After over two hours of dialogue and negotiation between Bishop Gabriel Malzaire and church leaders at the Grand Bay Presbytery, a brief resolution has been reached in a matter involving accused priest, Fr. Reginald Lafleur.
“It was long and they have come with no evidence but the Bishop has agreed that the investigations needed another month,” Edward Registe and Amour Thomas, two of the persons who met with the bishop, explained.
They said a board appointed appointed by Bishop Malzaire has been investigating the matter since January this year but he has refused to reveal he names of the members of that board.
The church leaders were also concerned that while Fr. Lafleur was officially asked to go on administrative leave from June 8, the letter did not indicate for how long.
They said it was agreed that Fr. Lafleur would return to the St. Patrick’s parish in Grand Bay either “before month end or thereafter” but he won’t be removed from the parish.
But that did not go down well with the crowd of protesters who shouted “we want Fr Reggie back now.”
Others vowed to “keep the church doors closed” until Fr. Lafleur returns.
Both Thomas and Registe begged the crowd for tolerance in the matter but claimed Fr. Lafleur is innocent.
“Fr. Reggie is innocent and his name will be cleared and he will be back with us…let us continue to offer up our prayers for him,” Registe said
It was also agreed that the business of the parish will be run by the parish church committee while Fr. Lafleur is out of the parish.
On Sunday morning, Catholics in Grand Bay gathered outside the parish church in solidarity with Fr. Lafleur. They did not participate in the 7:00 a.m. mass which was celebrated by Bishop Malzaire.
The Grand Bay residents at a meeting on Friday evening, had threatened to take action to protest a decision by the bishop to send Fr. Lafleur, on administrative leave.
Bishop Malzaire took the action after a woman, who is referred to as ‘Jane Doe’ in correspondence obtained by DNO, wrote to him alleging that she was the victim of abuse by the priest 19 years ago while he served in Portsmouth.
As a result, Bishop Malzaire sent the woman to Trinidad & Tobago for therapy.
Several members of the Catholic church in Grand Bay on Friday vowed to stand in solidarity with their parish priest.
The Bishop showed up to celebrate the 7:00 a.m. mass telling the handful of people who were inside the church building, ”People I am ready to celebrate mass after which I shall issue a statement.”
It is reported that the bishop had to be escorted to the presbytery for the meeting with the local church leaders.

It breaks my heart to see such hurtful comments about an alleged child sex abuse victim.
Please do some research. Even Catholic officials admit very few such allegations prove to be false. And most child sex abuse victims cannot report promptly.
Publicly rallying around alleged criminals is wrong. It scares victims of other crimes into staying silent.
If you want to support this priest, please do so privately, so others who suffer in silence won’t be re-victimized.
David Clohessy of St. Louis MO, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 566 9790, [email protected])
If you have been abused or have reasonable suspicion that a child is being abused then you must report it to the police.
Tens of thousands of survivors of child sex abuse by priests are fighting back in the US, Australia, Belgium, Germany and Ireland. Grand juries and national committees of investigation have found widespread clergy sex crimes against children. Hundreds of catholic bishops have been complicit in the coverup of these sex crimes.
In the US there is an organization, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests — SNAP that brings survivors together for common support. See: http://www.SNAPnetwork.org
Victims of child sex crimes by priests, you are not alone.
Father give her communion do not stop let it twanglay her
She wrote on her letter she needs money.Not my collection money she getting.
I got here late…. but from what I read, I am just so disappointed by the irrelevant mixing of issues: morality, North and South partisan politics, psychology, religion and spirituality…… it would be nice to keep this issue in perspective.
But we are so quick to judge. Judge Fr. Reggie, judge the young woman, judge Grand-Bay ppl, judge the bishop! Eh ben! What we fail to realize is that all of this judgments do not make one right and the other wrong. We are to wait for the results of the investigation. When that is made public, if it is, many persons might be too embarrassed to post.
It is true that people stand up for what they believe and Grand-Bay people are no exception. So are all the people who have posted their views in this forum. Man is man and there will be bias. Whether one is inclined to support the young lady or the priest, it is his/her democratic right! Whether the next person thinks their perspective moral, immoral or ignorance driven, it is the right of the people. That is the beauty of democracy- all views contend. As prudence would have it, I would not be too quick to make statements about something that I have not complete information that allows for the kind of judgments that are posted.
If the investigation has been going on for a while and the young woman was sent for therapy and the bishop was willing to reinstate the priest, I do not think the decision of the bishop was merely because of the protest action of the people of Grand-Bay. Maybe there is more to this than we are aware. If there is conclusive evidence that the priest is guilty, the protest action alone, in my humble opinion, would not allow the bishop to take that decision. So judging the bishop too, might not be the best thing. But as I said, the people have a right to their opinion. I love democracy! Lets be patient and wait for the findings.
Your Website may need to be upgraded so that it quickly accepts the numerous comments for specifically “some hot debates” as this one. Whenever there are many comments, it is extremely slow.
You could post this as a commentary. We expect that you will post a follow-up of this situation.
DNO you have opened a big can of worms which served no useful purpose. I have noted that we reside in a scandalous era with everything and everyone’s personal business exposed for all to hear and read. This is the price we pay for this so-called modern-day era with Internet of all. There are some questions, unanswered ones and follow-up that the Media owes to the public, when it broadcast, post and print certain news information. Prior to posting, the Media is fully aware of its obligation and that it must ensure the information is factual specifically where it concerns the good name and reputation of those people concerned. In certain cases the public deserves an apology for posting what which is not factual and/or never occurred.
Whether the Media has a job to do, it should ensure that what is posted/printed is correct and never unduly scandalize people’s names. After all, how would you like your business, your name and that of your family to be scandalized?
The Golden Rule: Matthew 7:12 – Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets. The Word of the Lord.
As a concerned Catholic Christian, this should be clarified. The information I read on your Website and as I have stated, I have previously stated on this Website, Fr. Lafleur’s name was mentioned in an alleged sexual abuse – not yet presumed and confirmed – was posted on your Website. He was not arrested, charged and convicted yet you posted this information. The woman’s name was not posted. We do not know who she is and whether her convictions of him were in fact true. This is unfair to Fr. Lafleur.
The woman stated that she was sexually abused by Father Lafleur 19-21 years ago. It is surprising and even shocking that today she would reveal this and to the Media. Throughout those years, I am speculating she has lived a life, probably married or not with children and who knows, she may have renounced her Catholic Faith as some have done and decided to reveal this situation.
If she got help from the Church, was sent to Trinidad for medical care after 19-21, why is this being posted on your Website? What are your intentions of posting it? Surely, it did not orginate from Bishop Malzaire who gave you the permission to do so. You must have got the information from her who went directly to you and you decided to post it on your Website.
Do you think this was correct to do? I do believe that information is a malicious attack on the Catholic Church and the priest. his has caused, the Dominican enemies of the Catholic Church to have a field day, generalizing and accusing all priests of this offence when they, themselves are not perfect as God sees their offences especially done in the privacy of their homes. The majority of them, at least, do not know the woman and have yet to hear her side of the story including that of Fr. Lafleur. It is my feeling that you have done a grave injustice to the Catholic Church and to Fr. Lafleur.
