PM wants unity for at least four years

The Prime Minister was addressing a town hall meeting in Mahaut
The Prime Minister was addressing a town hall meeting in Mahaut

The country’s leader wants the populace to join hands and work together for at least four out of his government’s five-year term in office for the sake of country.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said at a recent town hall meeting held in the community of Mahaut that if this happens, Dominica will progress at a faster rate.

“We maintain that if we can get Dominicans to work together for four years of our five-year political term, our beautiful country can progress much faster to the satisfaction and enjoyment of all concerned,” he stated. “We cannot be divided year round and expect to prosper. We cannot be so politically biased and blinded as to defend and uphold lawless and unlawful behavior.”

He described his administration as “21st century government and governance at its best.”

“I firmly believe that if you thoroughly understand and appreciate the dynamics of the environment in which we operate today, we can as a small nation succeed in fully exploiting our potential as a literate population with you but yet very valuable natural resources,” he said.

He pointed out that the projects and programs outlined in the National Budget are doable and their implementation have already started in earnest.

With the country facing a debt of over $1-billion, Skerrit promised that the government do not intend to over burden future generations.

“We do not intend on saddling current and future generations of Dominicans of onerous debts, the magnitude of which they cannot comfortably repay,” he stated. “So the budget we carried to parliament, took all those into consideration and we determined that as much as we would like to grant all the special interest groups, what they requested, realistically we just could not.”

He insisted that the government “did the best that could be done in the circumstances and have received the kudos and admiration of the local private sector, regional and international observers and institutions.”

The meeting was one of a series of town hall-style meeting organized by the government entitled “Keeping It Real” to discuss the National Budget with the citizens of Dominica.

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  1. August 15, 2015

    :) may Papa God Guide Dominica

  2. August 15, 2015

    I notice that the PM is being accused of all kinds of wrong doing without a fair asessment of the facts.
    the most recent the Gordon Henderson. The Cabinet received a recommendation to honour two cultural icons, but because the alternate, a lady Mrs Marie was the preferred one chosen all hell broke loose in the oppositionites camp. Is it because they are flaming the war on women. I think so. Judging by their treatment of the lady speaker, and their reaction to the help received from the PM by the poor lady farmer of Mahaut.
    He is given a hard time for keeping law and order at Salisbury. The protesters broke the law so they pay the price. They have a legitimate complain, but there js a wrong way and a right way in every thing we do. The oppositionites are just out for no good, and are not interested in the welfare or development of Dominica.

  3. The Authorities
    August 14, 2015

    Hon. Skerrit’s statement: “… if we can get Dominicans to work together for four years of our five-year political term, our beautiful country can progress much faster…”

    Comprehension: “…I have been advised my The Authorities that my dividing our beautiful country has to stop if I want to win the next election. I can resume division during the next campaign season.”

  4. awa
    August 14, 2015

    Stop victimizing hard working Dominicans and allow the systems that have been put in place to work . The Public Service Commission has now become a joke . Ministers appoint who they want not considering those who have been doing the work for so long with experience and qualification. You and your cabinet ostracize and prevent people from being employed and you talk of unity. Stop this interference in the daily running of the various Divisions and allow the Permanent Secretaries to do a good job. But then again you put some of them there to do the dirty work. We are fed up with this nonsense and public servants who have been victimized should come out and break the silence , lets not suffer in silence. Pleas Mr PM allow us to do our work without fear. Only then can you talk unity.

  5. Malgraysa
    August 14, 2015

    Definition of Psychopath/psychology definition.
    For more details visit:

    Psychopaths are person who”lack empathy and remorse and almost feel no emotions”
    Typical symptoms are:
    – He acts like your mirror.
    A psychopaths will always try and convince you that he is your soul mate.
    – Rules of society don’t apply to him.
    (…but other must adhere to his rules).
    -Unreliable, untruthfulness and insincerity.
    -Not a team player
    He acts autocratically.
    -Less concern for human beings.
    -Demands loyalty.
    -Poor judgement and failure to learn from experience.
    -Hidden agenda.
    They love stabbing people in the back.
    exaggerated sense of self-importance).

  6. looking
    August 14, 2015

    I honestly think our honorable PM, i do respect his office, never grew up. He was a child when he got his position though immensely gifted has just been a failure. We should give people positions of leadership when they have proven themselves. Our poor PM had never proved himself. His administration is an administration of opportunist and victimizers(would wish word this existed). So now after this term they blame would be on disunity on island, it no longer will be blamed on the global crises. We need grown up mature individuals to lead us,men of God, not those who pretend.

  7. August 14, 2015

    “Divide and Rule” has been the hallmark of this Administration from its inception; in response to boots on the ground you called for your DLP troops to rally and take up arms. Did you not as recently as at the closure of the Budget debate seek to belittle the Opposition for offering alternatives to your failed economic policies. Was that an example of Unity? There will be Unity in our country when you Sir, the leader, lead from the front. Your utterances tell a completely different story, and stop treating those who oppose your polices as Aliens; or do you perceive a sense of disunity among the DLP family and was that message meant for them? And i will continue to repeat “What should we expect from an empty Bag of Coals but Dust”.

