Christmas, a time for sharing and renewal – President Eliud Williams

President Eliud Williams

Christmas is indeed one of the most positive events on the religious and secular calendars in Dominica. This is because of what it signifies. Christmas celebrates the fact that God became one of us even while we were still sinful and disobedient. Christmas is clearly one of the more positive experiences of our lives. Its effects are all embracing such that believers and non-believers share in the joy that it brings. It is often repeated that Christmas brings out the best in us. This is particularly so when we consider the gift exchanges, the sharing and caring that is demonstrated during the season. This is a powerful indication that there is something very special about Christmas.

Interestingly however, secularization seems to be succeeding in its attempt to remove the Christian element in Christmas. It is an irony and also a challenge since on the one hand; the commercialization of the season brings benefits to the business sector through additional activity and employment which facilitates the economic well-being of many. Yet, it is this very commercialization of Christmas which causes us to ponder the biblical quote from the Apostle John (John 1: 9-11) when he says that the “Word was the true light that enlightens all men; and he was coming into the world that had its being through him, and the world did not know him. He came to his own and his own did not accept him”. This Christmas offers another opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of the yuletide season.

Let us be reminded that as we commemorate the birth of our Lord the event was not just the bringing into this world of another child. Though in appearance, it may have appeared that he was just another child born in a stable; the One who was born on that night was “the Son of God”, who is of one being with the Father. On that extra-ordinary night the Eternal Word, the Prince of Peace as foretold by the Prophets was born in the lowly cave in Bethlehem.

In today’s Dominica, as well as elsewhere, we are faced with some serious challenges which seem daunting. There is still too much conflict throughout many regions of the world; too much violence and indeed too much strife that negatively impact the peaceful co-existence of many nations.  But let us recall that on that very special night the shepherds were told “be not afraid, for to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”

As we ponder and reflect on these words we need to renew our commitment to true Christian values of faith, hope, love, charity, peace, patience and endurance, knowing that the greatest of them all is love. Let us this Christmas season use the opportunity to rediscover the real meaning of our existence so that we listen as He teaches us to live sober, upright and godly lives.

Our world is troubled. Locally, some of our citizens suffer the hardship and pain brought about through unemployment, the effects of climate change, natural disasters, family feuds and rejection resulting from the stigma of some illnesses. There are those who are losing hope in the world‘s economic system; however, there are those who remain optimistic that these global conditions are a passing phase with the hope of a brighter future. Now, there is need for significant reform in the world’s economic systems. This calls for a collaborative effort among policy planners and policy makers to effect a turn-around in fortunes to secure a better future for all.  It is also recognized that a better understanding of the causes of the problems and improved enforcement of the regulatory mechanisms will be required.

In the midst of all these difficulties and challenges, what then can we do this year to re-kindle the flames and once again celebrate the true spirit of Christmas? One of the best ways Christian believers can do this is by finding ways to practice the principle of giving – giving of time, talent and treasure.

This Christmas season, let us take time to volunteer to help the less fortunate, donate food to a less fortunate person or to an institution that cares for those without. Look out for the family next door whom you may have continually taken for granted and reach out to them but even more importantly resolve to continue that effort of sharing and giving to that family or institution throughout the year. In this way, there will be true sharing and renewal, remembering that “whatever you do to the least of my brother, you do it for me”, says the Lord.

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  1. Yes I
    December 26, 2012

    do you really care?………be honest……..tell us about what??????????????????????

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  2. Erasmus B. Black
    December 26, 2012

    Does anybody know the difference between Politicians and Evangelists in Dominica?

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  3. Corrupt_Bastards
    December 25, 2012

    Yawn :roll:

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  4. Truth
    December 25, 2012

    :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?: It’s also a time to reflect on the ills that was done to Mr.G.O.N Emmanuel and wife two years ago at this time and not allow another time of this year come and gone without the culprits accountable,Mr.illegal president!I hope you use your power and authority to carry on an investigation! :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:

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  5. CIA on the watch
    December 25, 2012

    It is not suprising that this gentleman is well aware of the hardship in our society due to unemployment, but he also forget to mention one thing the bad governance and currupt governance of the country, guess its because he is part of it because his appointment is before the courts now

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