, 2012


  32. mwenmem
    June 24, 2012

    Was Mr. Astaphans wrong to ask the PM a legitimate question and then publish the answer? I think it is prudent to ask the source of the issue before we engage our mouths. Something most of us here fail to do. The man said he asked the PM about the issue and the PM response was, he didn’t sign. What is Tony to do. Please people stop trying to slaughter the postman. It is time Dominicans realise the yeomen service that Mr. Astaphans is provoiding his country. He is requesting no medal or award be offered, just the respect and understanding of his fellow Dominicans.

    • tone
      June 25, 2012

      put a green pig in front of you, you will still say it red. garcon ou sort.

  33. Anonymous
    June 24, 2012

    what is really happening to us in D/A. and where are we heading too? Dominicans what is wrong, don’t we benefit from USAID funding? Can this statement be true?

  34. Looking in
    June 24, 2012

    Time will soon tell

  35. 1979
    June 24, 2012

    As The World Turns:

    An elected Prime Minister continues to SHOOT HIMSELF IN THE FOOT, by employing legal council to speak on his behalf to the people who ELECTED HIM. INDICATIVE that he has something to hide.. perhaps to protect him from self incrimination in this instance as well???????????????????

    a certain PROF continues to employ this alias knowing full well that the only DEGREE he possesses is the ANTI PERSPIRANT, DEODORANT under his arms….

    meanwhile I keep hearing a horn blowing outside my door, and I could swear I saw a shadow in my window….COULD IT BE TOM???

    and the saga continues…. how things will turn out??

    well…. that depends on the competence of the majority in this nation thirsting for development,
    but not at the cost of corruption and self service…

    • ideal
      June 24, 2012

      seems like it is Tony running Dominica prime minister cannot speak for himself was just voted in but not in charge..the truth will come out one day when bory busrt.

    • Shameless
      June 25, 2012

      :lol: :lol: :lol: Garson u killing me :lol: :lol: !

  36. ???? strange
    June 24, 2012

    But wait DNO did not publish the story but they publish the denial? AGAIn just like DBS and Marpin.

    • watchdog
      June 24, 2012

      i agree

  37. Pedro
    June 24, 2012

    Thank God, we still have a few voices who are willing to ask QUESTIONS of our Government. The time is fast approaching when there will be no more voices. Remember Venezuela is now the “MOTHERLAND”

  38. tierd dominican
    June 24, 2012

    well which ever it is some one nose gonna be put out, if its alba then no more money from chavez and the other countries, and if it is the US we can say a true goodbye to all the tourist including the universaties and cruise ships i am sure, and europe the friend of the US, which ever way dominica will suffer but i think in the mist of it, it will be better to disappoint alba, but i sure the goverment will be scared they might want all there genorous funds back!!!!! and mr astaphan you are not a trust worthy man, i belive you think you are the PM second in command, i do not think any of these men in power think of us Dominicans, i long for the Eugenia charles days when some one cared about us, not their pockets.

    June 24, 2012

    The commonwealth of dominica did not sign , however they could have given the nod via telephone conversation

  40. just born
    June 24, 2012

    Father forgive them for they know not what they do.That is why Skerrit always “leaving island any time”(liat)and do not imform us. All i know is little fish cannot swim with big fish.

  41. ha
    June 24, 2012

    LIES and MORE LIES FROM THE CABAL, but one thing is certain when the judgement of TONy comes infront the father he has to get a special hearing bcuz he has too many to account for

  42. Ihatemedard
    June 24, 2012

    America deport toneee from Miami why don’t he live in Cuba
    Or Venezuela

    • namich2008
      June 24, 2012

      Really…when was this and why?

  43. jah guide
    June 24, 2012

    I need to find out how long does a comment takes to be moderated by Admin especially when it is anti government/Astaphan

  44. 100% Dominican
    June 24, 2012

    Wow!!!!! Someone said before me ‘Mr.Astaphan, we did not vote for you!’ But it sure appears that the voters did vote for him as he is part of the package and the poto followers are not at all bothered by Mr. Astaphan’s actions. They are quite happy with him clarifying every action of the government and knowing about all the intricacies of the government’s business despite the fact that he does not hold an official government position. My goodness people, we are in trouble. Even if you all get on his case, he will only keep quiet and run things from UNDERGROUND!!! Without changing the entire government, we will continue to walk blindfolded to the cliffs edge, led by our government and it’s defence lawyer!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up brothers and sisters!!!!!!! God bless Dominica……………..