    • August 14, 2015

      So says MR ST JEAN of the oppositionites, the empty barrel, plenty of noise signifying nothing. Coal is an energy resource. Noise is a pollutant and the oppositionites are full of it, noise too.

      • August 14, 2015

        Yes Mr St Jean……Plenty of sound and fury signifying nothing……..but noise that is the banner of the oppositionites.

      • Peter Potter
        August 14, 2015

        Tell me, are your eyes red as well or is it just the spectacles you are wearing that have a dark red tint?

  8. Peter Potter
    August 14, 2015

    Unity YES, under your leadership NO!

  9. correction
    August 14, 2015

    I don’t even understand y people does take on dat mm when he talk. Allu doh see is attention he looking for? Waste of time, stupes. Stop reading or commenting on anything that Zulu have to say, just ignore him. He is gonna do Wat he want anyway for the next five years, put your energies on the ground to support your people and leave mister man and his garbage in the dump. For me he not existing for the next four years for sure.

  10. August 14, 2015

    Africa ns has a saying jealousy oh and that is all I can see from you Dominicans anger, hatred wickedness.evil doers not very nice people brash snd hash

  11. indira Ghandi
    August 13, 2015

    Are you for real Skerrit? When you treat Gordon Henderson that way do you expect unity? People ,please boycott the WMC.if Hgordon Henderson is nott performing and receiving the award.

  12. Blue Angel
    August 13, 2015

    Accountability on passport money , transparency on mou with china and assets of the prime minister established by indépendant body. Then you CAN talk about unity

    • DA transformed in2 BS under Medard
      August 13, 2015

      Imagine their was no Medard ,it’s easy if you try!
      Imagine taking away all their assets & those of the passport agents too. Imagine all the ministers being stripped of all their ill gotten earthly belongings.
      Imagine all the people saying enough, Basta ya!
      It’s easy if we will.
      Imagine all those suckers dressed in UWP colours up by Blanc!!

      • DA transformed in2 BS under Medard
        August 13, 2015

        There typo my bad.

  13. The Real Facts
    August 13, 2015

    There is only one thing and it is: “United we stand. Divided we fall.”
    Some of you are dividers and refuse to unite. This is because of the hardness of your hearts as God knows too well.
    Do you not think that God will deal with you in His time according to your words?
    Do not underestimate our God and take him for granted.
    He who does not deceive and cannot be deceived cannot be taken for granted. Therefore, do not deceive yourself.

    • DA transformed in2 BS under Medard
      August 13, 2015

      If you were God /Christ would U worry about all the D/can enablers?

    • looking
      August 14, 2015

      How are sure Gods on your side? Both sides are involved in bad things. lets make it simple. Too much ungodliness goes on during election. The language of the government was in general very nasty. The hunting down of opposition especially in the poor rural parts of Dominica is horrid. If you are not for the government you are cut off and victimized. Our country is divided because of poor leadership. The objective is to personify everything like it was me. Then paint the opposition like they are an evil entity. Look carefully at the personal lives of the PM and the opposition leader. Just sit and think for a moment. Scripture says the first will be last and the last will be first. Most people defending the party here have benefited personally one way or the other, while the poor gets poorer.

  14. August 13, 2015

    Mr. Skerrit is asking for unity yet he is causing more division by his words and action. as leader of the country you are suppose to lead by example how ever Mr. Skerrit is doing exactly the opposite. in order to obtain the result that you claim to seek then you must practice what you preach. you need to keep in mind that you are the leader put there by the people to work for the people. not some of the people.

  15. Joan
    August 13, 2015

    Calling all females with a Bachelors degree and over. It is time for another woman leader, another MAMO. I intend to start another party to contest the next general election. All interested married females with a BSc and more over, what do you say? Boys are not ready yet.

    • Channel 1
      August 13, 2015

      @Joan – Aye Joan, don’t forget that the current speaker of the house is a female. Just look at the bias way she handles the parliament.

    • DA transformed in2 BS under Medard
      August 13, 2015

      Lol! no more reproduction then the population will further go way down

    • anonymous2
      August 14, 2015

      Why do they have to be married.? MAMO wasn’t. Then again, the times were different then. Dominican men don’t seem to have respect for single women on the rise these days.

    • the fly
      August 14, 2015

      JOAN, you taking this thing for a joke or what :?:

  16. August 13, 2015

    Unity will return when you will grow up ,accept that people have the right too dis-liking what you do or say..leave them in the post where ever they are after they talk against you or your politician family..Grow up skerrit and dominicans wake up open your eyes while it is early,at this moment i cannot see what we will leave for our children with this childish prime minister in power and also make sure the dominica does not become a family inheritance by voting for people who have or had their family in politics

  17. Michael Davis
    August 13, 2015

    PM you are asking my fellow Dominicans to be statesmen / women. I like your call. But my people – my fellow Dominicans – WE are crabs in a barrel. We don’t lift each other up. No. We prefer to gossip, and tear each other down. We see Politics in all things. PM – to change this you must be the bigger man – take the moral high ground. Sometimes within those four years – the year of elections – the 5th year we will all fall short – but that other four years, you have to turn the other cheek. You are PM of all Dominicans. So those whom criticize you as well as those whom praise you – you have to treat equally as citizens. All have a fair and equal opportunity. Administration like that – create statesmen and proactively good citizens. Unity. Progress. I am if you are. Opposition opportunist politicians will fall by the way side if you do act as PM of all – the people will see through their arrogance, ignorance and hate – they will see you as fair minded. As a brother to another – peace

    • Michael Davis
      August 13, 2015

      I support your call.

