Southern sports district holds ball-o-rama, prize giving ceremony

Justina Charles presenting winning trophy to Canefield Strikers

Five rounders teams and five cricket teams participated in the Southern District opening rounders and Lambert Henderson National Lottery cricket ball-o-rama  on Sunday

This made the opening of the leagues and the prize giving of the Justina Charles 2011 Football League a grand occasion.

Parliamentary Representative for Grand Bay and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Justina Charles, who addressed the occasion, complimented the participants for getting involved and stressed the importance of discipline particularly in sports and the importance of using sports to combat the increase in non communicable diseases namely Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.

She also complimented the Grand Bay Sports Committee for its new initiative in attempting to upkeep and upgrade the Geneva Playing Facility and the Southern District Sports Committee for organizing sporting activities aimed at developing the communities.

Awards for the football were as follows:  Most Goals (8): Tefton Pacquette – Canefield, Most outstanding Goal Keeper – Ike Williams, Bafondpoint, Most Outstanding Defender – Roland Carbon, Canefield. Most Outstanding Midfielder – Kevin Toussaint – Underground Stars, Most Outstanding Striker – Derrickson Fontain – Bafondpoint.
Runner Up Team:  Bafondpoint United.  Champion:  Canefield Strikers.

2012 Ball-o-Rama Champions Geneva Housing Strikers

Special Awards donated by Hon. Justina Charles to the Grand Bay Team:

Most Valuable Player:  Kevin Toussaint.  Most Disciplined Player: Denver Dennis.

Bafondpoint United, Lime Unpredictable, Wine Store Dubique Strikers, ACS South Defenders and New India Rising Stars played Rounders, with Wine Store Dubique Strikers emerging Champions over ACS South Defenders in the finals.  South Defenders Scored 140 for 6 in 20 overs while Wine Store Dubique Strikers scored 141 for 4 in 10 overs.

In cricket, Hagley Sports United, Bafondpoint United, DSN Pharmacy, Geneva Housing Strikers and D Supply Pichelin played with Bafondpoint United and Geneva Housing Strikers meeting in the finals. Bafondpoint scored 59 for 6 in their allotted 8 overs while Geneva Housing Strikers replied with 60 for 4 to become the 2012 Ball o rama champions.

Ball o Rama Champions Wine Store Dubique Strikers

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  1. Sout Man
    March 6, 2012

    Positive move, South City passie!! Bwavo Dubique!!
    Is it a coincidence that all the ‘Strikers’ won?
    Football champs – Canefield Strikers
    Cricket ballorama champs – Geneva Housing Strikers
    Rounders ballorama champs – Dubique Strikers
    Congratulations to all!!

    March 6, 2012

    congrats to all the hard working teams

  3. a volunteer
    March 6, 2012

    People from the South in Dominica and oversea, check the facebook page: south sport. and you can make a contribution in words and kind to help develop the district and the young people. That would be a great help for all

  4. NO NAME
    March 5, 2012

    That was proper. Well organized, no problem. Everybody happy. We will work in our village teams and participate in the district and win. Lets go Bafondpoint United. We were ++++++ in rounders and cricket and football too………..We just have to make our committee stronger in words and action

    • in dat
      March 6, 2012

      Bafondpoint Sports Club all the way

  5. Yes sa
    March 5, 2012

    Congrats to Aika and Derickson for their good works on the BAFONDPOINTE football team, keep up the good works. I would like to congratulate the newly BAFONDPOINTE rounders team for participating in the league there is room for improvement but u guys did very well in the Ball O Rama.

  6. Mr Faithful
    March 5, 2012

    That sounds and looks great. Wish I was at Geneva. That is a great effort by the District Sports Committee. The people to the communities from Bellevue to Petite Savanne should really give their support to that committee. They seem to be trying their best. GIVE THEM YOUR SUPPORT

  7. watt la
    March 5, 2012

    Unquestionably,this event indicates an intent to elivate our culture particularly in sports at a higher plateau.I am expressing my deep appreciation to all who contributed to this activity, the organizers, our sponsors and the fans.In contrast to Windsor Park,our sports facility is more authentic with the moderate breeze, comming from the ocean and the lovely landscape can be very incentivizing for social activities.Upgraiding or enhancement is imparative because this location will undoubtedly,be the principal cite for a national sports clinic in the near future.

  8. dominican
    March 5, 2012

    for this good sports spirit to continue we need more playing fields in the combined constituencies of grand bay and petite savanne. bagatell needs to be rehabilitated and center too.

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