UWP presents 21 candidates for general election

The candidates for the UWP
The candidates for the UWP

The United Workers Party (UWP) presented its 21 candidates who will contest the December 8 general electon to party supporters at a ceremony held at the Goodwill Parish Hall on Friday night.

Leader of the UWP, Lennox Linton, who was addressing the presentation ceremony, said the time has come to relieve prime minister, Roosevelt Skerrit of his “burden.”

“It is time to relieve him of what obviously has become a burden for him…,” Linton said.

According to him, Skerrit can no longer manage the job as prime minister of Dominica.

“It is our responsibility as Dominicans to pay attention to this because we are the ones who asked him to be prime minister and right now it appears to us that he can no longer manage the job,” he stated. “We have changed governments before and the changing of government is nothing new in Dominica. Governments have come and gone and governments will continue to come and go because the power of the people is greater than the people in power.”

In fact, he said the UWP will enjoy the electoral challenge as much as, “you will enjoy the results of our work together for God and for country in the Commonwealth of Dominica.”

Linton said his candidates have presented themselves at the ceremony to claim what he described as, “victory for change.”

“We have come to claim a victory for change because of the flower of hope that have been awaken by our vision to make Dominica the best place to live, the best place to work and the best place to enjoy life in the entire global community,” he stated. “We claim this victory for change because we have carefully analyzed the development challenges facing Dominica and we have identified and articulated the appropriate solutions in every respect and in every aspect. We claim this Victory for Change because of our burning desire, because of our competences, our skills to develop and grow.”

Linton also called for respect for public officers in Dominica.

“Teachers, our nurses, our police officers and fire officers, our public officers who go to work in the various ministries every day require and deserve much more than zero, zero, zero as salary increases over three years,” he remarked. “They deserve to have the injustice of the 5 percent taken off their salaries returned and they also deserve to have the benefit of the job evaluation exercise that was completed in the public sector sometime last year…”

Linton revealed further that the UWP will deliver social protection and poverty elevation that is comprehensive and is free of petty “partisan politics.”

“We stand not for a red, not for a blue, not for a green Dominica but for the commonwealth, complete care and elderly care, housing support, and social protection for those in need…,” he revealed.

Former Magistrate, Ossie Lewis was the moderator of the event.

The candidates are:

1.Hector John – Salisbury
2.Claudius Sanford – Salybia
3.Lennox Linton – Marigot
4.Monell Willams – St. Joseph
5.Danny Lugay – Roseau North
6.Ron Green – La Plaine
7.Jefferson James – Portsmouth
8.Eunica Anthony-Victor – Paix Bouche
9.Joseph Isaac – Roseau Central
10.Nicholas George – Colihaut
11.Thomson Fontaine – Grand Fond
12.Joshua Francis – Roseau South
13.Ronald Charles – Roseau Valley
14.Felix Thomas – Mahaut
15.Isaac Baptiste – Castle Bruce
16.Urban Baron – Petite Savanne
17.Higgs Adam – Scotts Head
18.James Alexander – Grand Bay
18.Alex Birminghan – Vieille Case
20.Steward Burton – Cottage
21.Ezekiel Bazil- Wesley


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  1. neutral
    November 22, 2014

    Zor.!!!!! Dominicans tor sot. Allu actually think governments care about Allu? Blast the government blast the opposition. Allu just some tebeh with lassie in Allu eyes. All governments are corrupt. And that is a fact. And many on either side of the political parties are a set of ignorant people. How can you get angry because someone does not support who you support??? Really?

    But then again, people have their choice to vote for who they want.

  2. neutral
    November 22, 2014

    Zor.!!!!! Dominicans tor sot. Allu actually think governments care about Allu? Blast the government blast the opposition. Allu just some tebeh with lassie in Allu eyes. All governments are corrupt. And many on either side of the political parties are a set of ignorant people.

    But then again, people have their choice to vote for who they want :)

  3. Hmmmm
    November 19, 2014

    I love it! Time for change.

  4. dady
    November 18, 2014


  5. love
    November 18, 2014

    woy i like that blue all the way :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

  6. Native
    November 18, 2014

    A Definite VICTORY for LABOR !! GO LABOR !!!!

  7. Anonymous
    November 18, 2014

    So what happen to the 5 others?