The Media as yours report the news with names of the perpetrator(s) only if it can confirm that what was reported is actually true. If the information is not true, the Media concerned stands a good chance of being sued for posting it and for defamation of character.
Obviously, I consider this woman as others are trying to extort an exorbitant sum of money from the Catholic Church. No doubt, she has seen this played out on the US TV of all and she wants her share of the money from the Catholic Church. Why did she wait so long to come forth?
In June Bishop Malzaire found it necessary to relieve Father Lafleur from his priestly duties. This prompted Grand Bay Catholics to stage a demonstration to object Bishop Malzaire’s decision and want him reinstated. They love their priest and they want him back. Obviously, during those years of his priestly duties in various parishes, no other person came forth and accused him of such an offence. On the contrary, as I have read on your Website, many are in favor of Fr. Lafleur and are praising him for the good work he has done in their parishes. He is a well-loved Priest.
Catholic members were not informed as to the exact reason why this woman came forth after 19-21 years. We find something remiss here and it is fishy which are grounds for suspicion. If per chance her story is true, did she approach the priest for financial help (or did she not)? Did she threaten him to go public, if he did not comply? Especially Dominican Catholic residents, they need an explanation for this occurrence and your posting it on your Website.
You had no qualms about posting this information about Father Lafleur which produced many comments, pro and con and enticed its enemies to lambaste the Catholic Church and him. People as Ben Hayes who says he is a doctor, called Fr. Lafleur a rogue as if he is a thief. Ben Hayes is not an intelligent man. If he were smart he would ensure that what was stated is correct prior to insulting the Priest. God is good!
I am wondering how did you get this information about Fr. Lafleur? From whom it originated and why you found it necessary to post it? Were you authorized to post it? What were your intentions of posting it?
The woman complained about Father Lafleur “to whom?” I do not think that Bishop Malzaire would have given you this information and to post it on your Website. Would he? This has led to scandalize and debase the Catholic Church, Its Hierarchy and Father Lafleur.
It was stated on your Website that the woman complained in January and that Bishop Malzaire sent her to Trinidad for medical care. After 19-21 years and her, having lived a lifestyle. What type of lifestyle has she been living since to today to warrant her wanting medical care? Catholics were not informed about it then until this month, June.
You have posted the name of the Priest. You have not posted the name of the woman who is not a minor. She is an adult. Why did you feel that you should withhold her name while Fr. Lafleur’s name is posted and scandalized on your Website?
It is obvious that genuine practicing Catholics have a right to know how you obtained this information and why you posted it on your Website.
Primarily, this is a Church matter and not a secular Media matter which should hae been posted unless approved by all parties concerned commencing with Bishop Malzaire and Father Lafleur.
I do believe that Pope Francis should be notified about this. After all, he is the Pope, the Head and Leader of the Universal Catholic Church.
I also believe that DNO you should be charged for posting defamatory information pertaining to Fr. Lafleur. You have done the Catholic Church and Fr. Lafleur much harm.
You are careful not to post names of people whom you are aware who commit crimes prior to their arrest of all. Why then did you feel it necessary to print this information on Fr. Lafleur?
God has seen your act and all the insults and derogatory information spewed against His Church and His priest. He has taken note of all of them and all those who joined in debase the Catholic Church and Fr. Lafleur. They did not only debase them, they debased all other good priests in Dominica and throughout the world.
One day God will judge these enemies for this, even a mini one while on earth. If Dominica is worse today with crimes/murders, it is due to the hard and unloving hearts of some of them as they have depicted on this Website. The worst is yet to come. Mark my words.
You should know the saying:
“Who steals my purse steals trash. ‘Tis something nothing. ‘Twas mine, ‘tis his … But he who filches from me my good name, robs me of what which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed.”
This is what your posting of this information against Father Lafleur has done to him and also the Catholic Church. May God have mercy on the souls of those who participated in this debate, commenting negatively against the Catholic Church and Fr. Lafleur and not knowing whether he is guilty of this offence as posted on your Website. God knows if He will ever forgive them for harassing and persecuting His Church and Fr. Lafleur.
The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church, Fr. Lafleur and the Catholic laity deserve an apology.
This writing will also be sent to some other relevant people.
Justice, Justice, l just found out that you are a woman, which makes this debate more hilarious since you want to condemn a woman for reporting no doubt, a painful experience by a preist. Listen Justice, like l said before, this is not a fight between the church and man. lt is about justice, fairness, and credibility, to name a few. Only the church can destroy the church. So far, it is doing an excellent job destructing itself. Lets be frank, not only the catholic church. Now, let us shift the argument for a moment. Mental health problems are afflicting more people today than ever before, since you pride yourself as the protector of D/can Catholics. Can Christianity and psychiatry coexist? You see madam, billions of dollars are spent annually coping with the widespread mental health problems afflicting the world. This is no surprise to me. Today, suicides are increasing at an alarming rate, sexual crimes especially toward children are at an all-time high, while gun violence is way above the charts. Justice, l ask, where is the church, the holier than thou people that believes that a priest can do no wrong? Why is the church so silent on these damaging issues that is destroying mankind at an alarming rate? Perhaps, the church is part of the problem. l think so. Remember Madam, Christians are not immune to the pressures of today’s problems, and more and more of them are seeking help. Justice, my appointment pages are backlogged to November. l don’t ask my patients if they are Catholics, Baptiste, democrats or republicans. They are patients. So please Madam, l am not anti-catholic, religion, God or man. God is not ‘going to get me’ if l do not believe in “your ting.” l am not going to be technical/scientific here, and religiosity is not what l am aspiring for, but what l have said in previous comments focuses on justice, and justice only. The history of the church especially the Catholic church is there for everyone to see. l believe the majority in the RC Church are good people, and you may have good intentions but your arguments are not helping us to appreciate the goodness of what churches have done, and what the church is about. Yes, l may have gone off track by pointing out the many faults of the church especially the Catholic Church. l stand by most of my statements. All religions have faults, but when you portray a church/priest can do no wrong, that non-catholics are going to hell, then l have to ask, are you an idiot, psychologically compromised, or one with a computer looking for fun. I expect to hear from your friends but like l said, l stand by my comments.
DNO allows your insulting comments against the Catholic Church and Fr. Lafleur. I hope DNO posts my respectable comments. I hope DNO will exercise fairness.
The Catholic Church does not need people like you who are its enemies. It can do very well without you. I will be enquiring more about you. Based on what you have stated against Fr. Lafleur and the Catholic Church, you have depicted your hatred for the priests and the Catholic Church. You are not a gentleman.
Who are you anyway? I do not have to respond to your stupidity. You are the one who is hilarious and makes no sense. However, I stand by no woman or man who commit an offence. I could sue and cause you to prove what you stated, you too for accusing Fr. Lafleur and making insulting remarks against him and the Catholic Church.