  18. Peter Potter
    August 13, 2015

    It is you that divided the country, Skerrit. Now that things do not go your way anymore you are pleading for unity. No Sir, not as long as you and your cabal keep milking the country. Let us see the MOU with China, give us a proper account of PetroCaribe, tell us where the money for your last election campaign came from, tell us what went wrong with the Moroccan hotel, tell us why the PMH construction has not commenced yet, why is the Marigot hospital still in a state of disrepair, tell us where your personal wealth is coming from, tell us… I guess I know your answer already, none of your damn business.
    I for one do not want to work together with you or anyone of your blind followers until you come to us and answer the above questions and many more of the same kind. You know what I am saying.

  19. truththe
    August 13, 2015

    PM are you really serious ? Well start the ball a rolling by your actions. Begin in the constituencies that did not vote for you.Give us electoral reform and treat all Dominicans equal. Then i will truly say you are on the way in uniting us. By so doing we will all follow.

  20. Doc. Love
    August 13, 2015

    Sometimes, I get the impression, Skeritt do not think before he speaks. He is asking for unity of Dominicans, when he has been confrontational for the last six months. He has been angry with Hon. Lennox Linton and others. He was destroyed the unity between the PWD workers and their families. Has he experienced, the pain of a wife, for four fortnights, her husband cannot bring home a pay check. The senior citizen at Salisbury with approximately seventeen bullet holes in her building, has he ever visited her, to offer an apology. Unity, must start with him first as leader of the country and in the Parliament, the house of all houses. Call another Parliament to session and allow all the members of Parliament on both sides of the house to decently represent the people. Q95 listeners have been accused of breeding hate, disunity and criticizes to much, there are some things for starters, stop the corruption and nepotism in Government. Reduce the cabinet.

  21. KBCR
    August 13, 2015

    As I reading that I remember a song the nuns taught me at school….

    Let there be peace on Earth
    And let it begin with me
    Let there be peace on Earth
    The peace that was meant to be…

    *Claps hands* “All together now”… :lol:

    Skerritt you yourself you are the biggest “ro-ro maker” Dominica have…If you wanted peace, you would have been doing ALOT of things differently.

    So stop your hypocrite humility and behave.

  22. JoJo
    August 13, 2015

    Thanks for the olive branch comrade Roosevelt but I noticed you ate the olives first.

  23. Jack
    August 13, 2015

    The U WP have been waiting for power for 15 yrs in the mean time how many jobs have they help create zero. How do they pay there bills by going over seas to beg. We need pigs and birds for the new Abattoir. In every country in the world where you have smart politicians they own big farms. Former president Carter went to Yale University he was a peanut farmer and got rich doing it. Our smartest people in Dominica are P.S. who are our Elites , they are called civil servants doing very little to build a new nation. With their education if they go and raise chicken and pigs they would make more money than being in an office in Roseau. Wealth will never be created by civil servants, Governments, or beggers. You people will wait another 15 yrs talking and doing nothing, that’s not the way you build a new nation, work with Skerritt he is there for another 4/and a half yrs. Every thing he says you knock it down, do we know what we want.

    • Titiwi
      August 13, 2015

      More jackass than jack.

    • August 13, 2015

      I truly believe that those who are speaking all those stupidity, negativity, and gloom, against their own country–what they hear from those who claim educated–are the younger people, or those who do not live in Dominica.

      The young people do not want to till the land–that is from many, many years ago, and yet Jack, as you said it: “Wealth will never be created by civil servants, Governments,” I have also said that in the past, the Government cannot be the Employer of everyone in Dominica.

      It only takes one or two chicken to go into 12 right down to a whole barn of chicken; with that kind of product, can a lot of people in Dominica not become well standing financially?

      And instead of the Opposing Government doing a part of the country’s development, they continue to reject every plan of the Ruling Government; as they make rude demands. Unless those people change their mentality for the sake of the young generation, how can we ever have peace and unity

      • Peter Potter
        August 14, 2015

        Learn to read first before putting your 2 cents worth in. Nobody talks negative about Dominica, everybody talks negative about Skerrit. See the difference now! Be a good child and sit on the ‘naughty step’ now until you’ve done your homework.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        August 15, 2015

        Shut-up lady Liz, go back and sleep, you doh know what’s going on. You are lucky I cannot drive to Canada this summer: I going to have surgery next week end, I hope I would surprise you and eat up you food, and drink you beer again.

        But only time will tell!

    • DA transformed in2 BS under Medard
      August 13, 2015

      You are so incorrect Jack.
      The smartest left since 1979 early 80’s and the new smarts who came after over the decades continue to leave daily weekly, monthly& yearly.
      They left the dumb ones like you and those supporting the opportunists the beggers & the ignorant like U.
      Good luck with a funny set of ministers & opposition lol

    • Francisco Telemaque
      August 15, 2015

      You talk about stupid, you are the epitome of foolishness, name one single politician you know in the United States of America, who own a pig or poultry farm!

