AID Bank gives to cricket

President of the DCA, Emanuel Nanthan receives the donation
President of the DCA, Emanuel Nanthan receives the donation

The Dominica Agricultural Industrial and Development Bank (AID) has made a special donation to the Dominica Cricket Association (DCA) toward the hosting of two Twenty/20 matches carded for this weekend.

At an AID Bank’s press conference on Tuesday morning, the DCA was presented with a cheque of EC $3,396.13.

Emmanuel Nantan, President of the DCA, remarked that he was grateful for the donation.

“The idea is to really bring more cricket to Dominica and also to demonstrate that Dominica is the perfect place for hosting cricket and cricket activities,” he said.

He added that by bringing in these matches Dominica is demonstrating to the rest of the Caribbean that Dominica is ideal to host any cricket match and is also ideally suited to host CPL franchise cricket.

“To do so, we need a collision of partners and we are very pleased that the AID Bank has come on board with us. There are a number of other partners as well and we are very pleased and grateful to the AID Bank for rallying with DCA,” Nanthan stated.

A $10,000 donation was also made to the Discover Dominica Authority on behalf of 2013 Carnival queen Leslassa Armour-Shillingford as she represents Dominica in the 2013 Miss World Pageant.

Dominica Council on Ageing also receive a cheque of $1,500 from the bank.

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  1. September 5, 2013

    Is not necessary to post small amount of donation on DNO special from a bank .

  2. TED Lewis ( Posie)
    September 4, 2013

    Hey Mano,
    I must commend your effort when it comes to development of cricket in Dominica. i know from time ago you are very passionate about sports as a whole. i do remember the days when we played soccer together for Santos. However i have a few question about this current event and the focus of sports in Dominica.

    1) did Trinidad requested the two practice matches or the Dominica cricket association invited Trinidad?
    2) will the Trinidad team be paid by the Dominica cricket association and if so how much?
    3) will the matches be televised throughout the region and if so at what cost and who’s responsibility?
    4)what is the estimated cost for this event.

    5) will this event generate a net surplus that will benefit the Dominica cricket association.

    6) Don’t you think that the funds from these sponsors should be used to develop our local talent and sporting infrastructure around the island.

    7) what criteria was used to determined who gets a CPL team.

    8) Why was Dominica not considered( stand to be corrected) for a CPL team.

    9) Will the government be subsidizing the entrance fee ( as they usually do) to ensure that the ground is at capacity so as to achieved your goal.

    10) when was the last time we won the windward island championship?

    11) While we at it the new principal of the Roosevelt Douglas Primary school Mr.Teddy Wallace the brother of the former principal in his opening remarks said this morning that he will not have classes under the current condition of the school.
    No toilet paper, school leaking, improper furniture, etc . So Mr.Nathan this is just an area where these scarce resources that u going to waste in these meaningless matches ,could go to better use.

    i say meaningless because the region have already known that we in Dominica are passionate about cricket. we have supported the test matches held in Dominica at a time where people don’t even watch test match cricket.

    In a time where resources are scarce we must ensure that each and every dollar must be allocated with the minimum opportunity cost. We must learn to priorities our spending by making the best possible choice .

    We need a tens of Shane Shillingford in Dominica. to achieve this we must develop our cricket from the grass root come up . Have academies in every constituency , proper training facilities, send coaches to be qualified , physio therapist ,and etc .

    Best of luck Mano. hope the people turnout for these games.

  3. Mamize
    September 4, 2013

    All of a sudden AID bank have money, I smell one big RAT.

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