I stand by comments. Your warped mind assumes that I stated a Priest cannot do no wrong. Look here! At no time did I state that or insinuated that he cannot do wrong. It shows your lack of intelligence. Can you not read properly? I said he is not arrested, charged and convicted and DNO posted his name and picture on its Website which has caused people like you utilize disparaging remarks against him as if you never did any wrong! It is not fair! I am demanding that the Fr. Lafleur, the Catholic Church laity receive an explanation and an apology from DNO.
Whoever insults the Catholic Church and the priests insult me as a member of this Faith/Church. You expect me, a Catholic Christian to lambaste the priest? I would not do so. If per chance I have a complaint against him or if per chance he is wrong, in a dignified manner, I will take it to the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church, namely the Bishop of Roseau. I would not take to the Media and join with the enemies of the Catholic Church against him. I am no foolish person. This is where I am smarter than you and the other critics.
Whatever the Catholic Church does is none of your business. Whatever the Priests do is none of your business. If what they do has nothing to do with you, why concern yourself with it? Why are you getting personal about what I stated? You are obviously an enemy of the Catholic Church and God knows it very well. If people scandalized your name you would not like it. I do not know what you do behind closed doors. God knows though, thanks be to God.
The least which DNO, you and other critics could have done is to wait until the investigation is over to confirm the alleged offence, if Fr. Lafleur is guilty. Who gave you the authority to accuse the Priest when DNO has not stated what his offence is? You pounce on his back and on the Catholic Church. What have the Catholic Church and the priests done to you to hate them so much?
If this were a non-Catholic pastor, I would never speak against the pastor or pastors in such a manner as you have done against this Priest, other priests and the Catholic Church, even insulting this priest and calling him a rogue. You have the devil in you. You are the devil in disguise and Satan has your soul. He is your lord and master. You have depicted this in your comments.
You are a downright unfair person because you assume that the Priest committed the offence.
Someone like you should comprehend what I have stated. You are not certain who that woman is. She could have made up a story to concoct money from the Catholic Church. She may be a crazy woman. I read a few of the comments, two of which spoke against her. Read the comments.
You are a man who is not merciful. Why are you standing up for the woman? Did you hear her story? Did she tell you or did DNO tell you about it? Even then, a Court of Law hears two sides of a story prior to coming to a conclusion and accusing and convicting one or the other. In this case the Court is intelligent and you are. God will deal with you in time, sooner than you expect. This is why I object to your insulting comments. You will put DNO in trouble. DNO erred in posting the information about the Priest. If DNO knows the fully story, then DNO should divulge it. Do not just post the Priest’s name and such information and not the woman’s name. After all, as I have stated, whatever she claimed occurred 19-21 years ago. DNO is protecting her name but DNO did not protect the Priests name. Do not expect me to be pleased about that. I do think the Catholic Church has a case here against DNO. Beware of yourself because you could be served with a subpoena for making disparaging remarks about Fr. Lafleur.
DNO has directive/terms of what could be stated about people/readers/users and what cannot be stated on its Website. DNO should practice what it preaches and not allow you to insult the Parish Priest, Fr. Lafleur in such a manner. I do find you are out-of-place for as God is my witness, I am certain you are no angel. One day people will pay for their words, sooner than they expect. This is my confidence in God who rewards the good and punishes the wicked. You have proved that you are a wicked person. I will inform Dominicans about you and what you have stated about the Priests. See how many will appreciate you, putting it mildly.
We can jump high or jump low only three people who know the truth are Go, the woman and Fr. Lafluer. These comments won’t solve the problem.
can you guys see what was on her letter I NEED MONEY so what do you all think about that .next thing even her mother try to mess up the priest in portsmouth. she even say she going to write the vatican about the possie priest the both of them sick mother and child. bishop investigate that good you well get the truth.(I NEED MONEY)
I can also write the Vatican and so can all those who know Fr. Lafleur as also the Grand Bay Catholic church-goers. She is broke and she needs money along with her mother? They will have a lot of questions and some embarrassing ones to answer.
I may address this to the Archbishop/Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Toronto to forward to the Vatican. I am waiting for this outcome.
I thought that the woman had a problem. After 19-21 years she came with this?
I hope the Bishop divulges this information to DNO to post on this Website which will vindicate Fr. Lafleur.
A Prayer For Priests
Keep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord,
Keep them, for they are Thine –
Thy priests whose lives burn out before Thy Consecrated Shrine.
Keep them, for they are in the world, though from the world apart;
When earthly pleasures tempt, allure, – shelter them in thy heart.
Keep them, and comfort them in hours of loneliness and pain,
When all their life of sacrifice for souls seems but in vain.
Keep them, and O remember, Lord, they have no one but Thee,
Yet they have only human hearts, with human frailty.
Keep them as spotless as the Host, that daily they caress;
Their every thought and word and deed,
Deign, dearest Lord, to bless them.
Our Father…, Hail Mary… Mary Queen of the Clergy, Mother of Your Beloved Sons, the Priests, pray for them!
Imprimature: D. Card. Doughtery, Archbishop of Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Some of you may never have read this; never heard of it. As it is stated in Holy Scriptures, “Those who never heard will hear.” The Lord wants you to know this. In this case, will read of it. When I attend Catholic prayerful gatherings, I get relevant information which I eagerly take and also distribute near and far. This is one of them. Take note everyone. This is not my word but The Word of the Lord who will judge each one of us by our words and actions.
Criticism of Priests
Our Lord Jesus Christ’s revelations to Mutter Vogel:
“One should NEVER attack a Priest, even when he is in error, rather one should pray and do penance that “I will grant him My grace again. He alone fully represents Me, even when he does not live after My example!”
When a Priest falls we should extend him a helping hand THROUGH PRAYER AND NOT THROUGH ATTACKS! I myself will be his judge, NO ONE BUT I!”
“Whoever voices judgment over a priest has voiced it over me, child, never let a Priest be attacked, take up his defense.” (Feast of Christ the King 1937) “Child, NEVER JUDGE YOUR CONFESSOR, RATHER PRAY MUCH FOR HIM AND OFFER EVERY THURSDAY, THROUGH THE HANDS OF My Blessed Mother, Holy Communion (for Him) (18:6:1939). “Never again accept an out-of-the way word about a Priest, and speak no unkind word (about him) EVEN IF IT WERE TRUE! Every Priest is My Vicar and My heart will be sickened and insulted because of it! If you hear a judgment (against a Priest) pray a Hail Mary! (28.6.1939).
“If you see a Priest who celebrates the Holy Mass unworthily then say nothing about him, rather tell it to Me alone! I stand beside Him on the Altar!” “Oh pray much for My Priests, that they’ll love purity above all, that they will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with pure hands and heart. Certainly the Holy Sacrifice is one and the same even when it is celebrated by an unworthy priest, but the graces called down upon the people is not the same! (28.2.1938).
Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for them!
Jesus, Mary, I love You, Save Souls!
Our Father, Hail Mary, Mary Queen of the Clergy pray for them!
Read the life of St. Francis of Assisi to know how he treated a fallen Priest and how we should treat them, should they fall. I saw the movie.