      Carter was a peanut farmer, before he became president, he gave that up when he became president. farming in the United States are not the crap like what you have in Dominica. Some of the farms in America are more than 305 square miles, flat land larger than Dominica okay!

      Farm equipment in America runs into the millions of Dollars, one farm tractor depending on its capabilities may cost millions of dollars. People do not use cutlass, hoe, and fork on their farm, nor do they carry loads of farm products on their heads!

      Just because someone dunce has the opportunity to use a computer, that does not make them smart and knowledgeable, Dominica is a dark place, and Skerrit will keep you all in darkness to the day you die of old age!

    • Francisco Telemaque
      August 15, 2015

      And by the way Carter was a multimillionaire before he farmed peanut, and mind you he did it as a hobby!

  24. B Lion
    August 13, 2015

    Above all folks, we must visit reality as it speaks. We had a choice to elect our leader through a democratic process supposedly fair to all. Things have gone way faster than we expected but we are all now sitting in the same basket. Move that decision and worst could have come so let us work together for ourselves and turn this country into something positive for us by us. We are individuals who can make a difference regardless of our political preferences. We are above our constraints with the freedom we still have. Don’t do it for Skerrit but for yourselves. Be positive in all that you do and improvise where you can to make things better for yourselves, your community and your children. Things will be hard but if it was easy our already past efforts would have brought us through already. Change for the better and lets leave our disgust of what we cannot change behind us. We can be the differing rods of correction as we trodd our daily bread.

    • Titiwi
      August 13, 2015

      Weasel words coming from a lion? That we need correction I understand but why do we need rods to do that? The P.M.’s rod perhaps? And what the blazes is to “trodd” our daily bread? The only words like it in the dictionary are trod and trodden , which would mean that we tread– or step on our daily bread! Very odd expression.

      • B Lion
        August 14, 2015

        You lack common understanding and basic reading skills, aka hooked on phonics.

      • Balance
        August 14, 2015

        Did you forget everything when u came to the last sentence? And nooo lol we dont “need correction” nor “rods”. We implement change by our actions becoming differing rods. Definitely not for the PM because prior to that, you should have noticed that it’s mentioned CLEARLY “don’t do it for Skerrit/P.M but do it for yourself!” And on top of that, if you’re gonna drag a dictionary into this, you should also look at a thesaurus where words & terms can have different meanings.You are way to literal on the meaning of trod than on the context the word is used in. “As we trod our daily bread” simply means as we go on our daily journeys to fend for ourselves! and i am certain the extra d used in the word trod is for emphasis! Like using the word boy.If i were to add extra letters eg. boooyyyy, then you know how it should sound coming out of someones mouth and/or the emphasis on the word boy just to elaborate on it! Oh and when you judge a lion to be a weasel, don’t speak like a…

  25. Shaka zulu
    August 13, 2015

    …..and the wolf has put on the sheep’s cloack. Little red riding wood need to run for her life. PM need a PHd in psychology cause I am beginning to wonder if he is conducting a social experiment on people and they just don’t know it. Deception at its best. Say one thing do the next. Skeritt you have 15 years of garbage coming with this speech. You are the problem.

  26. Tutankhamen
    August 13, 2015

    So after you’ve successfully divided the country, after you and your cronies continue to victimize anyone who is in opposition to your regime, after you’ve continuously LIED and continue to lie to the citizens, after you pick and choose which constituencies are worthy to benefit from your “generosity”, you want everyone to hold hands and sing kumbahyah like ALL IS WELL??? Skerrit GO STRAIGHT TO HELL.

  27. anonymous2
    August 13, 2015

    Herding Dominicans is like herding cats at this point. They will never unite under your administration. A country divided.

  28. Stanley
    August 13, 2015

    “We maintain that if we can get Dominicans to work together for four years of our five-year political term, our beautiful country can progress much faster to the satisfaction and enjoyment of all concerned,” he stated. Skerrit please go tell this to Boyd-Knight, Daniel Carbon, Blackmoore and your other lackeys.

  29. bayfront
    August 13, 2015

    .shame on Dominicans to have this mate at the helm..

    they are reaping the fruits of poor policies over the past 10 years…

    Dominica is all about trickery and deception, why doesn’t he trim his cabinet to show the way forward..

    Dominica a completely FOOLISH SOCIETY IN MAJORITY!!

  30. August 13, 2015

    The Honourable Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has been governing the country with a hodgepodge of economic gimmicks. Lately he realizes that those gimmickry has finally bottomed out. Now he is raising taxes on the poor people in order to raise much needed cash. But like my dead mother used to say, “you cannot take blood from a dead horse.”

    Anyway, all I want is for someone to explain this statement to me. Mr. Skerrit made it in his meeting in Mahaut.

    ” I firmly believe that if you thoroughly understand and appreciate the dynamics of the environment in which we operate today, we can as a small nation succeed in fully exploiting our potential as a literate population with you but very valuable natural resources,” he said.

    Please explain, I tried hard to understand it.

    • Joan
      August 13, 2015

      Fancy words given to him by Tony which makes absolotely no sense. This guy is unbeleivable.