  8. My View
    November 18, 2014

    Dominicans ..what more can WE ask for…This winning team consts of THE COMBINATION OF SKILLS NEEDED TO TRANSFORM THIS COUNTRY INTO A THRIVING NATION:
    Strategic planer/human resource manager
    Physical Planner/Architect
    Lawyer/Development Economist
    Industrial Engineer/Business Administration
    Construction Engineer
    Law Enforcement
    Community Activists

    We cannot ask for a team of more highly skilled and competent patriots
    If we mess around this time we deserve what we will get…

  9. famalay
    November 18, 2014

    great team

  10. Malpardee
    November 18, 2014

    I believe da people should just stay in their misery , they claim pm admin put on dem. Don’t throw your old broom for new broom… D day uwp win all u will say ” if i had know ” in da dialect style…

  11. Truly Dominican
    November 17, 2014

    Dominican in Tortola, why are you there? What’s keeping you from coming back home?

  12. hmmm
    November 17, 2014

    The only reason labour has a shot is because most Dominicans are uneducated and are easily fooled and entertained by hand-outs and maypwi giving and foreign artists. They really don’t know better, and most of those who do know better are either benefiting from hand-outs and favours, so they support DLP or they’re with UWP :mrgreen: .
    Team Dominica has been trying to eradicate this unprofessional style of politics in Dca but obviously the labourites don’t care.
    The reason the PM decided to not have any political debates is because they did so poorly at the last one and they’ve realized that the youth who have been and are being educated at the DSC are questioning their administration. They can’t stand up to UWP and they know it.
    The DLP party really has done nothing substantial to improve the lives of Dcans and everything they’ve done is on the surface but those who are educated and can dig deeper than the surface will not be fooled.

    • Anonymous
      November 19, 2014

      This is a little hash since this is your people you are talking about making bad choices does not make one uneducated, DA is my adopted country I want to see it do well Pray for the country and your people that who soever win will at least make life better for the people and give them an International Aport that the world can get to your country easy and see how beautifull it is

  13. Oh Yes
    November 17, 2014

    Definitely some potential in that group, perhaps a winning team!

    November 17, 2014

    thumbs Up vote if you for workers

  15. Mahaut talk roro
    November 17, 2014

    lets pray for UWP because they trying to beat the red giant….it’s going to be hard hard for them …. Am labourite but want to change..but ohhh my god the boys in red got money …

    • Malpardee
      November 18, 2014

      Say d word right , lol is mahaut roro take out d talk lol.

    • ?????
      November 18, 2014

      Have you ever wondered where this money comes form…It is not their own for sure …so whose own is it and who has to pay it back?
      It is like a girl bring home money every day and her mother is not questioning her about it? She is most likely prostituting herself.

    • Da
      November 18, 2014

      Yes they have money , but you have ask your self where did they get it from and how will it be paid back? Will you have to wirk the streets to help them pay bak to the MOney Sharks?
      They have money but do you have some of your own?

  16. laborinvain
    November 17, 2014

    All these disaporans chanting labor ka twavay my question to you is what twavay?

    1. When you travel to Dominica you complain of how difficult air access is but labor ka twavay

    2. If Roosevelt Skerrit was honestly going to build a state of the art international airport don’t you think it would be fitting to rename this airport after the late great Rosie and Pierro?

    3. If things are so sweet in Dominica. We’re doing better than our sister islands why do you have to send monies via western union and money gram home constantly? Why do you have to send home barrels?

    Lastly the country is moving so well denounce your green cards, citizenship and move back to the land you claim to love so much


    • MY 2cents
      November 18, 2014

      It’s really embarrassing to hear you’ll Duminicans talk eh. All what you describe is this something new or just in Sherrit times? NO. Get with the program dumbie. D/ca is a 3rd world country and like all 3rd world countries people will go overseas in search of a better life, education etc and send home stuff. That was happening wayyyyy back before Sherrit where we saw soooo many hoop on board the Geest boat before and will happen wayyyyyyy after him. And as far as all this green card and citizenship shit u speak off, majority of us here leaving better than alot of D/cans overseas. Stupid pride that have lots of D/cans not coming home. Along with stupid idiots like u that scaring them from coming home because of all the shit you’ll talk. Plus Tourist that scare because of that too

    • Anonymous
      November 18, 2014

      laborinvain when people like you stay in Dominica and beg those of us in the diaspora for every penny we earn while you all are living like queens and kings when we visit we are shocked to see your standard of living. Wicked set of Dominicans you all are very ungrateful. You have no idea how much pain we go through to send something home instead of saying thank you criticizing that’s why I think twice these days before sending anything home. I do hope some of us in the diaspora will read this.

