Dominican is CTO’s director for the Americas

Sylma Brown-Bramble

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (19 July, 2010) – The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) has named a familiar face to the key vacant post of director of CTO USA, with responsibility for marketing the Caribbean throughout the Americas. A Commonwealth of Dominica native, Sylma Brown Bramble has been confirmed to the post effective immediately.

Ms. Brown Bramble, the CTO’s former deputy director responsible for projects and administration, had been acting in the position of director since August 2008 when the then incumbent, Hugh Riley, was promoted to act as secretary general. Mr. Riley has since been appointed to the organization’s top post.

“Sylma Brown Bramble is a prime example of the talent and dedication that has served our organization so well through many transitions. Her skills and professionalism have won the support of our members throughout the region and in the market place,” said the CTO secretary

Ms. Brown Bramble joined the CTO in 1976 as a Secretary when the organization was still known as the Caribbean Tourism Association. She worked her way up to special projects and administrative roles, becoming the acting director general of the CTA. Upon the formation of
the current Caribbean Tourism Organization in 1989, Ms. Brown Bramble continued her rise through the ranks, eventually becoming the deputy director, with responsibility for projects and administration. Over the years she has been at the forefront of organizing major CTO
conferences and consumer events and has managed teams of public relations, marketing and travel professionals.

Ms. Brown Bramble holds a degree in Business Administration from Baruch College of the City University of New York and has won numerous awards during her more than thirty year tenure with the CTO. As the organization’s director for the Americas she will manage the CTO’s
strategic marketing and public relations programmes in the US, Canada and the Caribbean and will work closely with all sectors of the tourism industry to represent the interests of the CTO’s members.

Ms. Brown Bramble will be based in CTO’s New York office, reporting to the organization’s head office in Barbados.

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  1. Libran
    July 22, 2010

    Well done Sylma, I remember our days at CHS. CONGRATULATIONS

  2. Tourism Major
    July 22, 2010

    Such a good feeling dewl apon me when i see/hear about a Dominican who have Excel……CONGRATULATIOND TO YOU Mrs. Sylma Brown-Bramble. I have a passion for the Tourism Industry and am in the process of getting my degree in this field….so hopefully i’ll see soon….holding a position as a key person at the CTO Foundation.

    God Bless

  3. Wise up
    July 22, 2010

    DNO – It wouldn’t hurt to indicate who are Mrs Bramble’s parents????

  4. Praise.
    July 22, 2010

    Congratulations Ms. Brown, continued success in all your endeavors.
    God Bless

  5. Ray
    July 22, 2010

    Congratulations. You are deserving of opportunity. Always remember the first place you went to schol, your preschool, primary school and perhaps High School, even though we cannot pay you as well at this time. Importantly, remeber Dominica.

  6. No Name
    July 21, 2010

    Congratulations to you Ms Brown. Best of luck and much success.

  7. Anonymous
    July 21, 2010

    Mrs. Brown is from the Village of WESLEY

  8. July 21, 2010

    Congratulations to you Sylma Brown-Bramble for picking up such an prestigious job. Your outstanding determination, dedication, discipline and tenacity has brought forth fruits. You are a model that Dominicans (young and wise) should embrace.

    All the best in your new position and keep making Da proud!

    This news is the reason why my chin is up this very minute. Way to Go DA!!!

    God Bless Dominica

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