  31. Mercy
    August 13, 2015

    You begging for unity now because fire in your wire. You know people are beginning to talk about all your ill doings. You maybe smell a rat, is the tears of the people of Salisbury that raining down on you so.

  32. August 13, 2015

    Honestly, every time I hear Mr. Skerrit talk about Dominicans working together, it sickens me. There is no one in the country who brings about more dissension than the one who keep asking for cooperation. I believe that Mr. skerrit has lost his mind. Everything that he does is about retaining his hold on power. Abraham Lincoln once said that “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” MR. Skerrit’s character has been tested and he is found wanting. He has lost his way and it would be in the best interest of the country if he voluntarily steps down and give someone else an opportunity to move the country forward.
    I once believed in Mr. Skerrit as a leader but he has lost every credibility with me. Everything he has done lately is mediocre at best and a total failure at worst.

  33. Not a herd follower
    August 13, 2015

    sKERRIT, good riddance!

  34. Laura
    August 13, 2015

    Practise what you preach.

    Actions are more impactful than mere words!

    Stop alienating those who do not share your views and the country will be a more unified one.

  35. Titiwi
    August 13, 2015

    The Prime Minister has an odd idea of unity. To him it is that everybody must gather behind him without dissent. To him unity is the same as blind obedience. At the same time he is the master of “divide et impera” or divide & rule. Putting one part of the population up against the other, even in his own cabinet he is doing it. There can never be unity like this. He has to learn to accept that people do not necessarily have to agree with him in everything in order to create a common sense of purpose. I simply do not trust the man and think he is bad for Dominica.

  36. Chief Jaco
    August 13, 2015

    Warring armies have peace talks, truces and rules of warfare for the benefit of all. Those of us possessing peaceful nature will respond positively to calls for unity. The warlike among us will respond negatively to calls of unity. PM you have the power we all want and we will do anything to take that power from you. Unity will favour you that is why we turn every blessed day into evil by curse and threats against you from morning till night. Your democracy give us the rights to do so, and you are such a terrible dictator that you allow us do that same crap against you every blessed day. When you unite us how are we going to find the truth to power? A truth we have embedded in lies, allegations, innuendos, propaganda and what ever name we call truth. I support your truth PM and it is found in unity.

  37. grell
    August 13, 2015

    Skerrit your unbelievable :twisted: person,join hands you said,when you continue to victimize the citizens that do not support your :twisted: ideas,dude come again,you have cast the ultimate shame and stain on our once peaceful land,Gordon HENDERSON deserve better,you will go down as the worst prime minister in the history books.I supported you before but today i have turned my back on you and the cronies your so called ministers,give the people a break down of the CIP program and especially how much you have banked in your offshor account,Skerrit i say to you again time will tell,you do not have to answer to know one,but God is waiting and will be your judge.

    • August 14, 2015

      I wonder why is the Gordon Henderson such a big deal and oppositionites are usuing it as a banner to lead public opinion to their support. Two people of equal important contribution to our culture were nominated for an honour . One a principal the other an alternate. One a man the alternate a woman. The alternate, a woman, was chosen. She won the nomination. So why the fuss. In Henderson own words Mrs Marie deserve the honour. I notice the oppositionites media do not play her songs. Why the woman hating. Any excuse to vent negative feelings towards ladies because the majority support DLP. Just see how they are hating the lady speaker.

  38. Bawi boy
    August 13, 2015

    Apply that to Gordon Henderson and the struggling farmers of salisbury

    • Nature
      August 13, 2015

      The PM said that he wants the people of Salisbury to move on with their lives, but instead of allowing this to happen, he is now sending his people to serve them with sermons. PM peace should begin with you.

      • Me
        August 13, 2015

        Summons Nature, summons. I had to laugh anyway. Imagine Skerrit serving people with sermons!

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      August 13, 2015

      He already did. Arrests, court and bullets. :-P :-P :-P

  39. We are with you PM 100%.

    Elections long gone but opposition still in a campaign mode. They cannot seem to understand all the dividing is being done by them and them alone.

    They will never win an election and become the government unless they learn to live in the real world.

    We do not like the 365 days x 5 years campaigns of crying down our government and country. That is the whole problem in Dominica that prevents harmony among our citizens and the opposition have to carry the total blame for that.

    Unless they can show us in a meaningful way that they care about Dominica and Dominicans; until then, we will continue to vote for the DLP. We cannot trust them to do what is right for us. Sad but true.

    • eyes opened
      August 13, 2015

      Clearly you aren’t paying attention, or your red filter is too strong. When an opposition party discusses dangerous levels of national debt and proposes ideas for stimulating economic growth, you all call it “crying down country.” The most dangerous and un-patriotic people in Dominica are those who smile and approve EVERY decision the government makes. Just look at our close neighbors, even those currently struggling are still doing WAY better than Dominica, because they are making smart decisions.

      When Dominicans – including the prime minister – become mature enough to understand that critique is not hatred or crying down country, then maybe we can really get a meeting of the minds to benefit our country.

    • Henry
      August 13, 2015

      Your picture must be next to the word idiot in the dictionary.