    • November 18, 2014

      @laborinvain…I agree with number 2 statement i thought of that if he honestly to build an international airport rename this airport would be suitable to named after late Charles and Douglas , you really hit the nail right on this.

      • laborinvain
        November 18, 2014

        Wait a while. Maybe i’m daft I’m a konomono but we want change. We must demand accountable governance. Time and time again Roosevelt Skerrit has fooled us with his lies. He promised last elction an international airport would be built where is it? And know your place we Dominicans at least those who are hardworking like myself who do not depend on Jack squat for shit like to work. It is your government who has turned some of us into beggars because he has made some of us dependent on him. Don’t worry God don’t sleep. The God of Abraham and Jacob is still the same God today and I will bruise my knees for God’s intervention and he will intervene like it or not. You people are really malicious but Time Will tell. In the meantime I am keeping calm and changing as many persons minds as I can to vote against this wicked regime.

  17. Anonymous
    November 17, 2014

    From 15 ministries under DLP
    1. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry – Hon. Mathew Walter
    2. Carib Affairs – Hon. Aston Graneau
    3. Culture Youth and Sports – Hon. Justina Charles
    4. Education and Human Resource Development – Hon. Petter Saint-Jean
    5. Employment, Trade, Industry and Diaspora Affairs – Hon. Collin McIntyre
    6. Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries – Hon. Kenneth Darroux
    7. Finance – Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit
    8. Foreign Affairs – Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit
    9. Health – Hon. Julius Timothy
    10. Information, Telecommunications and Constituency Empowerment – Hon. Ambrose George
    11. Lands, Housing, Settlements and Water Resource Management – Hon. Reginald Austrie
    12. National Security, Labour and Immigration – Sen. Alvin Bernard
    13. Public Works, Energy and Ports – Hon. Rayburn Blackmoore
    14. Social Services, Community Development and Gender Affairs – Hon. Gloria Shillingford
    15. Tourism and Legal Affairs – Hon. Ian Douglas

    To 10 ministries under UWP… change is a must!!!!!!!!
    1. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Lands, Fisheries, Natural Resources and the Environment – Hon. Ron Green
    2. Ministry of Kalinago Affairs, Gender Affairs, Culture, and Diaspora Affairs – Hon. Claudius Sanford
    3. Ministry of Education, Sports, Youth and Human Resource Development – Hon. Ezekiel Bazil
    4. Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry – Hon. Joseph Isaac
    5. Ministry of Physical Planning, Public Works, Community Development, Housing and Settlements – Hon. Isaac Baptiste
    6. Ministry of Finance and Energy – Hon. Thompson Fontaine
    7. Ministry of Health, Social Services and Social Security – Hon. Eunica Anthony-Victor
    8. Ministry of National Security, Ports, Labour and Immigration – Hon. Nicholas George
    9. Ministry of Legal Affairs, Information and Telecommunication – Hon. Joshua Francis (AG)
    10. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and PM – Hon. Lennox Linton

    And for those who gonna say where Hector and Monell and Ronald and Daniel and Baron and Burton…. there will be Parl Secs to be assigned… stay calm!!!!!

    • Forever Amber
      November 17, 2014

      Not a bad allocation, Anonymous. However, I would give Diaspora Affairs to the Prime Minister, since it is closely aligned to Foreign Affairs.

    • Views Expressed
      November 18, 2014

      well done anonymous…


  18. electionfeva...
    November 17, 2014

    i sorry i am a laborite but d*** they looking good n well prepared…i scared

    • Osanna Mowanga
      November 17, 2014

      This is a time for serious prayer. To the friends and family of Mr Linton in particular, pray for this man. keep him covered under Jesus blood. They see him as a threat and will try all they can to destroy him. Please pray for him and prasy seriously for this election.

