Leader of the Opposition and political leader of the United Workers Party, Lennox Linton has weighed in on the incident involving the death of Dominican, Kenny Richie Marty Mitchel who resided in Anguilla.
Gavin Hapgood, a US citizen, was granted bail after being charged with the manslaughter of Mitchel. Anguillian police initially reported that bail had been denied. However, that decision was changed and Hapgood was seen leaving Anguilla shortly afterwards.
“This situation is troubling…..Of course, all lives matter…Dominican lives matter. This young man was working overseas like many other young Dominicans. He has been in Anguilla for sometime and it is troubling that he’s found dead at the hotel where he works,” Linton said during a radio interview.
“This man who is accused of the death of the Dominican, an American national, is seen in separate videos walking with police officers and walking to the plane to fly out of Anguilla not looking as though he suffered any injury at all or he was attacked in anyway. He seems pretty normal and the Dominican man is dead. He has his family, he has his friends. Everybody is interested seeing justice done and obviously concerned that the US national is allowed to walk out of Anguilla.”
In response to concerns about the granting of bail to Hapgood, Anguillian Police Commissioner, Paul Morrison stated a Facebook post, “The Courts deal with bail and there is a presumption in favour of a grant of bail. At all times, until convicted, there is the presumption of innocence.”
Linton is of the view that Dominican authorities should have information from Anguilla on that matter.
“What is really going on regarding the process of justice and closure for the family, friends, well wishers and just ordinary citizens who are observing this and are really concerned about it?” he asked.
“I would think at this point in time the authorities in Dominica should have or could have some information from the authorities in Anguilla as to why this incident has proceeded the way it has proceeded where it appears that the life of Kenny Mitchel, young Dominican in Anguilla doesn’t seem to matter as much as the life of the person from the United States accused of his death,” he lamented.
Linton described the situation as tragic and extended his condolences to the family and friends of Kenny Mitchel.
Slightly different take than whats on the boards. Truth will come out, and I believe he will return to Anguilla (there is an extradition treaty in place, do a little research).
Racial hatred should be intolerable for anyone, reading some of the comments here is sickening.
For inexplicable reasons, Americans seem to get special treatment when they commit crimes abroad. Look at the case with the young lady the called Foxy Noxie, she was let out of jail and allowed to go back to the US. One of the smaller island held court on a Sunday so that a US citizen can leave the country the same day. Maybe they are afraid that the US will cut off the pittance they send these islands. Also, these islands are afraid that the US tourists will stop coming. My sympathy goes out to the family. I hope they get justice.
I feel bad for both families I hope that his family get the truth of what really happened his not there to defend himself.
The families of the perpetrator will be fine, as we all know that the perpetrator will not be coming back to stand trial on the island. If this had taken place in Dominica, I would be hearing so many critics against the police dept. and the govt.
My condolences to the families or the victim
I heard the news on CBS 2 and it stated that the accuser said he acted in self defense, he was protecting himself and family from someone demanding money.
It is my understanding, that Francine Baron, and Roosevelt Skerrit has established more diplomatic relationship with every nation on the planet, I wonder if they have diplomatic relationship with Anguilla too?
If they do I would like to hear the Dominica ambassador to Anguilla opinions on the murder of one of our citizens in Anguilla and what actions shall the illustrious double doctor Punjab/Duquesne is going to take against Anguilla government for letting a murder walk free after murdering a Dominican.
Let me draw to the attention of Dominicans, by reminding the nation, that a thug came to Dominica from Jamaica, broke our immigration laws; he was deported, he sued Roosevelt government in Jamaica, and succeeded in exploiting many millions of dollars from Dominica treasury.
Roosevelt paid the ransom, claiming because of CARICOM laws he is powerless, and must pay the ransom!
Roosevelt since you have diplomatic relationship with U.S, are you going to demand the murderers extradition…
What powers does the Dominican Leader has over a crime that took place in Anguilla, and where did you ever hear that there were any diplomatic ties between any Caricom island to another, all the people of the islands travel freely
BEB boy, I hear me cousin Josie is; (was a teacher) when I saw you walking pass me going up Hunt Road to her house.
I don’t know while you were messing with her you did not ask her to teach you to recognize sarcasms!
Don’t you think dumb as I am, I do not know that there are no documented diplomatic relationship between those islands, of which they are all the same; none have anything to offer except talk, of which Dominicans talks the loudest resulting in nothing!
Β Seriously, as you said that guy will not return to Anguilla; so the question is who got paid to allow him to leave the island?
They are all corrupt, from the Premiere, or Chief Minister, to the Chief of Police, the AG of Anguilla, they are all warped up in a conspiracy, accepting monetary bribes to let the murderer go free!Β
Killed on his job his employer is responsible; and should be taken to the cleaners in a law suit.