    • Views Expressed
      August 13, 2015

      Get Real….the division is the bobol….the increase of poverty in Dominica…while others live in poverty and starvation the big boys, you know who are pocketing the limited resources of Dominica. Jobs created for the boys……18 government ministers

      So go get real

    • Tashay
      August 13, 2015

      Get a shorter name nuh? something like “eestash”. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :-D :lol:

    • August 13, 2015

      @The Real A Doubting Thomas Not The Imposter–August 13, 2015

      First of all I am glad that you have made clear that you are the one who writes all those negative comments about our Government and Dominica–your underlined title tells me what it is you–I noticed that when a mischievous “Twilight Zone” character did the same thing to me.

      I just want to tell that you have spoken my sentiment in that post above–you have spoken wisdom and the truth. I always read your posts and I like your comments.

      Thumbs up #7 is mine to you; do not mind the thumbs down rating–all cats and dogs can do that; it means nothing!

    • All these thumbs down for an honest look at our problems, What happened, did I force everyone to look deep within and they found out I was right and didn\’t like the fact that I forced them to face the truth?

      Now that you have, I am looking forward to the Unity that is much needed in our country. After all if Cuba and America can do it, why can\’t Dominicans come together.

      The Secretary of States is heading to Cuba to raise the American Flag after a number of years. I wonder what the hosts and callers on the opposition radio station will say about our friendship with Cuba now that the US and Cuba are having diplomatic ties once more.

      When Elections are done, we come together and build our country, not look for ways to destroy each other because we lose an election. We are all family and friends no matter what party we support.

      Let us see all the thumbs up for this one, You know I am right.

  40. Bod
    August 13, 2015

    It’s more difficult to be a good and inspirational leader when the money finally runs out. The PM has created a culture of expectation without having to work for it, now there’s no money left to hand out he knows he faces the social difficulties that are the inevitable result of his policies. This country needs a cross party long term strategy and much higher standards of leadership otherwise it will rapidly go down the toilet.

  41. Mwen
    August 13, 2015

    I remember in the book, Animal Farm, there was a slogan: All Animals are Equal…
    What did the Pigs wrote when they took over?
    …But some Animals are more Equal than others!
    That is what I see with this Labor party government, the Pigs’ attitude…

  42. Dave Bertrand
    August 13, 2015

    Mr Skerritt stop being a damn hypocrite. On the one hand you calling for unity and at he same time you continue to victimise other people who don’t share your naive political dogma. You are suppose to be Prime Minister of a country and not merely a Party Political leader. Get off your high horses and be serious for once.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      August 13, 2015

      You talking about hypocrisy, and bias, no one can compete with Skerrit for first place. He victimizes the people of Salisbury, Wesley, and Marigot, by refusing to promptly service their feeder and Primary Roads.

      However this same little god, that little joke dictator, that laughing joke to the rest of the leaders of the Caribbean, especially the Antiguan’s, and Ralph Gonzalez of St. Vincent; he sets himself out to ensure that he provide access to a lone (single) woman farmer in Mahaut to get to her farm.

      • Do U want me.
        August 13, 2015

        . Francisco check Mouche miel vibes lol Positive person.

      • August 14, 2015

        Well Just two other decisions to support the ladies, the “lone single woman farmer in Mahaut and Mrs Marie of cultural fame. He also support Mrs Boyd the lady speaker. Is his attracting to many ladies to his support base a problem to women haters? More power to a man who is shattering the glass ceiling.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        August 15, 2015

        Okay, I talk to our sister you know which one, last night, I have a joke for you, when we talk. You know today was suppose to be the day of the surgery on my eye, the specialists called me last night and said he has an emergency, so it will be next Friday!

      • Francisco Telemaque
        August 15, 2015

        Emil Zapatos no matter what you say, that will never change the fact that our boy Skerrit your god is a laughing, and talk about joke for all the leaders of the Caribbean.

        Remind Skerrit for kid Francisco, that as of dawn this morning the flag of the United States fly’s high over Cuba diplomatic relations are reestablished with Cuba.

        Lift the embagooooooooooooooo from Cuba Skerrit cried. Ask him where in Dominica can I send my spy’s to take some photographs of the American flag flying over Dominica.

        Oooooooooooooooooooooooops, sorry my mistake I hear Skerrit has a huge one flying on his house to remind his son that he was born in the USA.

        I here his son is the Ambassador of the United States to Dominica eh!


      • Dave Bertrand
        August 18, 2015

        Francisco some of us don’t learn at all. We are happy to receive the crumbs from Massa’s table while his bank account continues to overflow. As you rightly said El Supremo is the laughing stock of the Caribbean for sure. See how fast his close friend Ralph Gonzalez, Prime Minister of St Vincent distanced himself from PM Skerritt in his quest to nominate Baroness Scotland. When are we going to learn? Will it be when enough passports are sold to foreigners to outnumber the total population of native Dominican? God help us!

