PRESS RELEASE: Delivery of proposed electoral reform legislation to the Electoral Commission


The Government of Dominica is pleased to announce that in accordance with section 51 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica, it has, today, the 15th day of May 2024, provided the Electoral Commission with copies of the electoral modernisation legislation proposed as part of the electoral reform process in Dominica.

The submission to the Electoral Commission follows extensive public debates, discussions, written recommendations from individuals and entities, and prolonged government-initiated electoral reform consultation.

Copies of the proposed legislation have also been provided to Her Excellency the President of Dominica and will be subsequently published on the government website and via other media for public review. Copies will also be forwarded to the Organization of American States (OAS), the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), the
CARICOM and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

The proposed legislation provided is as follows:

1. The Registration of Electors Act and Regulations 2024;
2. The House of Assembly (Elections) Act and Regulations 2024 (which incorporates the House of Assembly (Election Petition) Rules 2024; and
3. The Electoral Commission Act 2024.

“We intend to have this finalized in the month of June so that all the necessary budgetary allocations can be made in the upcoming financial estimates in an effort to give the electoral commission not only the legislative mandate but also the financial resources required to advance the implementation of the electoral reform process.

“We have made a commitment and we have kept that commitment. My hope is that we will appreciate that the draft bills address the fundamental concerns raised by certain sections of the public and also, we have taken note of the observations and recommendations of our international partners,” Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said.

The Government is confident that the proposed drafts address the principal areas of immediate concern and will set Dominica on a firm path to comprehensive modernisation of the electoral process.

Listen to the PM’s statement below:

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1 Comment

  1. Putin
    May 16, 2024

    “We have made a commitment and we have kept that commitment.” Great work, PM!

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