  19. soufriere2
    November 17, 2014

    enough already uwp, alu try the suit thing but that still wont help uwp to win…ask for Adams we dont want u in soufriere and u know ur not in that race cause pinard already won….Labour ka Twavay

    • Hmmm
      November 18, 2014

      But we want him in Scotts Head!

      • Hate liars
        November 19, 2014

        he not even wanted in the garden.

  20. Truth
    November 17, 2014

    Are most of these candidates Protestant , Catholic, or other………? Can anyone tell me? If anyone can tell me, I will tell you
    Dominica’s fate……
    Ps. Pls. Don’t take this comment to serious. I’m just curious. Anyway, very nice photo! One of the best candidate photos ever!

  21. nomorelaborinvain
    November 17, 2014

    My fellow Dominicans who stand for justice, truth, integrity and honesty. Do not be ashamed of what you stand for. Skerrit told us to go to hell but on December 8 we’re sending him to hell because we are a God fearing people. We have no other Gods except the Lord Jesus Christ who died and rose for us all. Don’t let the crowds , the fete , the lpo’s intimidate you. Vote your conscience. Eat them, drink them and vote them out. CHANGE IS A MUST. GOD has heard our cries. It is time for us to rise up as a nation, to rise up as David rose up against Goliath. GOD will see us through come December 8. Keep calm. They will insult you and belittle you but pay them no mind pray for them because they know not what they do. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! CHANGE IS COMING!

    • MY 2cents
      November 18, 2014

      nomorelaborinvain I sorry wee. I would love a change but not a change for the worst which is what uwp is.

    November 17, 2014

    Welcome Team Dominica

  23. Nevevson st jean
    November 17, 2014

    all those who oppose team dominica have the right to but what is in govt now is a country booky govt. give someone else a chance to make a diffetence if they fail throw them out . just do not settle for failure

  24. Nevevson st jean
    November 17, 2014

    he said Monelle should stay home and look after her children

  25. Nevevson st jean
    November 17, 2014

    eyeballs that is what Austrie said in st joseph andu probably cheered

  26. Da Love
    November 17, 2014

    Them nu ready!!!!!!

  27. stop the politics
    November 17, 2014

    we lead and they follow. at least labour was more organized and uniformed. these guys just try a thing skerrit have them confused. the just cannot beat labour. we red red red ready

  28. Trolol
    November 17, 2014

    Ain’t gonna hate, looks professional. I still predict 8 sits for UWP tho… :-?

  29. gardens boy
    November 17, 2014

    Has the UWP declared their funds to the integrity commission

    • Hmmm
      November 18, 2014

      Has the PM?

  30. Straight
    November 17, 2014

    UWP Team Dominica is the best for the job to move this country forward .

  31. Barb-Sepant
    November 17, 2014

    Linton all what you want to give us we have them already; what we don’t want is you because change is a MOSS, not a MONEY TREE!!

    • Change is a must
      November 17, 2014

      Who is WE? Speak for yourself….You labourites just sucking the country dry…

  32. watching.
    November 17, 2014

    nice suit i must say, i feel that’s where all the manifesto money went lol.

    • Ma Moses
      November 17, 2014

      Well, we always keep the best for last. No use wasting precious money. This is a sign of good housekeeping, you will learn.

    • Chris
      November 17, 2014

      You’re such a fool, get real

  33. ready for work
    November 17, 2014

    I like it I like it I really like it

  34. PHQ
    November 17, 2014

    We have here people from all walks of life, policemen, comunicators, doctors, educators lawyers, businessmen, community organizers, church leaders, contractors, agriculturalists, economists , international liasons.
    Enough said already!

    • DonK
      November 17, 2014

      I personally never realized that until you mentioned it. You made a very strong point just by your observation. Thank you for the enlightenment.

    • Malpardee
      November 17, 2014

      Don’t forget traitors, and deceivers. I am not voting for any party, but i want labour to win again. In my opinion, this uwp is just trying to get in power and after that bef lar largae. Oh and don’t forget what they did to that isidore guy. Hmm … I see a fall and a rise. Labour power! And for the leader to say the pm tired of running the country that is an insult. No wonder why pm will give all u what coming for all u cause no one has respect for each other. Choose all u choice of words!!!

  35. Castle Bruce
    November 17, 2014

    I like what I am seeing . I most commend each and every one of you for doing the right thing to save my lovely country.