You could Google it.
Justice & true, you have convinced me that you could do with lots of therapy. But l will have to give you thumbs up for sticking to your beliefs even though you are making a rat’s behind of yourself. I only hope that while you are praying for homosexuals, child-rapists priests you will ask for wisdom and understanding that no one is above the law, not in the eyes of God, and certainly in our modern day court systems. The majority of D/cans l am sure, do not agree that Catholic priests are above the law, and many are prepared to challenge any that think they can do no wrong, hide behind the church, escape to another country while their victims suffer. When they stop molesting children, stealing people’s hard earnings, then, respect will come back to them and their church.
Ben Haynes PsyD, Doctor of psychology? This tells me a lot about you who must be a non-believer.
I do not need your advice. Who are you to insult me, my Church, its beliefs and devotions? You are rude and out-of-place, placing your so-called knowledge and false pride above mine. You lack humility. You know nothing more than I. If you were a Catholic you would never have made that statement. I do not need any hypocritical compliment coming from someone as you, an enemy of the Catholic Church and so an enemy of mine.
Your words did not come from Our Lord Jesus Christ but from Satan himself who knows more than you do as he influences you to make such derogatory statements. I tend to believe that you are an atheist or an agnostic. You do not have the right answer, never did and never will. If you had class and dignity you would respect my faith and beliefs. You are in dire need of God’s spiritual knowledge and spiritual enlightenment.
You are the one who is in dire need of therapy, God’s mortal and spiritual therapy. Your talk is cheap. It does not benefit us Catholics who are members of the Church that Our Lord Jesus Christ established over 2000 years ago. As I ask others as you, how old is your church? Do you really have one? Are you one who also renounced your Catholic beliefs? When you die, you will experience the truth of what I write. It comes through God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
If only the Lord would immediately inform you that you are wrong? However, He is patient and will be awaiting your soul when you close your eyes. Who knows, probably sooner, when you get sick and are lying on your sick bed, too weak to talk and walk as you are making the transition from life to death. Ben Haynes, do not mess around with me. The Lord is my Shepherd. He is with me always and approves what I have stated in general. We Catholics worldwide are a billion strong and all of us share the same beliefs. We are not pockets of religions but One in Our Lord Jesus Christ and His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. You stand nowhere us and have no say in our Catholic beliefs and devotions.
Our obligation is to stand up and speak up for our faith, a mandate which Our Lord Jesus Christ conferred on us as members of His (our) Catholic Faith. Therefore, take a back seat. It also goes for all enemies of the Catholic Church and our Priests. In Jesus Name!
I am not concerned about the critics and thumbs down for as a Priest stated on US Catholic Radio, “As many heads there are, it is as many opinions there will be.” I always smile at that. I am concerned about stating and writing the truth, not according to the adverse views of non-Catholics, agreeing with them, their insults, those who hate the Catholic Church and who feel good and are elated when they hear and read negative information about the Catholic Church and the Priests.
I know what you are up to, to further debase the Catholic Church and our Priests. One would think that you are full-fledged saints and never committed sins or do not commit any sins. If you think and are of this opinion, as it is stated in Holy Scriptures: “You have made Our Lord Jesus Christ out to be a liar.”
Our Lord said, “Be perfect and merciful as your Heavenly Father is.” He will judge you by your words and actions. Keep this in mind. Not one has not sinned and not one is righteous. It is in the Bible!
Do we who support Father Lafleur need to inform you that we do not condone offences of any nature? We are standing by him. He needs our support. Consider if the whole world were against you, how would you feel about that?
Furthermore, we cannot support the woman because we do not know who she is, what her lifestyle has been like for the past 19-21 years or prior to that, whether this offence did take place, if it is true and under what circumstances it took place. In fact, how this all came about and who initiated it.
She has not yet shown her face. We do not know her name. It appears that the Media is protecting her and not Fr. Lafleur. This projects discrimination against Fr. Lafleur and the Catholic Church in general. It is not fair.
We genuine practicing Catholics have a right to be concerned and speak up. This includes the unfairness of those of you who do not know the story, except what you read on DNO, have not yet heard what occurred and you are playing God, are lambasting Fr. Lafleur and the Catholic Church. You are not intelligent people who utilize your common sense if you have any. God is taking note.
Ask yourself, what would Our Lord Jesus Christ do and say – WWJD and WWJS?
Our Lord said He did not come for the righteous. He came for the sinner. Many of you, as well-versed as you try to make us think are ignorant of Holy Scripture. As St. Jerome said: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of God.” You do not practice what you preach.
Furthermore, Fr. Lafleur has not been charged and convicted and many of you have already convicted him on this Website. The fact that the information was posted along with his name and the adult woman’s name and her picture were not posted on this Website, it shows that DNO has also convicted him.
The Lord has taken note. Your judgment will come later, sooner than you think, as the tables turn and all too frequently when you will least expect it.
If it was a MAN that accuse him of rape….allu would be singing such a different tune….people who have been abused go through a lot and it takes a lot to confront the issue. I’m not saying Fr. is guilty but allow the due process…just because he is a priest doesn’t mean he is holier than thou
Oh how nice it would be for the Almighty to come down in Dominica and give everyone a progress report or a report card regarding truth, righteousness, uprightness and how many of us would really and truly make it to heaven. I wonder, how many folks would be left bewildered by God’s judgment especially for those who think they are gods themselves. according to Bob Marley: Jah will never give the power to them baldhead, them who try to isolate the dread: Oh Time will tell: Tink you are in heaven but u leaving in Hell! Jah will never give da power to them baldhead. Time to be sober and take a reality check! Rasta is always for good and justice so let good prevail! But let’s remember God has a big surprise for those of us who think that we are already in heaven, he sees everything and knows everything… So let Jah be praised and all his enemies be scattered…
In the meantime, may God protect us all and help us conduct ourselves wisely! God bless Dominica!
While everyone is making comments and statements about this case. I think it’s rather fair to go back in time. If my memory serves me right, the number of years the young lady is talking about is around the same time when several attempts was made on this man’s life. The was a number of things that took place in Portsmouth, Demons was sent into several young ladies of the Portsmouth St John’s School in the attempt to kill this priest. They even managed to take his voice at one point in time. This was the same priest who prayed and helped these young women. There was even several incidents that took place during the Sunday Mass. Before we judge this man let’s us look back in the past at all the things that happened so many years ago. I was 8 years old an d I remember this. I think with all my hear he is innocent. Knowing what happened before and how some women threw them selves at him to try by all means to bring him down.
I am extremely happy to read your comments. I certainly will inform my relatives and friends about it. Thank God you have a good memory to relate this, hoping the critics will read it, comprehend it and agree with it. What you stated is firsthand information. So the devil is at him again in the form of persecution, using a woman to do his dirty job. This is nothing new where men are concerned. Some of us are fair and we put on our thinking cap, the latter I love to state. Some others are not and do not think beyond their eyes although they live in the world and they know what temptation is like and what temptation can do to people.