  45. ideal
    June 23, 2012

    well if Dominica did not sign, these people are telling big lie on our PM, we need an apology from them imediately, for saying DA PM signed or give us the written proof .We the people need to know the truth..

    • tone
      June 25, 2012

      what if he signed… what do we need from our government

  46. delete after
    June 23, 2012

    sorry i commenting here delete it after…why wasn’t there a news report on the Olympic run today? I don’t get time to listen to the radio or TV and i depend on you guys to bring the news forward, and there should have atleast been a pre/event news report….

  47. hola
    June 23, 2012

    Is PROF WIKILEAKS and PEEPING TOM asleep? Usually peepong tom would shoot off a response even if it makes sense or not. Well PRof WIKILEAKS never really makes a valid point or discussion. Peeping Tom to be honest I don’t think Skerrit is that stupid to sign this agreement and god if he did that would be uforgivable. Peeping Tom i feel your pain of embarassment and shame even in the face of doubt that Skerrit signed this agreement.

  48. Just Say
    June 23, 2012

    Just a thought, what if these ALBA member countries decide to on some sort military actions against the US, who would Dominica side with? I think we need to be very mindful of what we are getting into

    • forkdem
      June 25, 2012

      not that police…

  49. lone ranger
    June 23, 2012

    I may not be the wisest person on the planet But in reality is it not the responsibility of the AG or the PM himself supposed to speak on such issues of tremendous global, regional and local significance? Have no problem with Pro labour, prob freedom, pro UWP supports or special ad visors voicing their opinion on Issues but not as if one is part of the government!If its Tony who speaks on the behalf the govenrment everytime wel make the man AG and put the matter to rest! God bless Dominica! Its always Toni speaking and making some good points based on research and so forth! Just appoint the man as AG and close the case! Maybe Toni does not want to become the AG! He should give it a trY!

  50. Anonymous
    June 23, 2012

    Lost in translation.

  51. MERINA
    June 23, 2012


  52. Morality
    June 23, 2012

    :?: As-tap-han why edon’t you shut your mouth and allow the one involved in this issue and was voted for though illegally,to respond?I want the American government to help us remove this illegal government and expel them to the Hague to face the ICC. :?:

  53. Anonymous
    June 23, 2012

    Dominicans to lazy… From the top down… Look now they prostitute the country and it’s citizens… Come on Dominica I know we better than that.

  54. June 23, 2012

    i wonder if those labarite reading this.
    wait! I wonder if those labarite read????

    • May
      June 24, 2012

      they cannot read hahaha!!!

  55. Jah Guide
    June 23, 2012

    What on God’s Earth is wrong with this man, called Anthony Astaphan. Who the he.. voted for this guy, this thing is getting way to out of proportion now. I am sick and tired of this man coming around everytime trying to shield Skeritt.

  56. Malgraysa
    June 23, 2012

    Boy oh boy. We certainly know how to throw stones at our own windows!

  57. English!
    June 23, 2012

    Tony thats a lie! The document saying it and who are u to deny?

  58. Malatete
    June 23, 2012

    Mr Astaphan lost lost respect along time ago, soon followed by credibility and now, sadly he is harvesting nothing but ridicule.

    – Is he saying that Cuba’s national newspaper Granma has got it wrong? I would love to hear from the resident Cuban ambassador on this point!

    – Who gave him the authority to speak on behalf of Dominica or the Office of the Prime Minister.

    I am so sorry, and angry that statements coming fronm this gentleman only contribute towards our status as the laughing stock of the Caribbean and an untrustworthy partner.

  59. Anonymous
    June 23, 2012

    A A since when dey change d prime minister nuh

    June 23, 2012

    Before I post my comment on this story, I encourage readers to read the contribution of Shameless, “1979”, “LIAT Quik Pack”, “Met Yo”, “Not a herd follower” and others below. They should ensure that they do so before raising their blood pressure when reading the comments of Prof Wikileaks and Peeping Tom.

    Folks, it is scary the things that go on in Dominica. Tony must keep his mouth shut sometimes, cool out! Calm down or he may singlehandedly or jointly with the PM bring the Labour Party down from the inside- No 1979 required.