  36. rainbow
    November 17, 2014

    These are men and women on substance. I will be proud to be a Dominican once again. Did you hear their report cards? Very well educated. No gutter politics. Its really time for change.

    • dominicanwoman
      November 18, 2014

      lol you mean *OF substance, we don’t want the masses believing that they are on drugs! :lol:

  37. Change is a must
    November 17, 2014

    A team of professional and progressive, visionaries….

  38. Anonymous
    November 17, 2014

    i see a bunch of unemployed individuals seeking employment

    • DD
      November 17, 2014

      You ignorant fool – Stand in line for your $20 to buy rum – sell your soul to skeritt – FOR WhAT??

    • fabric
      November 17, 2014

      You really don’t know those people presented there or you just joking? Or maybe you are just a labourite (they are well known for speaking evil without substance).

  39. Jeb
    November 17, 2014

    Wow. Impressive!

  40. nomorelaborinvain
    November 17, 2014

    Dominican in Tortola if Dominica is moving in the right direction then move back to Dominica and help in nation building. Change is a must.

  41. Zuma
    November 17, 2014

    Nice… Pose of the west indies cricket team

  42. Anonymous
    November 17, 2014

    DNO…can you please list the candidate and their respective constituencies?

    ADMIN: The list of candidates is at the bottom of the story.

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2014

      Thanks DNO

  43. african queen
    November 17, 2014

    may god grant u the courage and guidance to move Dominica forward wishing each and everyone a seat in parliament,keep well keep safe and all hands on deck keep eyes wide open .god bless my native land o how i love you.

  44. Eyeballs
    November 17, 2014

    Only 2 women? All I’m asking. This picture says it all. Looks like women still belong in the kitchen

    • Straight
      November 17, 2014

      Again if you were listening you would know UWP asked more women to enter into the political arena but they refuse because of the nasty gutter politics .

    • C
      November 17, 2014

      You cannot just force women to go up for office. With the likes of vicious elements like Austrie constantly vilifying women, it makes it very difficult for women to put themselves forward.

  45. November 17, 2014

    I totally agree with the Mr. Linton and his aspirations. Character assassination should not be part of the issues, but you have given us people who are criminals, do we have to overlook the characters of these leaders! Yes, with absolute proof, we are the victims of a scam by your prominent attorney. How can you tell us to overlook this criminal activities and behavior.

  46. Massacre
    November 17, 2014

    My vote will be counted to make that things change in Dominica.
    This vibrante Team is surely the best we have seen in Da for many years.
    Honesty and Integrity is shinng through those candidates.

    • Anonymous
      November 18, 2014

      Dont fool yourself this is the teams that will cause a tsuanmi in DA. I dreamt it Don’t let them in they are not good.

  47. Roseau
    November 17, 2014

    Dominicans we present to you the most eligible Team to take Dominica forward. After many years of being last in everything that is good int he Caribbean, now is the time to put this Team in power to putting us back in the internation fold of respectful recognition.
    When I look at this Team , I see a group of people who will put country before self, who will respect the constituion, who will not put personal gain before Dominca’s interests, who will look out for Dominicans and make sure that they have jobs in Da beofre anyone else, I see a Team who will develop Dominica to the level that we have been wanting for too many years now.
    Dominicans!Your future is in your hands.

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2014

      Don’t kid yourself. Most politicians go into the business to enrich themselves, their families and their friends. What makes this group so special?

      • Realist
        November 17, 2014

        He must be one of those to benefit.

      • The Prophet
        November 17, 2014

        Because they are the Magnificent Seven x 3! Their time has come and rid the poor, suppressed people of Dominica from corruption and intimidation and set them free again.

      • Exposed
        November 17, 2014

        Seems like you have been hurt by what you have seen in this current DLP adminstration, me too was supprised after giving them so much credit to help Da, but only enrich themsleves.
        But you have not seen those people in the picture in action. So give them your support and they will prove you wrong.

      • anonymous
        November 17, 2014

        they already have their own successful businesses most of them without having to steal from the country!

      • Malpardee
        November 17, 2014

        Because they go by depex and take a picture. That is how shallow our minds are in dominca. Is not all that glitter is gold. Pretty face is bad character, wearing a mask, e. T. c just to name a few. I do not know what to say right now.