We know the power of the devil. We are aware of what he is capable of doing. The devil knows that the Catholic Church is the One and Only True Church that Our Lord established on earth. We should know that this enemy is jealous of our Church, of our Priests and of us the laity since he has lost Heaven forever.
Our Lord’s Priests are consecrated. We know how the enemy can tempt the priests. Many priests can attest to that. This is why we have the crisis in the Church of what some priests did which has embarrassed the Church and caused it exorbitant sums of money. The devil will prevent people from doing good and any one who does good in the world, it will harass them and cause others to do likewise. God knows more than we do.
Consider that the devil tempted Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God, this is why I am so understanding. I do think what occurred to Fr. Lafleur, has humiliated him, embarrassed him and caused him anxiety and stress. As members of the laity, what affects our priests should affect us. We are the Church. We, too, as members of this Church are hurting especially for him. I knew that the enemy of God, of our Church and of our souls is very much involved in this. God wants us to stand by Fr. Lafleur and to support him, no matter what. We let God be the judge. He knows what to do and He knows when. Praise be to God!
I read about St. Teresa Avila and how she was tempted by the devil also appearing as a handsome man. I also read of other saints who were harassed and persecuted by the devil. All are documented facts. If we are aware of this, then we should comprehend if per chance our priests, at least a few fall. People need to read the lives of the saints to know about the power of the enemy and what he did to them as, St. John Vianney, even burning his bed; also Father – Saint Padre Pio of Italy. I have a tape about that. Let us pray for Father Lafleur and other priests, be it a simple, short prayer. God hears them. As we pray, we say as Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Get behind me Satan!”
I am never without my Holy Water. Our Lady said, “Restore the use of Holy Water in your home.” Much more could be stated about the Holy Water but we Catholics know its importance in warding off the devil and keeping him at bay.
Hypocrisy is not exclusive to Grand Bay only. It permeate throughout the whole of Dominica. Fanatic supporters of a party can see no wrong with that party. Blind loyalty to a church, they will believe that it is always right.
There has never been seriously proper justice in Dominica and at the current rate I think we have to wait another 3-5 generations when those that are rich live earth for another planet. Mis-education plays a very disturbing part in all of this.
Grand bay for all its faults has been and will be quite influential in the daily live of all Dominicans, positively rebellious, talented, intelligent and innovative.
Our main aim should always be to seek the truth without prejudice and delay. Justice and respect for each other must be seen to be done and move forward stronger as a people implementing corrective actions for improving the wellbeing of all of us. No one is perfect. We all are sinners.
Empty vessels make the most noise let us show some understanding here. I believe that DA people are intelligent people let us demonstrate that intelligence. I would have thought that a better way to vent energy would be to allow both parties a fair trial. At the moment you have all stuck up for the priest and for now he is the perpetrator. What would possess a human being to act in that way against someone who is aching, we all have free speech and DA is a democratic country but boy according to the Jamaicans “Oono have fe tink again”. In this present climate with all what is happening around the world and with these pastors, priest Rabbi’s and what ever denomination there are they are men and they will at any opportunity abuse people that are less vulnerable than then.
So come on folks even if you are on your priest side do look at the issue from both points. You all have mum’s dad’s, sisters and little brothers and we need to safeguard them from all evil and this includes priest. I still love Dominicans, and Granbarians but enough is enough let them both be investigated. Love from colder shores
Utilize your common sense. Ask yourself, where is the woman? What is her name? The Priest’s name was divulged and not hers although she is not a minor. We do not know her name and what the Priest did to her. We want to hear what she has to say about this which which she claimed occurred 19-21 years ago.
We have written much on this matter which you should read, digest, swallow and comprehend. If you do not have the mentality to comprehend what is written, pray to God for enlightenment. It appears you are sadly lacking it.
Give the girl the financial compensation she is asking for. The abuse was he touched her breasts and bottom and was making sweet eyes at her.
First of all you must consider who organized this protest, you are saying it’s ‘the Grandbay people’ but is the same people who ran village council, carnival org. committee, etc. for years until they were ousted recently. It’s a loose group that doesn’t neccessarily represent ‘the Grandbay people’. However, resonable minds are blamed for these people’s agenda when they should have heard all sides before jumping. It’s a loose group.
Hmmm why is it most of all you always want to give grand bay bad names like that ?? I love my community why ?? Because they always stand up for what is right for grand bay !! Before some of all you hear something in grand bay all you always have to be saying there bad grand bag ppl good ppl !! Nw the fact that the woman come out with her story why is now she coming she choose to say d priest abuse her after 19 years ?? I think there is more to this story than what I hearing !!! Give the police time to look into the matter before placing judgement !! Don’t judge a book by its cover !! Who knows the priest might just be guilty ! Let us hope n pray !! Just put yourself in d woman place if you were d one who was abuse ? Would you keep that secret n live with it ? If it was your child how would you feel ? Its a human being we talkin about not an animal !! Let us come together n pray ppl
Though there is television and internet which gives examples of all the evils in the world i cannot understand how my people demonstrated they are still “DOM-IN-A-CAN”. No wonder so many children are abused. All the parishes he was sent too should be checked because it customary for the catholic church to change priest when these issues are brought up.
investigate Bishop, investigate no matter what the free conscience is YOURS.
Be fair. Start with investigating your male ancestors and present male family and friends. If you are a man also yourself. Some people forget their lifestyle but always look at the lifestyle of others, accuse, criticize, and lambaste them. They are no saints. Those who have husbands, are no better. Hypocrites which God knows too well.
Love your priest but does this mean he can do no wrong?
Priest getting married does not solve any problem. Priest is a MAN.
The bishop should not allow him to conduct any services or church duties until this has been resolved. There are laws which govern and this is what we fail to understand as a people.
Grand Bay people channel all this energy into having your government and parl. rep do their JOB.
If you are not a Catholic and a genuine practicing one at that and you do not know the woman personally, stay out of this and the business of the Catholic Church. Mind your own business. Save your soul and that of your family. This is what you should mind.

I saw footage of the protest on MARPIN. I saw vulgarity. Lack of faith in the Almighty. Impatience. A de-cultured group of mainly old and middle aged women at that. They would do or say nothing about improvement in their standards of living or corruption in high places. Don’t they have young girl children? Have they thought for once the concern of the victim? Why can’t they allow the investigation to continue? What are they afraid of?
So in that case, they do not feel that Papa God could deal with the matter. But they tell us to live everything in his hand. The “faithfuls” couldn’t wait for God’s intervention? What Kommes. Did you notice the spokesman? the same one who is secretary of……. you know what.
i say Kommess. Get a life
It would be great to wait for the results instead of either judging the victim or the supposedly violator.Lets be careful what we say or do.
When Pierro said that Dominicans wear their ignorance as a badge of honour, he MUST HAVEE HAD SEEN IT IN GRANDBAY MANY TIMES. SUNDAY 9TH JUNE was a perfect example. What a blow given to the image of the catholic church, by these hypocrites.
Protest for your priest…fine; ain’t nothing wrong with that. When are you people going to protest against the drugs dealers, the covering up of crimes, protest against the young girls going into prostitution? I want to see you protest for Justice for Mouse!!!!! Justice for Joan and etc.