    What is the value in the second hand reported statement “I spoke to the PM and he said?” Who cares that Tony spoke or didn’t speak to the PM? Why can’t the PM say what he has to say directly to the people? We know Tony to be a dynamic lawyer but I wonder whether he is also seen as the most notorious, prolific, shameless, professional, boldface liar in the Dominican political arena or the one who is most qualified to transform outright, ugly lies into pleasant half-truths and unfounded and baseless assertions?

    There is more that I could say but in light of the fact that Tony has only spoken based on what he is not aware of, I shall reserve my real comments and await the result of DNO’s further investigation or at least a statement from a more relevant and reliable source such as the PM or even Ambassador

    • Roz
      June 25, 2012

      So true. Tony telling us what he is not aware of. He makes no reference to what he is aware of, that could probably be held against him in a court of law. He twisting us with that lawyer jargon eh

  61. me
    June 23, 2012

    secrets, secrets and more secrets, that’s my real issue with this governement, oh yes and I think Tony should shut up for a minute and let the prime minister do what he have to do and that is talking to the people who elected him.

  62. yessah
    June 23, 2012

    weh papa that pm that was elected by the people of dominica always in…. yessah i never see and the tony just there covering up..his pocket getting fatter doh he doing wat he paid to do…de pm will tie his tongue if he has to respond on issues in dominica and hero tony will have to jump to his rescue….geezzzz…..smh..God save dominica

  63. Raj
    June 23, 2012

    If Skerrit sign this document Dominicans must go to the streets and demand that this administration leave our government. Why the news agencies mention Dominica and not the other islands; that is strange. For now i am giving Skerrit the benefit of the doubt. I am thinking that Skertit is not so stupid to sign this agreement.

  64. GOM
    June 23, 2012

    So where is the PM. Is he MOO MOO?

  65. 1979
    June 23, 2012

    Has anyone seen or heard from Peeping tom or Wikileaks??? what’s their numbers nuh, I want them to DJ a party I have this weekend….

    in their usual modus operendi they will show up on 22″ spinning rims and spin CD’s for the party till daybreak… and peeping tom always outside in the SUV (Stifling Unknown Voices) peep peeping like is wedding he come out LOL.

    man those dudes sure know’s how to keep “A party” hot and interesting…

    • 1979
      June 23, 2012

      the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire …..

      • 1979
        June 24, 2012

        chhhhh I was waiting for leaks and pEEper to sing the other part, where then nuh allu????

  66. Lies and more lies
    June 23, 2012

    How could an entire nation allow so few to manipulate, bamboozle, and lie to them so often? The bigger the lie, the more often it is repeated, the more people are taken for rides. Even if the signature is clearly on the document, some technicality will come up, some excuse will be made. The gullible ones will swallow the untruths. Business goes on as usual, until the next act and/or lie.

    And in fact, the other ALBA members will take issue with that Big lie that a DLP operative is denying that someone signed on behalf of Dominica. Could Skerritt be trusted? Is not the first time that ALBA has been snubbed. Remember the ALBA communique about supporting Argentina in its claim to Falkland Islands and not allowing ship to dock etc. etc. etc.?

    The regime thrives on lies. Reflect my people. Rubbish bin and fertilizer bobols, Villas, kick backs, firebombs, passport sales, sale of diplomatic immunity to those with reputable dealings, and so on, and so on. Lies about no money for Electoral reforms (7 years now) or for investments in the productive sectors, Agriculture – feeder roads, but all of a sudden millions for LIAT.

    How much longer will a people allow itself to be subjected to Lies upon lies upon lies. How many more years of that mental slavery could a people be blinded by.

    Whose fools are Dominicans? In big broad daylight, in the darkest of nights, the lies continue to pour on the Dominican people like hot oil. Many do not care whether they are fried in the pan of bad governance, corruption and Lies.

    See if the DLP operatives will not find a way to demonise Q95 and the hosts on that news again. Even blaming them for just repeating the truth of what the Granma newspaper correctly reported.

    The truth is like a thorn in the side of the unrighteous among us. Dominica is being prostituted, while its citizens just stand there and watch. Time will tell.

  67. mwenmem
    June 23, 2012

    Thanks Mr. Astaphans for clarifying a somewhat sticky point for those who continually look for reasons to detract from our PM. You are truly a patriot. This country would be helpless without citizens like you. Fear not the truth is on your side!
    History will recall you as a champion of the DLP.

    • 1979
      June 24, 2012

      YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNN would someone please cover my mouth…..

    • yep
      June 24, 2012

      mr astaphans couldn’t let somebody else write this for you intead? instead of doing itt yourself?