    • Zuma
      November 18, 2014

      Please don’t make rash decisions because you see a suit and tie… Are we ready for team dominica this the big question. Yes they are ready and willing but do they have the political amour to deal with issues… It seems to me.et that a lot of bashing and personal attacknwas going on between,even both parties. the dofference is The DLP has more political experience but nothing beats a chance.. However we can’t use the DavidVs Goliath techinque.. It is not am battle of the physically fit but the mentality fit….

  48. DC
    November 17, 2014

    Good to see that UWP is taking the advice, they are learning by observation, however, when I look at this team, I see , wolves in sheep’s clothing, jokers, losers and some unstable men. These confused souls will face reality on December 8th after they feel the might of the DLP. We shall crush the enemies! Long live PM skerrit! DLP, for the continued development of Dominica!

    • nomorelaborinvain
      November 17, 2014

      Ephesians 6:12 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.” Dominica on December 8th will be delivered from Roosevelt Skerrit and his wicked cabal. We have suffered too long under the hand of one man who thinks that he is the “Messiah”. Those of you who are “so- called christians” who know better but will not denounce Skerrit because you are getting a mere handout woe beyond to you. The bible says many are called but few are choosen and clearly you have choosen your “Red Army” over what is right and just. I do not support any one given party. My allegiance lies to Dominica and presently I cannot support the now Dominica Labor Party led by Roosevelt Skerrit. I hope that you listened to Mrs. Annette St. Hilaire last night. Kuddos to you for coming out and standing up for what is right. To Team Dominica UWP we are praying and I also have a stern warning to you as while then when elected in to office come December 8, 2014 that you will stand by all what was spoken of during the campaign because we will hold you to it. Our allegiance lies to Dominica not Roosevelt Skerrit or any another politician for that matter. Change is definately a must and I will keep pushing and gathering votes for the UWP till December 8. Prayer warriors keep praying. God does Not like blasphemy and like the walls of JERICHO Skerrit will fall. God is good all the time.

      • November 17, 2014

        Man go and take care of your senior citizens in Atlanta boy. You left Dominica many years ago and buy all your land in Antigua to build. You claim you can never leave in the Caribbean islands upon retirement. The man up in Atlanta enriching american coffers and want to take cheap shot at Skerrit. Come back home my boy, come back and get the rest of your licks. We waiting on you.

    • rainbow
      November 17, 2014

      sorry you just described the labour party. you are also describing yourself ‘poor soul’. I wish you well after the formidable Team Dominica wins the election. Get real. Labour ship is sinking.

      • Ma Moses
        November 17, 2014

        There is more honor in being a dead horse than a live jackass.

    • New Town
      November 17, 2014

      You are an angry person my friend. It is clod in DC now , you should go outside and chill out for a bit.
      We in Dominica will not use violence to crush anybody as you mentioned, if this is you and the party you support intentions? I want to tell you that Dominicans are one of the most educated people in the world and will not lift a stone to hurt each other. So peace be unto you.
      That is why we will change things around.

    • revelations
      November 17, 2014

      WE shall crush all our enemies. Our enemies are already under our feet. When I take a good look at these fellas and women, respectable people like me are just not impressed. These are gang of losers. Team foo. . Any leader who does not honour men and women of God , self destruct already. LONG LIVE PM SKERRIT AND LONG LIVE DOMINICA. SKERRIT’s ministry is already laid out before him. Given and handed over to him by Our Lord Jesus Christ for such a time like this. Take that and smoke it. Par La.

      • Toure
        November 17, 2014

        A you for real? Which God are you talking about?

    • C
      November 17, 2014

      That’s what the captain and crew of the titanic said just before they struck the iceberg. word to the wise.

  49. Jon Carson
    November 17, 2014

    Manifesto guys! That is very important to get your idea and plans around the country. We can’t keep bashing the PM at every function and expects to win a general election based on that premise. DFP has already disappointed us by falling out and so far, no Independent candidates has come forward, so it would appear that it maybe just two parties contesting the general election. Therefore, guys you all have to come stronger than just bashing the “incumbents” – listen to folks on the outside looking in. Pay attention to the “Independents” now that there is no DFP because we have a role to play in this process and the country’s future as well.