I was in a conversation with some of them. I TOLD THEM THE EXACT SAME THING. EXACT SAME THING!
I did also call them hypocrites.
they can post the priest name but the girl name is jane doe. did he have sex with you or did he touch you which is it.
That is the question she must answer.
this is an eye opener to all priests especially those who have woman following them every where they go and late hours at night
It is indeed a lesson for them. No matter what priests must not be in the company alone with women. Bishop Malzaire should caution the Dominican priests about that. You know the song by Tom Jones: “Run Sampson Run, Delilah’s on her way.”
Hell fires for people like this, condoning sin.
Hell fire for you, most of all, who are so foolish and ignorant to make such a statement when you do not have the common sense to know that none of us know the full story, if the Priest did in fact do what that woman said he did 19-21 years ago. Do you know if she is telling a lie? Before you condemn anyone find out and/or wait to hear the full story, lest God condemn you only for your stupidity.

Love them or hate them, Grand Bay people stand up for their people and their beliefs. The rest of Dominica must learn from that, and stop the division that keep us down. Well done South City!!
too late shall be the cry Grandbayreans you all need to wake up
Grandbayreans time will tell you all meed to wake up
The Bishop did a poor job regarding the way he handled that situation. HE should have investigated the matter properly and furthermore not ridicule Fr.Lafleur like that. Fr. Fleur is a good priest and whether he is wrong or right matters like these are very sensitive and investigations has to be conducted properly especially by a Head of any ogranisation such as The Bishop. We may love you but Shame on you Bishop for your poor judgement.
DNO….Can you ascertain the view of the Police Authority on this case.
It would help to find out what they are thinking as justice may be skewed by those that shout the LOUDEST and if the woman is truely the victim. she will have to live the rest of her life hidden behind closed doors
Most of the comments being posted are written either by people who are emotionally involved and have difficulty being objective or by others (shame on them) who simply want to sling mud at the Catholic Church. This is a difficult time for all concerned. Those directly involved are feeling incedible pain. Onlookers and spectators should understand that whatever the facts of the case are the “church family” is hurting. It is not a time to say unkind things. No church or denomination is immune to the failures of their leaders. Many of us have seen a minister within our ranks fall. We also know that some have been falsely accused and later cleared. What we have a right to watch for is HOW the problem is dealt with. If a crime has been committed it should be reported to the police. Otherwise it should be dealt with by the church authorities. Those doing the investigation have a responsibility to look closely to see if the victim has made similar accusations against anyone else or is seeking financial compensation, etc. If the accusations are proven true the victim should be given every consideration. Professional counseling should be provided and given by a mental health worker who can be neutral – not by a church person or somebody within the religious system. There should be appropriate follow up especially if the case involved a child. I am saying this because I know of cases where the victim later fell into depression and committed suicide. (4) The accused if proven guilty should be removed from public ministry. It seems the Catholic Church thinks it has a lifelong responsibility towards its priests and must provide them unconditionally with employment within the church. This coupled with the fact that the church suffers from a lack of priests has led them to simply transfer bad priests from one parish to another rather then remove them from the priesthood. This is wrong for two reasons. First, it places the parishners (single young ladies, and parents with children) at risk because such men in positions of trust usually continue to offend unless the receive help. Second, it is not fair to the priest. He is also a victim – as well as a sinner – and needs time off to confront his problem through confession, prayer, and appropriate therapy. God is a God of restoration who specializes in putting broken lives back together! Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.
I do not always agree with the things the Catholic Bishop says but I have to give him some credit this time around. A Board of Investigators appointed by the Bishop has been meeting on the Lafleur matter since January 2013 and after almost six (6) months of investigations the Bishop decided to take action. Isn’t it reasonable then to suspect that the Board of Investigators and the Bishop believe that there is sufficient evidence amounting to a belief that Priest Lafleur is not altogether innocent? Common folks, have some level of respect for the intelligence of the Bishop and his advisors. If the Bishop believes that Lafleur is innocent as Armour Thomas makes him out to be, the Bishop would not have sent Lafleur on leave. I think some people should stop giving the impression that the Bishop does not like Lafleur and that the Bishop used the occasion to get at Lafleur. Stop it!
I would tell them to pray to God with a godly, humble and contrite heart that He might enlighten them. Too often those who are on a Board as also judges, magistrates, prosecutors and jurors are by no means perfect. That is the problem with the world today as sinful as some are who stand in judgment over sinners. Are anyone of them perfect? What hypocrisy? God knows their lifestyle.
There are a lot of narrow-minded people who commented on this Website who are the critics of the Catholic Church and Fr. Lafleur.
Ask yourself? After 19-21 years she comes out with that? Did she never have an affair with a man, have children and was married? How many men she had during those years to today?
Broadminded and sensible people will state that something is fishy. Did it occur to you that the woman could have made up that story?
While the supposedly investigation is being conducted, why did DNO post this information with the picture of Fr. Lafleur and the woman’s name and picture are not posted? This is discrimination and tarnishing the name of the Priest.
A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. It appears that DNO and some of its readers who comment on this Website have already convicted and sentenced the Priest. One person Ben Haynes who states that he is a PsyD, called the priest a rogue. I must take offence against that. This man is rude and uncouth. It looks like it is grounds for a lawsuit.
Until it can be proven I will not change my views. I suppose DNO wanted to know the views of people. DNO’s action has done no good. It may be a storm in a teapot and a mountain out of a molehill. We will find out more, one way or the other. I hope the truth comes out.
I JUST DON’T GET IT! You mean to tell me that if someone abused me sexually 19 years ago and I only reveal it now; then that makes me wrong and the abuser right. Get real people. If it were your children, none of you taking that position now would not be taking it. Sheer biasness. Maybe many of you talking this crap are indeed sexual abusers and child molestors.
In other countries this is reported 50years or 60years later,( 19 years after is almost immediately) and proper investigation has be mounted. NO PROTEST, NO LAPEAU CABWIT, NO IGNORANCY NO HYPOCRISY!
So you can see why the victims of sexual acts in this country has to go and hide?That’s the society that we live in. That’s why I am calling the BISHOP a weak leader, to say to the people that the priest will return before month end.Is he innocent? If so say so. But as far as we know the investigation is ongoing.
How sad!! One thing about having faith in someone; to many people, even if they caught them in the act of something derogatory, even if the individual himself/herself confesses to having done it, these folks will refuse, with every nerve in them to beleive that it is true. Now we are not saying that this happened, but since this is a man like every human fleshly being, he can fall.. but to soooooooo many, the priest is infallible. Hence the reason, it’s impossible for followers to believe. Not Father La Fleur, tell me it’s Jim or John for so and so, but Father La Fleur, come on.. he couldn’t do such a thing. If more of us had trust and faith in God, like we put in man, we would be much further, doing much better and become much wiser.
