Sunrise Airways discloses Dominica as focus of Eastern Caribbean route

Sunrise Airways’ first flight to Dominica

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sunrise Airways, Philippe Bayard has announced that Dominica will be one the key focused islands in its Eastern Caribbean operations. Sunrise Airways made its inaugural flight to Dominica on Monday, landing at the Douglas Charles Airport in Marigot at about 9:30 a.m.

Tourism Minister, Denise Charles-Pemberton, along with members of cabinet, among others, were all present to witness this milestone for Dominica.

“We are thrilled to inaugurate scheduled services out of Dominica at the time when the country’s tourism and business prospects are on the rise,” Bayard said while addressing the inaugural ceremony. “Whether visitors are here for whale watching, hiking in the rain forests, or business, Sunrise Airways is excited to help discover and appreciate all that the beautiful island has to offer.”

Philippe Bayard

He continued, “Dominica will be the key focused island on our Eastern Caribbean operations connecting not only Dominica, but also Antigua & Barbuda, St Kitts & Nevis, and St Lucia.”

Bayard said since the founding of Sunrise Airways in 2012, the journey has been one of learning and growth. He said the inaugural flight to Dominica marked “an important milestone in making the ‘one Caribbean’ dream a reality.”

Bayard stressed the airline’s commitment to being a worthy partner to Dominica and the other states of the community as they work together to deliver service that, “we will be all proud of.”

He thanked everyone who has contributed to making this possible.

“Your dedication has been a great source of inspiration to all of us,” said the CEO.

Tourism Minister, Denise Charles-Pemberton asserted that in recent years Dominica has seen growth in its visitor numbers.

Denise Charles-Pemberton delivering remarks

“For the period of January to April this year, compared to last year, we have an 18 percent increase in stayover visitors,” she revealed. “We are hoping that fostering new relationships like ours with Sunrise will allow us to meet our annual target.”

She said the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) administration has made and will continue to make the necessary investments to increase air service to Dominica, focusing on non-stop and same-day flights.

Charles-Pemberton said she looks forward to the day when the country can transition to the international airport and offer more services and amenities, “to our partners and guests in Dominica.”

“Work is progressing so nicely that we are hoping to have our new airport opened in the first quarter of 2027,” the Minister stated.

CEO of the Dominica Air and Seaport Authority (DASPA), Benoit Bardouille encouraged Dominicans living abroad, especially in the countries where Sunrise Airways will be offering its services, to take advantage of its US$99 one-way airfares.

Benoit Bardouille

“We want to thank Mr. Bayard and his team for offering US$99 one-way to Dominica,” he said. “Because we want not only for the tourists to take advantage of that, but we do have a lot of Dominicans living overseas and in particular Antigua and we want them to take advantage and come to see some of the things that they have missed for a while.”

Bardouille is concerned that a lack of connectivity between the islands has negatively affected intraregional travel for sometime and he anticipates “greater things on the horizon” with the advent of Sunrise Airways.

Meanwhile, Former CEO/Director of Tourism Colin Piper said that Dominica is happy to be part of this new venture to increase air access into Dominica.

“Air access is critical and so, we are happy to be a part of this new venture to increase air access into the destination,” he stated. “Sunrise Airways  is coming into the region specifically to look at how they can improve intra-regional travel.”

He continued, “We hope to partner with the hoteliers and all of the stake-holders so that they can take advantage .”


Ribbon cutting
Sunrise Airways Inaugural ceremony

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  1. rambo
    May 30, 2024

    what we also need is interconnection with aa, virgin , British and all major airlines that lands in Antigua, Barbados and puerto rico , so there would be no need to pass through customs then have to recheck in again at airline counter to head to Dominica
    this would ease the head ace of travelling indirect

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  2. Country Bookie
    May 30, 2024

    Appreciate the increased connectivity between the islands. Thank you for taking a chance on Dominica

  3. Concerned
    May 30, 2024

    This is a plea to Sunrise Airlines. Please consider the USVI as one of your destinations. It has become too difficult to travel from the United States Virgin Islands to Dominica.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  4. dissident
    May 29, 2024

    Does this help promote night landing?

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