Stories by Children Volume 3 – featured author

This week, we showcase Nasir Eloi, an author featured in “Stories by Children Volume 3.” Nasir, a student at Northmont High School in Ohio, recently spoke with Mrs. Nicole Toussaint Jno Baptiste, the Public Relations Officer of the Stories by Children Committee.

During their conversation, Nasir revealed his love for playing cards and chess with his family, emphasizing the strong bonds he shares with them. Additionally, Nasir expressed his deep passion for soccer and dreams of pursuing a career as a professional soccer player. He expressed his appreciation for being included in the FCFC Stories by Children Volume 3 book compilation, hoping that this opportunity will lead to new possibilities for him. Nasir believes that reading and writing are enjoyable and beneficial activities that all children should engage in.

Stay tuned as we continue to introduce you to the bright stars behind the pages of “Stories by Children Volume 3 – Mission Mango: A Collection of Short Stories and Prose.”

To stay updated and support these budding writers, follow Stories by Children on social media platforms and visit their website:

Instagram: fcfcstoriesbychildren
Facebook: FCFC Stories by Children
Stories by Children Volume One – Family, and Volume Two When I grow up, can be purchased from Jays Bookstore and online at

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