In Dominica for example, the amount of incest, molestation,abuse (physical and verbal) which takes place and poor victims, can’t even talk about it, because 1) your mother may say, shut up and stop your lying tongue 2)if you are older, the masses will say is a story you making up, because you did’t get what you want… so many of our people are hurting because of an insensitive nation – never enjoyed their childhood, or teenagehood, because some monster took it away from them, and to those who are not the victims, it’s always, garcon pay-lar, ou ka menti.. ti malpworp and the list of verbal abuse goes on.
God help those who are able to have the courage to speak up. Fathers molesting children, uncles molesting neices and nephews.. my God help us and save Dominica!! I believe the new generation coming up will be a fearless one, and will tell it like it is.. and because of them, we will hear more and more of these type of things happening.. because they will speak up. The devil is everywhere and working in all who is available.
If the priest comes out now and say, “my beloved people, I am so sorry but this is true”, bet you lots of people will say, he just saying it to avoid trouble but he didn’t do it. We we begin to take our eyes off of man and fix it on God, it’s then and only then we will understand that man fell in the beginning and will still continue to fall, so all we do is pray for one another to resist the temptations that await all of us. One man’s weakness is another man’s strength.
How that could ever be godly, when the parishioners Idolize a man and prepare to go war wit the church, To get what they want. In Exodus the Bible teaches when Mosses went up the hill to get the 10 commandments the Israelites wanted a God and Aaron fashioned a golden calf that is the same thing. I say this because on Sunday morning what do the parishioners come to the church and do worship God or the golden calf? Grandbarians have sown the seeds in their parish that is now causing the tarnished Image of the Catholic Church. In march of this year A new pontiff was selected and his first task was repairing the church battered image.(An insert from Reuters)
“Francis has became the 266th pontiff in the Church’s 2,000-year history at a time of great crisis, with the church under fire over a child sex abuse scandal and torn by infighting in the Vatican bureaucracy.
Although a conservative theologically, Francis is known for his concern for the poor and is expected to bring a radical change of style to the Church leadership, indicated by his choice for the first time of the name of St Francis of Assisi, who died in 1226 after living a life of poverty and simplicity.
I am not against Grand bay ppl I think what they did was wrong. I am not saying the priest is guilty or innocent. I am still not saying if the young lady is lying or not.
In the new testament when the scribes and Pharisees came for Jesus ,the person who’s teachings that Christianity and the church was founded upon, peter his disciple took his sword and cut the ear off Jesus asked him to put his sword away, healed the guy’s ear. If we aspire to be Christ like especially those who should know better. How then could this protest ever be godly
(H)e(e)nters(f)aithfully (e)ven (l)oves(i)nstigators
(a)mong us
(W)ith (H)im (Y)ou(K)now(E)verything
I want them to sue you…
so im from grandbay and the story goes two years ago jane doe went to the bishop told him fr reginald made “sweet eyes and touched her bottom” twenty years ago.jane doe is now 36 so she was 16 when the alleged abuse took place.the bishop took jane doe to trinidad for psychiatric evaluation.she escaped in trinidad the bishop found her she escaped a second time she was found and returned to d.a…….lots of questions here where did she escape to in trini who does she know in trini where is she now??? last i heard she is not in d.a (speculation)…..what are the results of the bishops two year investigations why does he need another month to further investigate??? questions questions in need of answers
Are you kidding? This is news and good news. She made a fool of the Bishop, playing tricks on him. A real scandal she created for Fr. Lafleur and the Catholic Church. The Bishop must have given her an exorbitant sum of money. God took note and of all the comments pro and con. The people of Grand Bay had a right to demonstrate.
If she is not in Dominica, where is she? Those who lambaste the priest and the Catholic Church will one day pay for it including the Media who broadcast it, print it and post it. The people of Grand Bay had a right to demonstrate.
You know the saying, one fool makes many fools. The Bishop did not investigate this matter but listened to her. I am a practicing faithful Catholic. If that Bishop is wrong, he will have to leave Dominica. I am bringing that story to Pope Francis I.
I hope she is not in Canada or Toronto for that matter. If per chance I know she is here and is not landed, I will report her to the Canadian Immigration authorities.
19 years is not long, look they prosecuting a case in the UK that happened in 1970, Jimmy Saville is dead and police still investigating, Dominica is too immoral.
Moreihei, the police are foolish as well. They have nothing better to do with their time. They can’t bring him back. Just imagine the gall of them and they allow two men and two women to get married? These people should be imprisoned. You note the hypocrisy of those governments? They do not care that they spoil the children’s minds. They are allowed to adopt children. Is this not a scandal in itself? Shame on them and this is an understatement. Every time I think of this abomination I get angry, allowing people of the same sex to get married. Those governments are sick and unintelligent. This is what people should concern themselves about. God will take care of them in time. Sodom and Gomorrah, fire and brimstones may be around the corner.
Grandbay people please wise up. The energy that you all have to stand up for a priest who may have abused a young girl in the past why do you not put that energy to ghood use. For example rise up and fight for the peadophile that is swamming around DA particularly in Grand Bay. Not once have I witnessed one person fighting for the right of an innocent child, but allyou bursting with energy when it come to a priest. What if it was your child? do you guys know what this young woman is going through, she is not mad to accuse the priest of such a crime, after all we need to stop abuse of all sorts.
Nou tout say mama, apie papa.De piere la pour alle fait rout le.he is a man of God and should know better than to dabble in ill woes.
I am not joking wise up abuse is abuse priest or not I would not want that priest to serve me with communion that communion is not sacred.
d/a ppl have alot of mouth but no action if tht girl was abused y wait 19 yrs lata. she flaw thts y.we dnt like gud for others.the man didnt just enter into priesthood he been there.if tht woman were to fight or start a fight she wud find the courage in her cudnt she do it 5 yrs ago instead of waiting 1 9 yrs later………..there is something more to it she a fraud.
Abuse by a priest is like abuse by a father or brother, no one wants to put the family in bad light.
I tend to believe that she is a fraud and was out to get money out of the Church. She is out to make trouble for Fr. Lafleur and the Catholic Church. As for the Bishop, he will have to answer to God and to the Catholic community. I am disappointed in him. And to see how many people believe her even though they do not know her, do not know her name and have not seen her picture. They lack broadmindedness and intelligence.
I tend to believe that she is a fraud and was out to get money out of the Church. She is out to make trouble for Fr. Lafleur and the Catholic Church. As the saying, “she took him and the Catholic Church for all he got, – money”. The Roseau Cathedral is under repairs and need money to complete the repairs. The bishop has money to give to a liar and fraud.
As for the Bishop he will have to answer to God and to the Catholic community. I am disappointed in him. And to see how many people believe that story without knowing that it is true even though they do not know her, do not know her name, do not know what type of person she is and have not seen her picture. They lack broadmindedness and intelligence.
The Media as DNO that posted this story better come out with an explanation of this. They better search for the woman and post her name and picture for all to see as they posted Fr. Lafleur’s name and picture. Someone or some people are going to pay for this.
You must be one perfect person, eh? Saints are in Heaven; not on this earth. You do not even know if you will make it to Heaven.

