Caribbean had 80 quakes this week!

The United States Geological Survey’s website shows there have been approximately 80 earthquakes, measuring anywhere from 2.4 to 7.0, in the Caribbean within the past week.

An online in-depth map outlines the dates, times and magnitudes of the earthquakes taking place mainly in the Hispaniola and Puerto Rico regions. Along with the major earthquake that struck Haiti on Tuesday, there was a smaller one with a magnitude of 2.5 in the Mona Passage alongside Puerto Rico.

Bodies lie in the rubble along Delmas road the day after an earthquake struck Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake, the largest ever recorded in the area, rocked Haiti on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Jorge Cruz)


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  1. sadden
    January 14, 2010

    rip bothers and sisters.

  2. Karkabeff
    January 14, 2010

    Jason, if you don’t have the belly to watch and accept the truth about the existing situation in Haiti, them don’t read. Facts are stubborn things. Thank you very much DNO for keeping us up to date.

  3. Melissa
    January 14, 2010

    I’ve seen far worse on CNN and elsewhere. We need to understand the horror and trauma these people are going through and the only way to do that is to show the reality. Whatever we feel about these pictures can never compare to what the people there are suffering through.

  4. January 14, 2010

    To: Jayson! It was good that you thanked DNO for keeping people informed as what that is what DNO always do. Now it is not Carnival that is going on in Haiti now, so you will be not seeing Carnival pictures. Haiti was struck by a serious earthquake which killed ten of thousand of people and counting… Do you expect to see people having a good time? Do you expect to only see the buildings that were damaged? Do you only expect to see rescue workers searching for people? No! This is not possible. At some point you must see dead bodies to get a real idea of how bad it is up there. Some pictures might be too graphic for you, but to others when they see a picture like that they may even cry seeing how bad it is in Haiti right now, or realizing the reality of the situation in Haiti now. That is a mild picture compared to what I have seen on other news websites…

  5. Chica
    January 14, 2010

    This is frightening.

  6. Jayson
    January 14, 2010

    Thanks for keeping us informed DNO, but the picture insert is somewhat tasteless.

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