Microsoft and HP host IT seminar

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Thursday, March 8th Inova Solutions organizes a FREE Seminar in cooperation with their valued partners; Microsoft and HP. This Seminar will highlight important topics about how to optimize your IT environment to realize huge cost savings.

Inova Solutions organizes this Seminar, because they acknowledge the importance of sharing information with their clients in the Caribbean. Therefore, Inova welcomes everyone who is interested in the presentation about Optimization of your IT environment and new IT technologies. It will be an instructive morning program with multiple guest speakers and interesting topics.

After the opening, topics like advantages of various Microsoft Business Applications, Virtualization and Optimization will be highlighted. HP’s Sales Specialist from Miami USA will inform the guests about Storage & Servers Solutions.

The Seminar will take place on Thursday, March 8th at 8am until 12pm in Roseau at “La Flamboyant Hotel”. Inova Solutions does not charge an entrance fee, but because of the expected attendance at the Seminar, they kindly request to register via [email protected].

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