This Commess yesterday on the church ground, has done a lot of damage to an already embattled Catholic Church, in Dominica and the world. What is worse is that most of the protesters are not church goers. The weakness of the bishop was totally exposed, when he made the statement that the priest might be back before month end.
Was he afraid of the ‘ignorant protesters’ with their Lapeau Cabwit? CARNIVAL IN JUNE! SO SHAMEFUL! The late Pierro said some Dominicans wear their ignorance as a badge of honour. So True!
Mr bishop investigate this one carefully and act accordingly, based on your/ or the committees findings, and stop the giving in, the trembling. Think of the victim also.
If the world sees, we also see the world when they are demonstrating on every possible issue and some scandalous ones which do not benefit their environment and the world in general. The Grand Bay people should not be ashamed for standing up for their parish priest. I support them.
I am not stating that I would not attend Church on Sunday but the parishioners have a right to stand up for Fr. Reggie Lafleur. After all, consider the time span, 19-21 years this woman has claimed that he sexually abused her. This is questionable.
You must think thoroughly on this one and be fair and just. What you do not realize, some people may not be church-going. As God knows there are many who are weak in spirit. He does not love them any less. Noting the attitude of some church-going Catholics who should know better, “nearer to church, further from God,” there are times they are no worse than practicing Catholics. Actions speak louder than words. This does not mean that they renounced their Catholic faith and will not support it. It is a worldwide situation. They will still defend the Catholic Church and stand up for what is right.
The Catholic Church does not discriminate. s they do good and to their fellowmen, their neighbors, in God’s time He will graft them back into the fold of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church does not discriminate. It helps everyone in need, whether practicing or not. It is not aggressive towards others. If it assists to feed, house and clothe them it will never aggressively force them to return to the Church or others who are not Catholics, to join the Church.
God gave every one a free mind and this is what the Catholic Church also practices. It only advises and leaves the decision up to them for each person is responsible for himself.
We should know that God will never force himself on those whom He created. If He did, there would be no sinner on earth and all would be church-going.
If they came to the Priest and asked for help, he would be too happy to help them. We must respect people in every manner. This is the attitude of our loving God. This is the attitude of our Catholic Church. Why don’t you practice it if you are a practicing Catholic?
Well Justice & Truth; You are saying that even if the Preist did it to her, For her to reaveal it after 19 years makes the Priest right and the lady wrong? Is this how you explain Justice?
Justice & Truth, you change your handle, because it seems you are are bit bias. It sounds like you are a catholic and don’t have daughters.
The time for reporting this crime is irrelevant, because you are ignorant to the pain and suffer some woman have to experience during their life.
Now we need to hear the woman’s evidence and the priest’s response under cross examination.
The catholic priest do not always practice what they preach and there lots of examples today, child molestation, sexual abuse and dare I say it, homsexuality. The church for its part up the way up to the POPe himself have failed us by covering-up, this is why the police need to be involved. The bishop in this case has already made up his mind by declaring that the priest will return to the parish. THIS IS WRONG.
@Justice and Truth. Stop being a moron.I thought you were smarter than that. Do you even think of if there is really a victim?
I also think that the demonstration was a sign of ignorancy and hypocrisy, and agree with the blogger that it has done a lot of harm to the already BAD IMAGE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
“If they came to the Priest and asked for help, he would be too happy to help them. We must respect people in every manner.” Are you serious right now? Have you been listening or reading what’s been going on with the Catholic Priests? A pedophile is a pedophile. I don’t’ care if he’s a priest, pastor, rabbi, etc. It’s obvious that sexual abuse is a big problem in the Catholic Church. This cannot and should not be swept under the carpet. Get a grip please.
Justice & truth, no one is telling ,or asking the people of Grand Bay to protest or not. lf they want to support a rogue priest that is their prerogative. Their belief that their priest can do no wrong makes them special in D/ca. But, any one, regardless of the time, affiliation, gender, or age that makes a complaint about being molested, assaulted, (whatever), should be respected, heard, the complaint investigated, and the accused dealt with appropriately. For some reason, this issue has become Catholics vs the rest of us. But Justice, the fact is, this is one of right vs wrong, and your comments show you are on the wrong side, and as much as you like to condemn, and throw the bible in your defense, common sense shows that you have already lost this battle, and making yourself a pappy-show. lf l were a catholic l would ask you to refrain from making comments especially on this case. You are an embarrassment to Catholics and no-Catholics alike. Look, no one is fighting with the Catholic church here. We are only seeking justice for a citizen with a complaint. As you know, no one stood up for the many children that were raped, sodomized, and God knows what else. The authorities hid, defended, even sent some of these homosexuals to different cities where they continued their evil acts. Only God, and this priest know what other acts were committed, and how long. You or l don’t know what this woman went through for the past years. Yet you want to condemn, and throw your catholic mess at people that are calling for justice. You said that the RC church does not discriminate. Are you sure about that? Sir, history does not lie. Ask the families of the millions of Jews that went to the gas chambers & concentration camps. l can give you the facts Justice, but we will not talk about that now. If you want to bring the word into this issue lets look at the Apostle Paul how he referred to the fear he had that your group might be led astray from the simplicity and devotion to Christ, and how these members might be corrupted with another gospel. Sir, that is how your faith(religion) has become. Blessings to you Justice.
@Justice and Peace. If only you had half a brain, and you were not an educated fool, you would have convinced yourself that 19 years is recent enough compared to the revelations in America and Europe which goes back to 40 or 50 or 60 years Your ignorance is shameful.
You are even more ignorant than some of the Illiterate protesters. And yes I know all of them.98% of them are illiterates like you.
You seem to put the priest before Gid and the rules of the church. Shame in all those who showed total disrespect fir the leader of the church! No respect for God , the church and the Bishop. It was appalling to see the carnival that took place. I guess the Granbarians are proud that they could force their leader to make a decision without thorough investigation in such quick time. They did not care to know the truth. I guess this is the mode of operation in our country. If you like someone the truth does not matter. Let him do whatever wrong he feels like doing. Only time will tell with this attitude that is plaguing our nation. The truth is important and the people should gave allowed the rules of the church to proceed. Shame on you for putting your church and your leader to shame.
“Dominicans where their ignorance as a badge of honour” – the Late Pierre Charles, The Former Prime Minister and MP for Grand Bay.
So you mean to tell me Father Reggie name is all over and that woman’s name is hidden… W Jane Doe show yourself…. We need to know who u really are….
I feel for the poor victim. This bishop is very very weak to give in to this nonsensical protest.
It is common knowledge and practice the world over that in sensitive matters like sexual crimes, the victim is protected. Why do you need to know who the woman is? what good will it do you? After knowing who she is will you then be able to go on and have a good life? Stop being malicious. The identity of the victim must be protected unless/until she herself deems it necessary to come out publicly.
u will hae to go to Possie and see her.
I will go…I want to know her..
Go to PSS
It seems the church has been left to sought this out acting as judge and jury.
This sort of behaviour is illegal, so why is the police dormant in this case. Why should they have to be pressurized into taking action. All the correspondence/evidence should be passed on to the police to deal with.
The priest is in