The ‘thug’ is free to enter Dominica based on CARICOM’s free movement of artists and other professionals. I have been treated wonderfully by the Jamaican government based on this treaty, as have many other Dominicans. So it was appalling when our government did not respect the treaty. He did not sue for enough. He right to sue. I don’t like his music and you have your right to call him thug. And he had a right to be let into Dominica.
Let me inform you that a treaty does not give one the right to enter a country, and break the immigration law’s or any other law!
No one is above the law of any country; in a case of a treaty which grantees freedom of movement, and employment does not say the visitor, or residence of that country have more power over the government, and immigration services.
Let me tell you something, I am born in Wesley, I became an America Citizen, if I go Dominica and do anything against the law, that damn Dr. Punjab/Duquesne and the immigration can have me deported from the country of my birth; never mind a damn Jamaican!
They do that many times in Barbados; they go around looking for trouble, and as soon as the law intervene, they go home and sue government!
I know of two instances where Barbados government was sued by Jamaica women involved in drugs and prostitution!Β Because a man skin is tattooed, and singsΒ gives him no authority over our government!Β
I think that there is no fairness in this situation. If any bail was granted. His travel document should be held by the police. So one can clearly it’s a dead case. I hope justice is done. And I do hope the family gets a lawyer. I hope the police take all information as possible to locate this man in the US.
The Caribbean justice system and it’s leadership is bankrupt.Corruption reign supreme.
It’s going to happen again , next time i would hope not on Mr Linton’s watch . Much may not come out of it , there is no way this Dude will be tried , but certain forms of compensation he will have to make , if pushed into doing . Eh,eh , is this not the USA’ backyard NON ? .
I pray for this young man family that God will comfort them, because this is terrible.I pray that some of the lawyers from Dominica who resides overseas would help bring justice to this young man & his family. No one is above the law, and what lead to his death in this way need to be known. It doesn’t matter how much money this other person have, he must return to Anguilla to face these charges. He have a name, and there must be an address for him in the States, you can get any information on him through the internet. His job, needs to be notified of what he did, the police department in whatever community he lives needs to be notified, to let them know of the charges against him. So it don’t have to be forgotten & let him think that he got away with it. So I would ask that those in Dominica and also the Dominican Consulate in the USA begin to think on how they are going to bring justice for this young man death, even if the govt in Anguilla don’t go forward, lets go forward for…
I am not supprised Lennox Linton, has jump on the bandwagon for using a man death as to gain political points. Someone must have whispered in his ear this is a chance to make some political points. Linton you don’t care two screws about any Dominicans but yourself and family, Linton you are a scorpion with eight legs every thing you do and say there is a venomous sting in your tail you are not to be trusted on any grounds this is why you Linton will never be our prime minister for Dominica π©π² because you are an absolute useless person cannot even renew a light bulb..
@Man Bites Dog. What is wrong with any things that Mr. Linton said. He is the leader of the opposition party and have to right to speak on the matter. I see nothing political about what he said. Iβm not Dominican but like many other Caribbean citizens Iβm deeply disturbed and trouble by the young man death at the hands of a White American citizen who was allowed to leave Anguilla. I do not really want to make any further comment on this matter, because it angers me so much. Man Bites Dog, you must stop being a political yard fowl and be more objective. There might be times when Mr. Linton need some pen blows but your attack this time was uncalled for. What I would say to you as some one who understands politics very well is; itβs a very dangerous thing for any small Island State to keep any POLITICAL PARY for more than two or three consecutive terms. I donβt care how good some people might think they are performing. POWER CORRUPTS the best of man kind. After three terms all of them dic
@Yogi Ni, You don’t tell me what I should and should not say it’s none of your dam business. You are not Dominican as you said. Well I am Dominican to the maximum look at all the insults Lennox Linton, and his supporters has given Mr Skerrit, and his supporters nobody has come out and say anything. Iam a tax payer and a voter i have a right to say no ratbags no so-called Workers clowns will never again be prime minister of DOMINICA green green grass.
Man you really biting dog.
That’s pure hatred! OMG!!!
Keep drinking your red koolaid
It seems like the PM have you like a puppet on a string. When he says jump you say how high

“I am not supprised Lennox Linton, has jump on the bandwagon for using a man death as to gain political points.”
Dog note: “surprised.”
It is a pity one cannot refer to you by a name: In any event you need to stop making yourself an idiot; it is no longer funny!
Some idiot claim that I am obsessed with Roosevelt, and suggest I am sleeping in Roosevelt bed.
Sorry to disappoint the fool since I am not homosexual nor do I have any homosexual tendencies!
Β Your obsession with Lennox simply makes you appear stupid.
Indeed bail is usually granted to murders, even in Dominica; however, in this caseΒ the clowns in Anguilla, including Astaphan should have seen to it that his passport was surrendered; hence heΒ could not leave the island.