  68. Gary
    June 23, 2012

    First of I would like to point out the spelling mistakes in the statement. A document like this signed by diplomats, why these spelling mistakes, bewilders me. The document shows no signatures. Who was the source of this story and why was some member Countries left out.

    Why all this remarks when we do not even know if this story is the Authentic. Mr Astaphan came out and said he ask the PM about the story and the PM denied Dominica never singed such statement. What is all this frantic accusation. What about the other member Countries, are there any official denial or confirmation about the story. Let us wait and see. The truth must come to light.

    • 1979
      June 24, 2012

      that much is FACT, The truth MUST come to light…

    • maindesk
      June 24, 2012

      The document is a translation to English and so it is the translation that has errors not the original

    • yep
      June 24, 2012

      translation from the spanish

  69. June 23, 2012

    Everytime the horses have bolted out of the stable, it would appear that Astaphan is the only one to close the stable.We heard Tony defending Skerrit in the LIAT fiasco.He has moved a noch higher,he is now not only defending Skerrit but the Ambassador.I know Skerrit acts like a moomoo when it comes to national issues,but not the Ambassador,I hear him on Kaire every wednesday,therefore, why does Astaphan have to address Dominicans about ALBA’s affairs.

  70. ...with your spirit!
    June 23, 2012

    This is just SAD and depressing! I always maintained the Roosevelt Skerrit that I voted for in the previous general election is NOT the same person today…He has changed.!!!

    • DP
      June 25, 2012

      That’s where you’re wrong. He has ALWAYS been this way.

  71. DA2BK
    June 23, 2012

    All I want to ask is…What the ….. were they thinking??

  72. linky
    June 23, 2012

    dominicans can acept nonsence but who is tony to give explanation to dominica each time there is an issue.

    • Truth Seeker
      June 23, 2012

      A legitimate citizen just as you. Every Dominican is an expert on every issue. So what’s your point? Tony has more invested in Dominica, if we are to conduct a mere superficial evaluation of the family’s investment in the Nature Ilse. As such, he has every right to speak. If you can, give your two cents estimation of the issues. And let all voice contend. SMH.

      • 1979
        June 24, 2012

        hmmmmm careful with your statements….just remember the ruins by the old market and how it became such…. we are all EQUALLY Dominicans. no matter size of investment…..

        please resist the urge for ORAL DEFECATION!

      • linky
        June 24, 2012

        truth seeker u are not seeking any truth becaues it is in your face u just will not see it or don’t want to see it.

    • ?????????
      June 23, 2012

      They are slowly being led to hell by their Dominican God…Can you remember Go to Hell? Go to Hell! Go to Hell! Well the Dominican God is leading them to Hell like sheep to the slaughter. You call that 18 – 3.
      I cannot believe anything that this crooked regime says.

    • me
      June 23, 2012

      who voted for astaphan,i know i didnt

  73. weezib
    June 23, 2012

    what’s the big deal anyway? Skerrit’s gonna come with some bogus excuse and beat around the issue and we’re all gonna get quiet and accept it even though we are against it…

    we’re so whipped as a people, it’s pathetic.

    me dat say that

    • 1979
      June 25, 2012

      I thumb that down eh, but maybe you are right and I am in denial….

      still I have faith in the fighting spirit of our predecesors and I have faith that it in our blood, that when things critical we can move as one body…. we must look at each other as ONE BLOOD….the same blood that ran through the veins of Congoree,Jaco and the rest of our grandfathers… we must stoke that courage that it will not be forgotten, the sacrifices that those before us have made that we could call DOMINICA OUR HOME..

  74. Shameless
    June 23, 2012

    Let me say this about my country..

    “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social, political and economic injustice in Dominica was not the strident clamor of the bad and uneducated people, but rather, the appalling silence of the so called good, honest, god-fearing and very well educated people.”

    Assertive, NOT Agressive.

    • forreal
      June 23, 2012

      these are just word speches like what obama is good at,i do not see the relervance to what was put forward at all,there is the question,is skerrit in with the alba alliance or not,or are they just part of an observation team,in other words one foot in or one foot out,but do not comment like dominica is commited having relationship a with america,dominica is an independant country,and as to date is being presently assisted by china,everytime actions seem to be taken in relevence to america,you all seem to be offended and write some type coward remarks,like dominica was given indepedence by america,what’s up with you people,stop the politics of fear and come clean,speak your minds and not technicalities.

