SIDS DOCK, established in 2015, is an internationally recognized organization under the United Nations (UN) with the authority to address climate change, resilience, and energy security in small islands. Representing 32 small islands and low-lying developing states worldwide, SIDS DOCK acts as a “DOCKing station” to facilitate connections between the energy sector in SIDS and global markets for finance and sustainable energy technologies. The organization’s operations are overseen by the Secretariat in Belmopan, Belize.
During the period from 2012 to 2015, Minister Henderson chaired the SIDS DOCK Steering Committee while holding the position of Permanent Representative of Dominica to the United Nations. Together with a distinguished group of SIDS Permanent Representatives to the UN, they formulated the Statute Establishing the SIDS DOCK, which was made available for signature at the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS3) in Samoa in 2014.
The Right Honorable Dr. Denzil Douglas, who was the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis at the time, was the first leader to sign the Statute on September 1, 2014. Subsequently, 19 other SIDS leaders followed suit, leading to the ratification of the Statute in September 2015.
In attendance at the event were Mr. Gerd Müller, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Honorable Dr. Vince Henderson, The Right Honorable Dr. Denzil Douglas, and Mr. Stein Hansen, Director of Special Operations, Global Partnerships & External Relations at UNIDO.
Please, Dominicans, be very wary of any and ALL UN organizations!!! If you can get more from them than what they want from you, then Fine. The Environmental Science they keep exposing is blatantly FALSE. Check other sources to find where the TRUTH lies. Remember that VP Al Gore claimed that the Caribbean islands would all be underwater in 2025.
Awesome! Hats off, Dr. Henderson. We are proud of your role in establishing that global organization.