  43. Mouche miel
    August 13, 2015

    The country’s leader wants the populace to join hands and work together for at least four out of his government’s five-year term in office for the sake of country.
    YA right!
    Medard has come to the realization that his days are numbered. So he reverts from international panhandling to local not for cash but an opportunity not to forego the same fate as PJ but X 1000.
    yesterday’s international news items must have brought the facts home. China is on the decline. Some may think it is a ploy to boost exports by devaluing it’s currency two days straight.
    mean while in London authorities are commenting on the shape 7 austentatious prices for real estate fueled by bad moniey from Russia, South American eastern Europeanfrom drug dealers, mafia etc all of whom the Neo DLP stress Neo have establish ties with.
    Skerrit please go to HELL for the next 40 yrs. go to hell go to hell. Not purgatory let the bishop pray he goes ther not limbo

    • Francisco Telemaque
      August 15, 2015

      “Do you want me”

      I wrote my opinion on that in a similar way, ( I doh know ) what I said that might be incendiary DON flushed it down we stinking Roseau sewer, maybe when the sewer lines brake again and contaminate the drinking water again my comment come forth.

      All that guy is doing as demanding that the nation remains quiet for the next five years, in order to avert a riot!

  44. Jonathan st jean
    August 13, 2015

    Did the PM really say what I just read?Well action speaks louder than words,so it’s clear that not even he believes in what he is saying.Who does he think will have to repay the national debt of 1billion $ and counting,and with a shrinking population at that,he says he is not burdening future generations. .delusional.He says we cannot be so politically biased and blinded,it starts with his government victimizing whole community not just individuals….pathetic. He says his government is 21st century government and governance at its best,does he understand what these words mean?We have Mugabee style government in the country,third world democracy of victimization and nepotism (red clinic).Look to mature democratic countries for role models for 21st century governance and government. I’m convinced that the emperor has no clothes.

  45. bumble bee
    August 13, 2015

    Stop lying, stop dividing the people.the only people that speaks out for you is from your red clinic, so degrading they sell their souls to the
    Leadership is your actions, not a title.skerrit needs to go

  46. Thorbjørn Jagland
    August 13, 2015

    U ban Gordon Henderson but hear , “wants the populace to join hands and work together for at least four out of his government’s five-year term in office”, u like to give flowers with your cutlass behind your back. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • mabouya
      August 13, 2015

      wow… i love this saying… he gives the flowers….bamm he chops off the hands that takes them…..

  47. REAL!!!!
    August 13, 2015

    Mr. Skerrit you asking us to come together while you are the one dividing us.

    How wicked and outrageous!!!!!!!

    If you were sincere you would have said I help to divide the people therefore I would like to do different people and bring the people together.

  48. Bravo
    August 13, 2015

    You must be JOKING

  49. faceup
    August 13, 2015

    Get the hell out of our office..

  50. sandra
    August 13, 2015

    Dont be a hypocrite prime minister. . If you wanted peace and unity you would have address the problem in Salisbury. . God is good. You would have help them because that is why you were employed.

  51. james bejamin
    August 13, 2015

    Maybe the uwp is not clear on meaning.we just had a general elections.the labour party won convincingly and u would swear is uwp that in can the minority be so loud.people calling the radio call the pm all kind of names_can dat be done in a communist state.they wana come into power by creating caious but they should know that it’s not possible.majority

    • Henry
      August 13, 2015

      You fit the description of a another ignorant person that worships the pm. I feel sorry for u

    • Views Expressed
      August 13, 2015

      Benjamin….The UWP won the 2014 elections, the DLP stole it….
      You wish this be written in Spanish real or French?????? or ue… si voleurlocal tong
      Wake up to the truth

      • Anonymous
        August 13, 2015

        Amen, the election is not over and Roosevelt Skerrit knows it.

    • correction
      August 14, 2015

      Because it’s Labour in the minority, duh. It staring u in the face and u still blind? The people who voted to fill the gaps for Labour to win pas la and the ones he fools cannot use computer and still waiting for the tablet for their zafant to teach dem sumting…… U have a brain, learn to put one and one together.

  52. My View
    August 13, 2015

    The PM should practice what he preaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. james bejamin
    August 13, 2015

    Why does evrything the PM say come under scrutiny by the uwp?Such ignorance.pure madness going on.Now the uwp supporters playing politics raising thebus fare for college students.well just to let them knw.these tactics won’t work.infact it has been proven that all Uwp planned revolutions works out in favour of the government.See people from salsbury.Now they in court-Hector saying oh the community on said let’s move on and he is the reason for these people being mean come on.thats laughable

  54. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 13, 2015

    If you’re truly serious about this pledge here’s a few practical tips that you should implement immediately.

    Ditch the red attire when addressing all non party affiliated activities. You’re the Prime Minister of the entire nation, not just Labor supporters.

    Delegate tasks to those whom you appoint. Leroy Charles has been around music for most of his life. There’s no need for you to approve of the WCMF line-up annually. That’s the Chairman’s job.

    Create and staff a space somewhere in Roseau, Portsmouth and other villages that deal solely with perspective business ideas from locals irrespective of their gender or political affiliation.

    Utilize the island’s human resource pool by allowing students and interested parties all over the island to participate in real problem solving activities and offer prizes to winning teams or schools. When human beings are part of any solution, they tend to be more invested in seeing things through.

  55. Neverson st jean
    August 13, 2015

    That must be a joke

    • Mouche miel
      August 13, 2015

      Ask Jonathan St.Jean in the misty woods of PA.
      Is he returning to the fields which are growing weeds in the village which bore him or staying in PA in the green grocery store he is employed?