  75. What?!
    June 23, 2012

    way papa

  76. Mary
    June 23, 2012

    Can’t Anthony Astaphans allow Hon Skerrit to pass on this ininformation to the Dominican public. Mr. Astaphans we did not vote you and would never vote for you.

    • June 23, 2012

      Dont blame Tony remember Skerrit said Tony can speak on his behalf so you see the problem in out ISLAND is the man who call himself the PM.

      • langsal
        June 25, 2012

        better we call de PM LIAT man lol

  77. 1979
    June 23, 2012

    well Mr. A your wide array of abilities extend well into the realm of International law and Treaties…. with my “Meager” education I am not one to comment on such elevated discourse. However; (again with my meager education) this seems a bit damning, as I would hope that those elected to represent me would “read the fine print” on all documents which would bear their signature…. but as you said “as far as you are aware” I will be listening attentively, in hope of learning something new..

    SMH, What now??? I don’t side with any political party but to me no other party in our history apart from the DLP of the 70’s has been so riddled with scandal..

  78. Not a herd follower
    June 23, 2012

    The communique says Dominica signed it but Tony and the PM deny it. Are they saying ALBA is lying about Dominica’s involvement in this? According to Tony Astaphan, the governments of Antigua and St. Vincent did not support the communique. And we see from the communique published by DNO that there is no reference to both countries signing. So, if Dominica did take the same position as Antigua and St. Vincent, why is the communique saying Dominica signed onto the call to kick out USAID from Member States? Who’s telling the truth?

    And, Skerrit, stop hiding behind Tony Astaphan. Tony has no constituents. He was not elected by the people. We want to hear from you on the myriad public issues and controversies not an unelected Tony Astaphan!Please!

    • June 23, 2012

      may be they meant Dominican Republic? “just asking”

      • Roz
        June 25, 2012

        Mancomunidad de Dominica = Commonwealth of Dominica

        Republica Dominicana = Dominican Republic.

        I highly doubt they used Commonwealth of Dominica to refer to Dominican Republic

      • DP
        June 25, 2012

        Is the Dominican Republic a Commonwealth?

      • Court Officer
        June 25, 2012

        I would like to think so except that Dominican Republic is not a member of ALBA…

      • Reader
        June 25, 2012

        People just don’t get scarcasm!!

  79. Met Yo
    June 23, 2012

    weh weh weh weh weh weh weh

    As far as he is aware St. Vincent and Antigua refuse to support….DUH TONY…That’s why their names are not on the list of countries who signed.

    So how Dominica name there in the list of who signed? Who signed on our behalf? Why would Skerrit boys and them in ALBA lie on him so?


  80. ok
    June 23, 2012

    whooo! What intrigue!

  81. Shameless
    June 23, 2012

    :lol: :lol: Laughing I laughing on this one for now. Jah, Rasta For I!

    I remain Assertive , NOT Agressive!

  82. Just Saying
    June 23, 2012

    There must be another Commonwealth of Dominica.. Mr Astaphans

  83. LIAT Quik Pack
    June 23, 2012

    Tony talking BS as usual..

    We resolve to:

    Request that the heads of state and the government of the states who are members of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, immediately expel USAID and its delegates or representatives from their countries, due to the fact that we consider their presence and actions to constitute an interference which threatens the sovereignty and stability of our nations.

    In the city of Rio de Janeiro, Federal Republic of Brazil, June 21st 2012.

    Signed by:

    The government of the Pluri-national state of Bolivia.
    The government of the Republic of Cuba.
    The government of the Republic of Ecuador.
    The government of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
    The government of the Republic of Nicaragua.
    The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.


    Solicitar a los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los Estados parte de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América la inmediata expulsión en sus países de la USAID, sus delegados o representantes, por considerar que su presencia y actuación constituyen un factor de perturbación que atenta contra la soberanía y la estabilidad política de nuestras naciones.

    En la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, República Federativa de Brasil, el 21 del mes de junio de 2012.

    Por el Gobierno del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.
    Por el Gobierno de la República de Cuba.
    Por el Gobierno de la República de Ecuador.
    Por el Gobierno de la mancomunidad de Dominica.
    Por el Gobierno de la República de Nicaragua.
    Por el Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

    • Assholstaphans
      June 24, 2012

      even if people check the link and read it, they will still say their prime minister did not sign..
      what a bunch of sick dummies

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