It is pitiful that he murdered someone, Dominican or not and is allowed to walk free without a trial!
The question is how much corruption is involved, how many in the Anguilla got paid to let him flee the country?
Lennox braying like a donkey is common for you, but jumping on the bandwagon to politicize this youngster death is detestable. How can anyone in their senses blame the authorities in Dominica. Again, my % if you werenβt a high school dropout you would definitely understand the meaning of Sovereignty. The UN has address that. Again, be silent and maybe give the grieving family their privacy. Donβt talk on their behalf. Go about your business begging for money to live the lifestyle of the Rich and infamous.
@man bites dog..I am not a UWP supporter but I give Mr. Linton credit for speaking out. What did he say that was wrong? Some one has to speak on this young man’s behalf. If no one in the Government will do it, then he should. This us absolutely rediculous. Linton said absolutely nothing wrong and I commend him for at least saying something. Remove the political blindfolds for once.
Once you publish something in this medium, it is no longer your business because you made your opinion on a very public domain. So if you would like to keep it a secret, then stay away from this forum and maybe you should go back to China…β¦..
what kind of name is DAT. Man bites Dogs…β¦..
Only three people who know what happened. the accuser said is self defense and dead man can’t talk but God knows what happened.
And so does karma, and karma is not lenient on anybody.
Karma needs to visit Mr Hapgood house soon.
@ Mine. Logic, some basic common sense and forensic science can solve this case quite easily. From reading the early reports on this matter it seems as though it was verified that the accused killer requested that this particular guy come up to his room. If he asked that this guy be sent up to his room. Why would the guy go up to his room to try to rob him and his family?
Ah gone.
Justice needs to be done… How is that this American man can kill Caribbean people on Caribbean soil and fly to America to escape charges?
If anyone from the Caribbean so much as mention murder…JAIL.
International double standards should not be tolerated!!
god is the only leader
Troubling as it may seem, with all condolences to the family and friends, that law has so many technicalities as disclosed by the authorities, the granted bail may very well not prevent justice. So let’s not drop a hat on them yet.
Responsible, caring and loving leadership..This is why i admire this patriotic son of the soil (honourable Linton) so much!!!
Everyone matters to him! Skerrit only knows you at election time .Otherwise you are meaningless, worthless to him .
What an embarrassment we have passing as a PM..Well done honourable Linton!!!
Skerrit Must Go
Skerrit Must Go
LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now
Get a life, typical of a snake π oilers. What does the con artist, honorable do for a living. As a deportee of a commonwealth country you have no credibility. What have you done towards the recovery of the island? DOM will never never let your mouth π full them%.!
Once again Hon. Lennox Linton shows concern and leadership in everything that has to do with Dominica and Dominicans. Up to this day I have heard nothing from the Skerrit and / or any minister of his government. But yes Hon. Linton the murder of Kenny Richie Marty Mitchel, is very troubling especially with word that Gavin Hapgood was charged but somehow was granted bail which allowed him to go back to the US, where he resides. But who knows where Gavin Hapgood may be now because we must remember that though he resides in the US he is originally from South Africa. I pray for the family and friends of Marty and do hope justice prevails. Thanks again Hon. Linton for leading in things pertaining to Dominica and our people.
ADMIN: Please note that Gavin Hapgood is reported to be from the USA, he was originally confused with another man named Gavin Hapgood-Strickland who is from South Africa.
Reading the story a few days ago I was shocked that this man being guilty or not was granted bail and allowed to leave the island .It is true that the usa and Britain do have extradition arangements but this man should not be allowed to walk away . Then reading a story that in Dominica one man was granted bail of $30,000 .00 after shooting someone with a gun in a country where there appears to be a shooting every month all by illegal fire arms points to the fact that there is something wrong with the court system in the islands
Power House boy; I do not believe the United States have any extradition arrangement with any of the islands in the Caribbean.
I do not believe the islands of the Caribbean have any extradition agreement between themselves. A murderer beat one of me nieces to the brink of death; she went to the hospital at least three times complaining about the injuries she sustained to her head.
Each time she went to the Dominica butcher shop they sent her home, without any form of treatment; finally she succumb to the injuries by bleeding internally to death.
The murderer escaped to St. Lucia; Dominica government and police did not even investigate the case never mind bringing him back to stand trial for manslaughter!
The quacks at the PMH did not even think of admitting her overnight for observation.
That is called malpractice, where government and doctors should be sued!
Someone got paid to allow the murderer to leave Anguilla!Β
Why don’t you do a little homework before running that mouth! “Power House boy; I do not believe the United States have any extradition arrangement with any of the islands in the Caribbean.”
There is in fact an extradition treaty between Anguilla and the US. If he fails to return to the Island as required, he will in fact be arrested via warrant….
Hate is blinding my man, and ugly…