  56. Blogg
    August 13, 2015

    If you want peace, why don’t you go to the communities that didn’t vote for your party and treat all , I mean all Dominicans including Salisbury people, Gordon Henderson, and the public works workers equal?
    You this pm is the biggest Divider in the Country and you are creating the most hate but you come talking that you want peace. How hypocritical can you get. Change your ways and the country will follow. Very simple.

  57. Man kind
    August 13, 2015

    Dived we will fall United we stand without falling .
    We need to unite to make a better Dominica but that can only be achieved by proper consultation and dialog with growth engines of the country level the playing field and then god himself will show favor towards Dominica .

  58. CYRIL Volney
    August 13, 2015

    Put politics aside for 4 years. A reasonable request for all who love their country to comply with. If we do not all paddle in the same direction, we will go nowhere.

    One Love.

    • DLM ressurection
      August 13, 2015

      Fete acompli CV we have already sat facing in diferent directions from since 1978..
      We are like Iraq best they split the country as VP Biden suggested..
      China, aready own us ask Medard about the MOU. Join together P>M 4 what? to later join China as one China? lol!Check the History of Tibet CV we are part of the Sino coming expanding empire as medard et Al. Man the canoe is going to crack in the middle.
      ask Jonathan St.jean et AL LL et Al Ron etc

    • Tjebe fort
      August 13, 2015

      Mr. Volney, I respect you but I not paddling the direction the P.M. is going, no way. I don’t want to end up where he is going to end up. Sorry but that is my choice.

    • Views Expressed
      August 13, 2015

      Cyril Volney wake up to reality, the more one works the more states money is stolen, you telling us What..???
      Please open your eyes

      • DA transformed in2 BS under Medard
        August 13, 2015

        You have to understand the DFP gang infiltrated the authentic DLP with the help of crooks like………………………………… select dem lol.
        CV emanates from the DFP swhat do U expect from him?.
        Part of the latifundists mulatte Roseau. Never forget that.
        he can row in/with Skerrit direction. The neg Maroon ain’t. so the pipwee not moving .

    • Peter Potter
      August 14, 2015

      I love my country, but working together with this cabal would be like betraying my country! I am happy to work with everybody, any group, any party, any institution as long as they distance themselves from this regime. We do not do our country any favour working with this regime. One can not ask for unity for the sake of progress and at the same time turn a blind eye to all the wrongdoings that go on at the top on a daily basis. You do what you have to do, I am NOT in it.

  59. Zandoli
    August 13, 2015

    Practice what you preach.

  60. Moin meme
    August 13, 2015

    Christians are not suppose to unite with EVIL. We will NEVER unite with you Mr. Skerrit. Never!

    • The Real Facts
      August 13, 2015

      God knows you are practicing evil; disobedience. So leave Christianity out of it. What you have stated is not true Christianity. If you are a learned and practicing Christian, you should know that.

    August 13, 2015

    I must start with you PM.

  62. ThatISDominican
    August 13, 2015

    Stop victimizing people, stop undermining the laws and justices, and yes why not. And pay allu tax too. I hear allu vehicles does not be insured. And keep our roads pothole free. Paradise?

    • Wadi
      August 13, 2015

      WOW is this true??

  63. Stop Press
    August 13, 2015

    PM you are covered under the Blood of Jesus. Those people are trying eveything, it not working, they talking, talking, talking, the same 10 persons everyday. God help them.

    Boycott means come in drove now they still not understanding.

    The Devil is busy we have to stop him early in his tracks. We will continue to lift the Country up in Prayer.
    God’s blessings.

    • faceup
      August 13, 2015

      You are one of those crazy Red Clinic beggars!

    • DA transformed in BS under Medard
      August 13, 2015

      Stop press ur God would be ashame of U supporting a …..and his followers .Everyday I think this is Jonestown all over again.
      Most have drank the cynide laced sorrel.
      Jim Jones gave his followers coolade. Skerrit gave a little better conduit $$ from the Clinic and village counsels., laptop toilets lol.

      • The Real Facts
        August 13, 2015

        God does not condone nor encourage disobedience.
        God is only pleased with people when they do the right thing, to obey and respect authority of all.
        Whatever else may be wrong He will deal with it in time. It does not fall under your jurisdiction.

    • August 13, 2015

      Are you for real, skerrit is under the blood of The Almighty, Skirrit is
      under the blood of the cult those you knighted him on the eve of announcing the date for the last election, evil is all over skerrit just take a look at his eye. Skerrit asking for unity when he is the one dividing the nation, skerrit you need to take a look at your behavior in the parliament, you and your boys, after doing so, you need to wheel and come again, you need to remove the wax from your eyes first, also you need to practice what you preach. What is your reason for denouncing Mr Gordon Henderson, one of Dominica’s icon, you need to go on your radio station DBS and tell us the people of Dominica and Mr Henderson fans all over the globe your reason for treating him the way you and your cabinet treated him, you ade not to be trusted, all you do is impose your dictatorship ways on those who oppose your lies and corrupt life style, skerrit where there is no justice there will be no peace and unity

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