    Do not continue to ignore us because we do not identified ourselves as “red” or “blue” but we are “Dominicans” and don’t lose focus of that fact. This election may very well depend on the “Independents” based on which way they may swing at the final hour. Give us a place or make us feel welcome as part of your plans and your parties.

    • KD
      November 17, 2014

      I bet you cant give us an insight or at least 10 things in the DLP’s manifesto! Stop being an empty barrel!

    • Working Hard
      November 17, 2014

      where have you been, the same dreams that they have been speaking about all along, that’s what will be in the manifesto, so what is your point. Are you going to read the manifesto? stupes.

    • lang dough
      November 17, 2014

      Have you ever seen a manifesto standing in line to vote on polling day?

      Even if UWP gave you 1 billion manifestos you will still foolheartedly vote the labour party. So cease this disingenuous ploy. You are basically acting as an party operative on a fishing mission.

      The labour party will not set the agenda of the UWP – Team Dominica. Team Dominica alone will decide when, where and when they will produce a manifesto. And they still reserve the prerogative not to print if the desire.

      We all know that labour need the UWP manifesto as a guide for post elections, since they can’t come up with clever ideas of their own. However in this instance, this will not be necessary since UWP will form the incoming team whilst labour will beshamefully rushing out in the other direction

  50. November 17, 2014

    These men and women looks willing and ready to take Dominica out of its miseries!!! I will be voting UWP this election. I wish I could vote for every candidate in all constituencies. Comparing the DLP and the UWP candidates this election should be a no-brainer!!!! For example, compare Monell Williams for St. Joe to Athenia Benjamin for Wesley and tell me who has the better candidates! The 8th of December, 2014 is going to be a very, VERY interesting and exciting day!!!! Dominicans are you ready????

    • November 17, 2014

      You uwp supporters always like to post scary tactics comments, all these brokes representative you guys want to put in office they will j ust do like Mr.Skerit first they will load their pockets, it’s gonna be a set back for these country, my point is all of them are the same.

      • Views Expressed
        November 17, 2014


  51. November 17, 2014

    Dominica leaders their first step when ever they elected to office is to pocketed money all are the same, so you have soon some good things happening in Dominca so let’s stick with the dlp.

    • Channel 1
      November 17, 2014

      @DAHMAN – An absolutely ridiculous and contradictory comment from you. What do you mean all politicians are the same? Have you seen this current batch of UWP people in office as yet?

      Your comment is silly. It is akin to saying that all men are bad and the same because of the indiscretions of some men or saying that all women are loose and lewd because of the decadent behaviour of some women.

    • looking
      November 17, 2014

      So have admitted that there is corruption but its ok. Hmmm Interesting. Its time we as an electorate demand higher standards from our leaders. Leadership is not about personal friends with the outside as we are made to believe. Its about bilateral agreements with countries not with individuals. We have received millions in assistance from other countries what do we have to show for it?. We have to hold our leaders accountable, Morally, Spiritually and other aspects.

    • Titiwi
      November 17, 2014

      I’m afraid Roosevelt Skerrit lost it for you Dahman. Still, better next time.

    • rainbow
      November 17, 2014

      if they are all their for their pockets as you say, labour have pocketed enough. Give another man a chance to collect. all you too greedy. share brother share. labour must go. I thank you.

  52. Dawn
    November 17, 2014

    Very nice ladies and gentlemen. I am most impressed.

  53. IG
    November 17, 2014

    Together We Must… Thumbs Up and Good Luck & God Bless Team Dominica.

    • IJS
      November 17, 2014

      That was the DLP’s slogan last election

      • rainbow
        November 17, 2014

        well we adding CHANGE to it this time.

      • C
        November 17, 2014

        labour ka twavay was lifted from UWP 2000 slogan the ‘workers are working’. So what is your point?

  54. Dominican in tortola
    November 17, 2014

    A set of dead horses.

    • rainbow
      November 17, 2014

      it takes one to know one. This one ran to Tortola

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2014

      i wonder why you run from your country if they are dead horses trust me your are not better where you are

    • Toure
      November 17, 2014

      I bet they call you for your passport number already? But you all will be put on blast. Shameless is worse than being a dead horse. Sac way Sot.

    • First time voter
      November 19, 2014

      And is people like you that will sir your butt in Tortola and come and put Dominicans in poverty.

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